Anyone YouTube J.Isaacs gameplay trailer yet? =/ said:Anyone YouTube J.Isaacs gameplay trailer yet? =/
NeoUltima said:
NeoUltima said:
NeoUltima said:
NeoUltima said:I wonder if the review embargo is a midnight PST one like most.
NeoUltima said:
NeoUltima said:
Holy Fuck, MANG! I had stop halfway. Need to sell crack to get this game now.NeoUltima said:
Gah, the marketing for this game... Even I can't hate a game trailer that starts out with my favourite boss theme of the series.NeoUltima said:
NeoUltima said:
PS3 is the lead SKU so that has always meant a identical release in the past.Net_Wrecker said:HOLY BEJEESUS
Is there any news on which console has the better version?
DevilWillcry said:PS3 is the lead SKU so that has always meant a identical release in the past.
NeoUltima said:
Lyonaz said:The opening theme there is so fucking AWESOME.
DevilWillcry said:PS3 is the lead SKU so that has always meant a identical release in the past.
Net_Wrecker said:Hopefully that remains true. I need some more PS3 purchases, and this would be a nice one. I also would rather not deal with installing 2 discs.
Just when I thought I had the rest of 2010 pinned down game wise, this pops up to mess with my plans. :lol
luka said:Like it? Better go play Castlevania 4, 'cause it 'aint from this game.![]()
This trailer sold me. I was on the fence about this game and was going to wait on a few reviews, but after watching that video, day1 for me.NeoUltima said:
Freakinchair said:I'm probably the only person in the world who vastly prefers the castlevania 1-3 soundtracks over 4 :lol
As such I'm really hoping they have alot of the classics... I don't even care if theyre redone or not.
SpokkX said:I am guessing the 360 version will be superior regardless of lead.
This is after all made by a european studio and that is usally the case then.
Yeah but Swedes do everything backwards.AgentOtaku said:Bionic Commando was made by Swedish GRIN with the diesel engine, which ran better on Playstation3
Let's not forget Criterion also
Just saying
Segata Sanshiro said:Yeah but Swedes do everything backwards.
Seriously, check out this footage from a Swedish cooking show. Look how he serves the food!manzo said:
Segata Sanshiro said:Seriously, check out this footage from a Swedish cooking show. Look how he serves the food!
You do know you can be online and have your notifications turned off?manzo said:Same here, I'd rather get the PS3 version since I'm tired of not being able to play 1-player games in peace with the 360; I get game join requests and party requests all the time and it's annoying. It's not nice to having to put yourself offline before connecting to live, it's such a hassle.
We'll have to wait for demo comparisons later, but doubt it'll be significant either way.polyh3dron said:OK I'm sold..
Now which version to get.. Is the PS3 one reportedly gimped at all?
OK I'm sold..NeoUltima said:
Zeouterlimits said:I can't seem to find where the Collectors Edition is on sale in Europe, anyone know?
Of course they all say that, just like they did with FF13, doesn't mean it's true. They just don't want to hurt sales.BoilersFan23 said:I'm thinking the game should be equal on PS3/360, because I remember the devs stating they were trying to make the two versions equal, unlike some devs who don't seem to care much.
I'm excited and got my copy preordered.![]()
Ah, thank you sir. Sounds pretty limited then.Suzzopher said:The LoS Twitter, said they'll be news on it soon, but it looks like it'll be sometime after launch. Going to have to buy it twice in that case for me:lol