Lumines IIWario64 said:Nah, he was right the first time.
Heavenly Star is this gen's Dragula :lol
Lumines Live
No More Heroes
Child of Eden
Am I missing anything?
Lumines IIWario64 said:Nah, he was right the first time.
Heavenly Star is this gen's Dragula :lol
It works in no-light conditions. Except for the facial scanning thing. That barely works at all even in perfect lighting.Gary Whitta said:I hope the Kinect works well in low-light conditions, this is the perfect game to lower the lights for to create a trancey environment!
Wario64 said:I'm glad this game is only like 2.4 GB in install size btw, it's now permanently going to reside in my 4GB partition on my X360-S 4GB model
Some of the videos look like they could have been higher res though, which I guess is why the install size is small.
Baller said:All that hype for nothing I guess. Kinect can't recognize my hand movements unless I stand up. WTF? Who wants to play a game like this standing up?
goldenpp72 said:Is this supposed to be something you sit and play with kinect?
Wario64 said:Not gonna lie, I feel like moving my ass like Venessa from PN03 when I play this game.
I found it could still track my hands when seated but became confused very easily. Also the range of movement you have when seated isn't very good. You've got much more freedom of movement while standing so you're able to move the reticule around faster. And for this game speed is a big deal.goldenpp72 said:lol well I just had the impression you're meant to stand with it, but sitting would be nice I guess.. does that work?
K' Dash said:Man I suck at this game as bad as I sucked at Rez, but it's so beautiful and fun to play, I wish there were checkpoints, watching the tutorials again and again is kind of painful.
Does anyone noticed how fast and responsive this game is? I feel almost no lag, I'm I crazy?
They've given a weird acceleration curve to the analogs it seems. I much prefer playing with Kinect, its much faster to move the reticule from one side of the screen to the other.Wario64 said:With Kinect? Yeah, it's pretty minimal. Weird enough though, when you use the controller and move the cursor on the main menu, it feels like the cursor is floaty/laggy.
Wario64 said:With Kinect? Yeah, it's pretty minimal. Weird enough though, when you use the controller and move the cursor on the main menu, it feels like the cursor is floaty/laggy.
Wario64 said:With Kinect? Yeah, it's pretty minimal. Weird enough though, when you use the controller and move the cursor on the main menu, it feels like the cursor is floaty/laggy.
Yep, you can play it with a regular 360 controller or Kinect.dvolovets said:I hope this isn't seen as a troll comment or anything, but is this playable without Kinect? I loved Rez but I don't have Kinect... would love to play this on 360 (don't have a PS3 either).
Baller said:I guess my game room doesn't have enough room for Kinect. While calibrating it wants me to step back inside my couch. Is there really no option to have it set further forward?
yo_soy_el_topo said:Honestly didnt know you could play without kinnect, when i found out i ran and purchased it instantly.
Just cleared the 4th stage and its quite amazing. Definitely worth it if you dont have kinnect. The leaderoards even have higher scores on the controller compared to kinnect. so it may just be easier on controller or take some time to get used to on kinect.
Wario64 said:I think scoring is different on both. In any case, leaderboards are separate, which is cool!
Anyone even know how the scoring works? I took a glimpse on Gamefaqs and apparently you have to time your attacks to the beat of the music? If that's true, the scoring system in this game is a huge step up over Rez
Microsoft should have built that shit in, unbelievable. Off to GameStop I go.mjc said:Apparently this add-on from Nyko does a great job of making the Kinect work in smaller spaces. Its not out yet though.
Baller said:Microsoft should have built that shit in, unbelievable. Off to GameStop I go.
Wario64 said:I dont think it's out was just revealed at E3 last week
Game and the Kinect, to be precise.goldenpp72 said:You sure he didn't mean to trade the game back in like a big baby?![]()
Baller said:Game and the Kinect, to be precise.
Better than a $150 brick. :lolWario64 said:Awesome, that's like $25 in trade in value!
LiK said:Playing with controller. Game is way tougher than Rez. Purple bullets suck.
btw Lumi is cute. :3
@garywhitta If you have a 5.1 audio setup, make sure to toggle it in the game options. Child of Eden defaults to stereo sound
Not really. The game can track your hands seated but it tends to get confused a lot more easily and IMO the range of movement when seated isn't enough to be successful at the game. You want to be standing. You just don't know it yet.Imperial Hot said:So can you play this sitting down? I thought they added that.
That seems like a silly oversight. I wonder if they patch that.Gary Whitta said:I received this tweet, passing it along:
_dementia said:That seems like a silly oversight. I wonder if they patch that.