H3rTz DoNuT said:
As of today I can proudly say that I joined the group of people that have all the achievements and 1K in this game. It wasn't an easy task but all the time that I spent with the game was very rewarding. I can honestly say that I've never be more proud of 1K than I'm with Child of Eden. Amazing game, insanely hard to get 1K but it's the first game that I never got angry with
I wish I could say I never got angry, lol. The thing with child of eden is that I felt no sense of progression after some points, like, when I was playing NG2 on master in mission mode, I'd get a little further each time and eventually figure out tricks and what to do, child of eden wasn't quite nearly as difficult, but it was even worse when you say, know what to do and have it all down pat, but one tiny little thing would take out your gold star. Examples included me perfecting all of journey but missing the first boss purification and not even knowing that was possible, then once I figured that out, I somehow missed a light on the tree, one time I didn't even know I missed anything and I still did, lol.
The game did this to me SO much that it was infuriating, I actually think that most of the game is rather easy to gold star in terms of just points and survival, it's the mechanics for purification that cause the stress and imo, this could have been done a lot better. Some improvements would be that all enemies always spawn at all times unless it's entirely obvious why they don't (flowers in beauty), rather than being able to miss enemies in area 1 of level 1 because you didn't kill some others in time. As well, for the parts where purification is based on killing things that turn into bullets, imo as long as you shoot down the bullets it should at least give you the purification (perhaps not the score as a penalty).
Simply put, getting purification is a process of pure annoyance at times, simply because you don't always know why you didn't get it, and when you do, it's sometimes a poor mechanic or at least that's how I'd see it. I would say the worst offender is definitely the couple parts where the purification process is destroyed simply because something fired off on you.
The process would be less stressful if the hud allowed you to see an overall purification vs what is possible up to the point you are, as often times you're so into the game you might not notice if you got 100 in one area, it would be nice to see a small breakdown of each section so you at least know you're doing fine up to the point you are. Still, little niggles, but that kind of stuff really infuriates me, shit, I remember celebrating to myself when I beat level 5 because I was positive I got 100 percent, but seeing '99 percent' after the long credits sequence was like, what the fuck?
Great game, really fun to score attack, but purification was the weak side to the design imo as it kind of required you to actually slow down at some spots, while other times penalize you for going too slow, I like to know exactly why I failed when I do fail, but perhaps it was a personal issue, heh.
I would personally really like them to patch in a couple things, replays on the leaderboards, a hud adjustment for purification per area even after you clear it, the other stuff I'd not have them change just because I had to suffer through it and so should you all

I can say though, that I can't recall a game that I felt was so hard yet so easy, I really feel I can destroy each level without any issue, yet somehow I'd end up missing something and it made me want to choke something out.