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Chrono Trigger Resurrection (fan-made partial remake) update


07.09.04 - New Team Members Announcement

We would like to welcome two new team members, Moise Breton and Michel Cadieux.

Mo comes from the film industry and brings his cinematic and artistic modeling talents to the project. Did we mention that he worked on facial modeling of Agent Smith and Neo in "The Matrix Reloaded"? :) Michel has been in the game industry for 3 years and it shows. This fluid and inspirational animations already bring life to our project and we are deeply satisfied with his work.

In commemoration of this event, we are releasing a screenshot of someone who we've wanted to show for a long time -- Magus! This screenshot, in addition with 5 other new screenshots, will be shown in the August edition of the Swedish gaming magazine, SuperPLAY.

Click here to see what Magus looks like!

- Chrono Trigger: Resurrection Team



That looks 100x better then the earlier shots. I don't see why they need to remake it in 3D though, I would rather see them try to make a ultra high res 2D remake with remastered tunes.
Great texture and model work in that shot! Very nice. These guys should really be doing something original...instead of working with someone else's content...


Running off of Custom Firmware
I didn't particularly like their Chrono... but that Magus is NOT bad. Needs to be darker, imho. Not necessarily darker toned as far as colors are concerned, but defintely more "shadowed." Like half obscured by shadow, or whatever.


Magus looks a bit strange. I guess he looks similiar to Toriyama's concept art, but it's not how I pictured him when I played the game. :p


Hi guys,

Wow, to be on Gaming Age without even posting anything about the project. :) We feel quite honored.

Concerning Magus, we have already made changes to his skin tone and some other places such as his face, to make him look younger and morelike an arrogant wizard.

Also, this shot does not have any lighting on the character. Expect a much more darker tone when the lighting is finalized.

Anyway, our next media update at the end of August. We hope you will be waiting for updates because we are working feverishly on the project. :)

El Papa

The remixed music is awsome! My only suggestion would be to use some better brass samples and maybe strings samples.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Zeenbor said:
Hi guys,

Wow, to be on Gaming Age without even posting anything about the project. :) We feel quite honored.

Concerning Magus, we have already made changes to his skin tone and some other places such as his face, to make him look younger and morelike an arrogant wizard.

Also, this shot does not have any lighting on the character. Expect a much more darker tone when the lighting is finalized.

Anyway, our next media update at the end of August. We hope you will be waiting for updates because we are working feverishly on the project. :)

I love you and your staff.


Overall, the project looks pretty cool. I hope you guys can get it done. I have one complaint - I don't like what you've done with that boss battle song. It seems to have lost a lot of what made it such an awesome song originally. The other two song samples are fine, since they're pretty close to the original versions. The music is one of the best things about Chrono Trigger, so I hope you guys really deliver in that area.
Oh man. The graphics, the remixed music...it's a damn shame this isn't an official game that will actually be finished. Why couldn't Square have hired these guys instead of those punks who did Secret of Evermore?


while I'm not on their staff, I can answer these questions.
neptunes said:
are you guys doing the whole game?
No. They're only remaking ten scenes from the game.

neptunes said:
Does square even know you're working on the game?
With the attention the project has been receiving since it's initial unveiling, yes, I'm sure that someone at Square is aware of it.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I also don't think Square can do much about it, since these guys aren't profiting from this and are doing it with "educational" intentions.
AlphaSnake said:
I also don't think Square can do much about it, since these guys aren't profiting from this and are doing it with "educational" intentions.
This is a bit tricky though, since copyrighted material is always a bit iffy. Essentiall, Disney can (and HAS, i believe...) sue someone for simply drawing a picture of mickey mouse, even if it's for their own personal use. When it comes to intellectual properties, the laws bend very easily... In both directions.

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
I think when that DBZ mod was coming out for Quake III, Funimation was able to stop it saying that since it was unlicensed, it had no right to take away from potentially profitable games they have licensed. So there is precedent.
As someone with an extensive history with Square's legal department, I am here to tell you: there's no way in hell this project is ever getting released. It looks good, and the team looks talented, but I wish they wouldn't spend their efforts on something that will never see the light of day.
if square were to remake any of their games; I'd say itd be more cg (FF VII AC) ish than this remake business. Looks a bit too dragonballish for my liking. But then, this isn't ever going to see light of day so...


That is some good ass modeling! I love the way you guys are paying homage to Toriyama's style and paying homage to him, lovin' that Saiyan armor. ;)

I think some of the people in this thread are right about Chrono though, I'm not sure if you are updating him too, but I think he's needs more of an anime edge like Magus. He still looks great and all, but I think what's missing is that slightly angry smile he does, the smile he has now is kinda goofy.
but CT didn't look dragonballish. This one does. Go check out their site and see what they did to chrono.. all those muscles. Just wrong. They completely missed the kids vs everything epicness.


kiryogi said:
omg its like goku, bulma and vegeta! only they have red, blonde and blue hair!



Anyway, keep up the awesome work Zeenbor & team :)!

I really hope you guys will make a full game out of this. When you finish, you'll probably have most of the hard work done, so maybe it won't be out of the question.


Hey Zeenbor, You really nailed the Toriyama-look with Magus, and I think those changes mentioned would make him even better.

I really, REALLY hope you finish this...even though the hard part isn't to get started, but to finish. And I'll be sure to read about your project in the August issue of Super PLAY. Is anyone in this project from Sweden, by any chance?


