Scuba Steve
Segata Sanshiro said:It's been done., albeit incredibly poorly.
That was SO bad
Segata Sanshiro said:It's been done., albeit incredibly poorly.
brandonh83 said:I'm just talking about that particular style. I'm aware that there are other 3D action games that play fine and play nothing like GOW, but when it comes down to it, GOW's style is perfectly suited for Castlevania.
The actual mechanics of the game are pretty good. Like Lament, though, the level design is shit, and it brings down the whole game hard.Himuro said:Heck, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time did that shit before God of War, average combat aside.
And Segata, thanks for making me lose my dinner. That game looks like shit.
Despera said:Agreed.
brandonh83 said:So what other games that play like a 3D Castlevania or God of War did it great before GOW came out? Serious question.
I was wrong to put it so vaguely, my bad. But there's really no need to be an ass about it.
PepsimanVsJoe said:The appeal of CoD for me was finding all of the neat stuff and the solid combat. I pretty much gave up on Igavania's having good level design during the GBA releases.
Ranger X said:God of War style for me is the "modern beat 'em up" genre and it's been started by Devil May Cry and Ninja Gaiden before it.
This new Casltlevania is another of those beat 'em up but seems to be a little more than fighting. A nice twist.
A boring hallway lasts three seconds in 2D, but lasts three minutes in 3D.brandonh83 said:It's weird, something I haven't been able to put my finger on is... I find that the PS2 and maybe to a lesser extent the Metroidvanias are both guilty of the copy/paste level design, yet I absolutely do not mind it or notice it that much at all on the handheld games. I caught myself once or twice while playing, I think it was Portrait of Ruin, thinking wow this level design is just as repetitive as the PS2 games, but then just went back to playing comfortably. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the 2D vs 3D style or that there may be a bit less of it in the Metroidvanias, but when I tried to play Lament a few days ago, I just got so incredibly bored of the copied level design from room to room.
Segata Sanshiro said:A boring hallway lasts three seconds in 2D, but lasts three minutes in 3D.
Again, I think it's fine to compare the combat to God of War because it is very comparable but I find myself disagreeing with those who label it a God of War clone and just pass that off as a negative because there is more to this game than just the combat, and GOW has excellent combat (IMO). Not sure what all the fuss is about.
Segata Sanshiro said:A boring hallway lasts three seconds in 2D, but lasts three minutes in 3D.
Segata Sanshiro said:A boring hallway lasts three seconds in 2D, but lasts three minutes in 3D.
Vrakanox said:New video contains spoilers like how to solve some of the puzzles and stuff.
PepsimanVsJoe said:Psh the long hallways give me a better excuse to listen to the glorious music.
CcrooK said:Ah, I see. You really should give them a try again. Lots of old school fun.
brandonh83 said:Just finished the video. I'd say there is minor spoiler material but I still don't feel that it gave much away. It's by far the best marketing video they've made and will surely sway the unconvinced in the proper direction.
The fucking music at the end though, my god
Ridley327 said:Incidentally, the pre-order bonus for the game at Best Buy is a redeemable code for SotN on either PSN or XBLA. Go figure. :lol :lol :lol
Damn, that's awesome. You should add that to the OP.brandonh83 said:Now that is a pre-order bonus.
To Far Away Times said:Damn, that's awesome. You should add that to the OP.
Would be down for that but I already have SOTN.Ridley327 said:Incidentally, the pre-order bonus for the game at Best Buy is a redeemable code for SotN on either PSN or XBLA. Go figure. :lol :lol :lol
Teknoman said:I miss Rygar, PS2 game was actually pretty decent with a nice soundtrack.
CaptYamato said:Would be down for that but I already have SOTN.
Teknoman said:Isnt the NA demo coming out this week? I mean...the game comes out next week, let us have it already.
CaptYamato said:Would be down for that but I already have SOTN.
thetrin said:What's the music in the new trailer? It's pretty brilliant.
I assume it's an old Castlevania song, but I don't know which one it is.
brandonh83 said:At the beginning is Super Castlevania IV music. Then later it plays original music from the game.
Teknoman said:No, think birds. Trying to be as vague as possible...but if you dont care about enemy spoilers that hopefully turn into boss's Slogra, bird skeleton humanoid guy, stuck on a wall
Would be nice if his usual partner popped up.
thetrin said:Oh yeah, I meant what particular Super Castlevania IV song was it?
Simo said:Just checking out the Jason Isaacs gameplay trailer now...ZOMG! Definitely needs to go in the OP, if it isn't already.![]()
brandonh83 said:Tomorrow probably along with hopefully some new screenshots and reviews.
Simo said:With that video you could just wipe the OP and link that. :lol Sheesh video still not done yet.
brandonh83 said:Actually, tomorrow when I add some things I'm also going to be taking some things away, but nothing no one will miss. I don't want to keep adding stuff and making it bigger and bigger so I'll just have to consolidate. It'll be better though, more informative.
Simo said:OP is great!
I was just saying this new trailer is pretty informative and gives a good overview of all the mechanics in the game. Hype increased +100. I might wait up to see if the demo does get posted on XBL in a few hours. :lol
brandonh83 said:Doesn't XBL update on Wednesdays? I think PSN gets it Tuesday, XBL on Wed. but I could be wrong.
Curse of Darkness has, in my opinion, the best soundtrack of the series. It's a real pity the game it's stuck with.brandonh83 said:Lament had a soundtrack that... I'm convinced that Jesus used voodoo on it.
Lots of reviews in already. Scores ranging from 80% all the way up to 95%, with the bulk of them hanging closer to 9 than 8.Zomba13 said:So yeah... I played the demo. It was alright. Nothing wrong but the demo only showed off combat. It was competent and smooth. Looked really nice too. Not too impressed though. I'll wait for reviews. Demos should be more exciting and get you more interested, like the Vanquish demo or the AC:Brotherhood multiplayer beta.
spiderman123 said:just watchin the gameplay and some idiots are comparing this game to god of war saying how it's a rip off. Jesus did these kids just popped out of the vagina.
Segata Sanshiro said:Curse of Darkness has, in my opinion, the best soundtrack of the series. It's a real pity the game it's stuck with.