Oh damn, the 2nd one is the only one worth going for, for me anyways.
Late into the second chapter. Hit detection seems off, too.Valkyr Junkie said:The first 3 hours suck. How far are you?
RPGCrazied said:Oh damn, the 2nd one is the only one worth going for, for me anyways.
12Scarecrow said:How many chapters are in this one? I just got done with chapter 2
Henchmen21 said:So anyone else want to speculate on what the dlc will hold?
Here's hoping there are some new enemies as well as new movies to buy cause I'm sitting on 170k of xp that I'd like to use up.
I don't know why people keep assuming that. She's probably AI controlled just like Zobek was.Foffy said:Reverie seems to have a co-op elementwith Laura, and happens to involve a time machine and the Vampire Castle, so maybe you fight the Bernhards.
Resurrection is currently a big blank, though the title may hint at what it offers..
Nemesis556 said:This is hilarious.
I just found a way to beatwithin less than six minutes on Paladin AND complete the trial!Satan
That being said, surely this method has been discovered. >_> It involves Shadow Magic.
dark10x said:Still haven't finished this.
I was so hyped for this game, but the technical problems just keep pushing me away. Every time I sit down to play, I inevitably run into an area with a really low framerate and just turn it off in disgust. What a waste.
This game needs a PC version!
How is the second half of the game? I've played basically halfway through (according to the map book). Is it good enough to push on? I mean, it is pretty fun, but the lousy performance that crops up is a real downer. I've noticed that some stages run much smoother than others, so there is hope that it will improve if things stay indoors.
dankir said:Same here, I just spammed the Ultimate light and shadow attacks as soon as he changed colors. The Ultimate Shadow does 500 damage on all difficulties against him. I didn't even try to be tactical lol.
I beat the trail and on paladin in one shot![]()
Nemesis556 said:Ultimate Light and Shadow both make Paladin ridiculously easy too. >_>
Games aren't perfect? Come on, man, I know what you're getting at but Castlevania is way way way WAY below the standard in that regard. It's REALLY bad. It has serious performance problems that detract from the game in a way that I have not experienced in years. It's much worse than the average game out there, I'm afraid.CitizenCope said:The game has some slow down. Games aren't perfect.
Overall the game was enjoyable with some memorable parts. For a third party game this is a beaut.
brandonh83 said:I like the girl with the staff, name please
brandonh83 said:I like the girl with the staff, name please
brandonh83 said:Ohhh neat. I guess then if the artwork is related to the DLC we'll learn more about them or whatever.
dark10x said:Still haven't finished this.
I was so hyped for this game, but the technical problems just keep pushing me away. Every time I sit down to play, I inevitably run into an area with a really low framerate and just turn it off in disgust. What a waste.
This game needs a PC version!
How is the second half of the game? I've played basically halfway through (according to the map book). Is it good enough to push on? I mean, it is pretty fun, but the lousy performance that crops up is a real downer. I've noticed that some stages run much smoother than others, so there is hope that it will improve if things stay indoors.
Spiegel said:@CastlevaniaLOS David Cox
We have posted the "Reverie" art and renders here - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Castlevania-Lords-of-Shadow/220827690696
brandonh83 said:I'm ridiculously excited for these DLC's. I'm actually getting LOS in the mail tomorrow, I got rid of the LE and got some store credit somewhere because I hated the packaging and felt ripped off by it. So it's been a couple of months since I've played the game.
My PS3 died and I feared that I lost my 100% save with all the trials completed and everything, but luckily I remembered that I actually copied the save to a memory stick and got it copied onto my new PS3. Talk about an overwhelming rush of relief :lol
Grisby said:Ha, my PS3 died as well a while ago and I freaked out because of this game. Course, I too remembered about my backup save on my usb stick.
Gonna pick up a new system this weekend in prep for LBP 2 and I'm probably going to put this game back in. I love booting up the third....fourth (?) area with Pan and the forest. So good and I love the music there.
kadab said:first we get a bunch of dlc i think
robertsan21 said:really?
anyone know what kind of DLC we are getting?
thetrin said:![]()
God damn. That is SO close to being perfect as iPhone 4 wallpaper.
brandonh83 said:Check out the very top of the OP![]()
brandonh83 said:Is the only issue the size? I can crop it for you if you like. I'm cropping an avatar right now anyway.
thetrin said:Yeah, thanks. I know how to crop images.![]()
Tokubetsu said:What's iphone 4 wallpaper size?
brandonh83 said:After I made that post I thought damn he probably knows how to crop images :lol
thetrin said:Yeah, thanks. I know how to crop images.
It's too small for iPhone 4 wallpaper. That's the issue.
iPhone 4 native resolution is 640x960.
I DID find higher res versions and make them into iPhone 4 wallpaper if anyone is interested.
Tokubetsu said:I just made one for you ='(