Coldsnap said:How well does the kinect work in this game? I booted up Fun Labs in anticipation of receiving this game tomorrow and realized how broken kinect can be at some times and how my space is still not big enough even though it is 6 feet.
It works 100x better than i would have expected. Honestly it's amazing. 6 feet for this game will be more than enough.Coldsnap said:How well does the kinect work in this game? I booted up Fun Labs in anticipation of receiving this game tomorrow and realized how broken kinect can be at some times and how my space is still not big enough even though it is 6 feet.
FootNinja said:I get that. Thing is, I can pay 50 dollars for a game with a ton more content and then have replay value on top of that. I am not trying to bad mouth this game in any way, but I cant rationalize 50 dollars for something that (based on what I am hearing) has content comparable to some 15 dollar xbla games. At this point I am adding nothing to the thread though, enjoy this bad ass game, people.
And we all know how well that sold.LiK said:Sin & Punishment 2 was $50 and it's shorter than this.
Zeouterlimits said:And we all know how well that sold.
Heard this called a shmupLiK said:shmups just aren't big sellers anymore, especially outside Japan.
Zeouterlimits said:Heard this called a lesser, overly reductive men
I was really just poking fun at S & P 2, I should work on my sarcasm or something, let's just say it's 2am.
alr1ghtstart said:my melting.
Coldsnap said:How well does the kinect work in this game? I booted up Fun Labs in anticipation of receiving this game tomorrow and realized how broken kinect can be at some times and how my space is still not big enough even though it is 6 feet.
goldenpp72 said:I FINALLY got my first gold star (level 1) Good lord I easily had all the collectables before I finally got it, i'm scared to go on lol
$10?Cheska said:I succumbed to the pressure and picked this up today for $10. It's so much better than I expected. The game is visually stunning and just so much fun, holy shit. I think it's going to take me a while to get used to it though, because I was no where near a gold star![]()
goldenpp72 said:900k with 100 percent purification, I missed a health pickup on the way. As for how many tries, I am on level 3 and have like, 60 stars, so while i'm not sure how many, it was a LOT imo. My finger hurts. My top score is only slightly higher with 99 percent.
I will say, kinect doesn't work so well for going for these for me, trying to keep rhythm while not missing one thing is pretty insane, but it's worse because you can actually stop some enemies from ever appearing by not playing 'right'![]()
Wario64 said:Only a small handful of people are gonna get gold stars in this's probably the equivalent to getting S rankings in Ikaruga. Except not nearly as impossible as Ikaruga, but that difficulty barrier is pretty high in this game
After playing with controller and knowing the scoring system, I don't see myself using Kinect much at all. I'd like to see someone kill this game with Kinect though.
In-store credit?![]()
Cheska said:Yeah. I had a ToysRUs gift card and the game was on sale for $39.99 there![]()
Anabuhabkuss said:I'm not getting the beats. Do you release lock-on when the bass hits? Think I'm over thinking this.
1- Tapping your feet or just singing the rhythm. So lets say you are tapping the beat "1-2-3-4" in 4/4 time, you release the "Octa-lock" during any of those beats and you will not lose the score multiplier, so don't be afraid to release on 2 or on 3 because you are still in time.
Bullets are always priority. You need to take them out asap. I dont bother with lockons too much there.Chocoboko said:Soooo... how bout that challenge mode? Does anyone know how long it goes on for. It is kicking my ass. I keep dieing at the same place. The purple bullets are so hard to see since they just blend into the background.
Anyone have any tips on how to stay alive longer since there seem to be no additional life power-ups?
Anabuhabkuss said:Guys,
If you're getting that kinect sensor error repeatedly, uninstall the game from your harddrive. problem solved.
djtiesto said:I made it to what I think was the "final boss" of the game last nite... chapter 5 in this game is a bit disappointing compared to Rez. I love the game but as an experience, I think it falls a bit short of Rez... music isn't as memorable and the final area was pretty bland compared to the rest of the game. Don't get me wrong, the game is still fantastic (I love the rhythm-based multiplier and the laser for shooting down purple bullets)... easily my 2011 GOTY.
JustAnotherOtaku said:Nice to see someone else with this as their GOTY![]()
I have yet to top 4 stars on any level. =\RedSwirl said:So I shouldn't be mad about only getting three-to-four stars most of the time. I had to really work for a four-star on the first level.