Zeenbor, looking great. Neat project!

However, do all the characters really have to be ultra-muscular? Looking at the older shots of your Crono, he looked more like a steroid-ridden bodybuilder than a punk kid. I'm sure the artwork never had those oversized muscles.


Yeah, everyone is looking a little too bulked up, especially Crono. He's a young teen fellas, not a 'roid freaked wrestler :p.


MaddenNFL64 said:
Yeah, everyone is looking a little too bulked up, especially Crono. He's a young teen fellas, not a 'roid freaked wrestler :p.

Then again, given how Toriyama usually draws people, it's easy to see why they made the mistake of making him too buff


Can someone tells me what's the link between Chrono Trigger/Cross and Chrono Crusade? Same creators? Is it a sequel to the story?


Laurent said:
Can someone tells me what's the link between Chrono Trigger/Cross and Chrono Crusade? Same creators? Is it a sequel to the story?

Chrono Cross=remake of Radical Dreamers, a CT side story

Chrono Crusade=manga that happens to use the CT title font on its cover; has nothing to do with either CC, RD, or CT


belgurdo said:
Chrono Cross=remake of Radical Dreamers, a CT side story

Chrono Crusade=manga that happens to use the CT title font on its cover; has nothing to do with either CC, RD, or CT
Thanks! I'm amazed that no copyright infragment has been send from Square Enxi...


force push the doodoo rock
this is easily the nicest looking fan-made project ive seen.

make sure the battle system is interesting.


Thanks for the compliments guys... If you have any suggestions, please make sure to give us an e-mail or post your thoughts.

To those who commented on the Crono model: We have also modified him to make him less muscular and less puffy. His face was also modified, so he doesn't look like a butterball kid. Believe me when I say that he looks awesome. :)

JackFrost -- Can you maybe elaborate on your past experiences with Square's Legal Team which makes you think that our project will never be released? I'd be interested in hearing about it.

The battle system in the game will not disappoint you. I sit down with the animator every few days and make sure that all of animations for the battle sytem are top notch. We also have a very nice, non-intrusive menu that's fully animated. If you have any suggestions for techs, animations, etc. speak up at our forums or in an e-mail.


Zeenbor said:
Thanks for the compliments guys... If you have any suggestions, please make sure to give us an e-mail or post your thoughts.

To those who commented on the Crono model: We have also modified him to make him less muscular and less puffy. His face was also modified, so he doesn't look like a butterball kid. Believe me when I say that he looks awesome. :)

JackFrost -- Can you maybe elaborate on your past experiences with Square's Legal Team which makes you think that our project will never be released? I'd be interested in hearing about it.

The battle system in the game will not disappoint you. I sit down with the animator every few days and make sure that all of animations for the battle sytem are top notch. We also have a very nice, non-intrusive menu that's fully animated. If you have any suggestions for techs, animations, etc. speak up at our forums or in an e-mail.

You have my full support. But Jackfrost's comments do concern me. Jackfrost, as Zeenbor has stated, an elaboration on your part would be greatly appreciated.
isamu said:
You have my full support. But Jackfrost's comments do concern me. Jackfrost, as Zeenbor has stated, an elaboration on your part would be greatly appreciated.

This comment makes me feel so old.

Jackfrost may not be a celebrity but his past relationship with Square is large and complicated enough for a paperback novel, I imagine.
Okay, I can't believe I have to elaborate, but:

Square made Chrono Trigger. Square owns the copyright to Chrono Trigger. Square owns the copyright to the characters, locations, graphics, music, and gameplay of Chrono Trigger. They also own the copyright to the name "Chrono Trigger."

You do not.

Square has an obligation to strike down projects using the Chrono Trigger name and character or their copyright will become diluted and uninforceable. This is a fairly common requirement of all aspects of copyright law but was shown specifically in the field of videogames in Nintendo vs. Universal Pictures (Donkey Kong vs. King Kong). Years of lax enforcement of the King Kong copyright had caused it to become uninforceable in court, and Nintendo won. In Atari vs. Magnavox (Pac-Man vs. K.C. Munchkin) it was shown that games don't even have to be exact copies of the titles they "rip off" - merely being very, very similar is enough.

It doesn't matter if you say "it's for educational purposes!" You can say what you like, but a game is a game, and it's infringing on Square's copyright in the domain where they own the copyright.

Fan fiction is hardly an argument in the project's favor, either. Fan fiction is a grey area - it's not legal, but most companies tend to look the other way for purposes of customer goodwill. There's no legal basis for fanfiction whatsoever, and companies can and have been known to shut it down in the past. Square is a large, impersonal Japanese company, and they have historically been known to side with "intellectual copyright enforcement" over "customer goodwill."

Square is NOT going to like your project so much that they make you official. They don't permit that. They tried to do that once, with me, and some people at the U.S. branch got seriously reprimanded and nearly lost their jobs over it. A mod for a game for a U.S.-company, perhaps, but not Square.

Basically, you should no more suspect to finish a Chrono Trigger remake without attracting Square's ire than you would self-publish the "sixth" Harry Potter novel and think J.K. Rowling won't take offense. It doesn't matter how little money you make, how pure your intentions are, or how much in the moral right you are. Square holds all the power in this "relationship," and the moment they say "boo" your project shuts down with no second chances and no hope of revival.

The End.

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
Frost is right. The moment Square decides to stop this, it's over. Your strategy should be to go underground, then release it on bittorrent or something that Square can't stop :p
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