We know it sold more USA (not knowing by how much), and pretty likely China. In Japan, pretty likely sold more in PS. But we have no idea about the rest of the world.
SIE doesn't need to conteract anything, they have record active userbase, revenue and profit. There's no 'shift', the PS userbase continues growing setting new records.
That's partly due to inflation and raising prices, though. You can't claim they're setting records but then ignore two of the biggest contributing factors. Now that's not me saying they aren't getting new people: 42% of PS5s sold their last FY were new users, most likely Xbox expats and PC gamers making up a bulk of it. I'd also imagine PS4 owners upgrading being most of the remaining 58%.
In any case, SIE counteracting by making PS more competitive be redefining what primary spaces are providing most of the new competition, is not a bad thing and I don't see how that could ever be framed as a negative. It's better to be proactive especially if it means adding more value to the platform ecosystem, than to be reactive when it could be too late.
Everything I'm suggesting adds more reasons to buy a PlayStation, not less. They just can't overpower what should always remain the biggest reasons: incredible exclusive games & access to all the big & small 3P games (or vast majority of them) on the market, in all genres.
And regarding this game, didn't sell a shit on Xbox and has not been released in Nintendo. PS has a very small overlap with PC, so if a game sells well on PC doesn't almost affect to its sales on PS. And well, game sales in PS are spread across several thousands of games and continue growing.
Pc's overlap with PS has increased a lot over the past few years in large part because most Japanese 3P have expanded out to Day 1 parity on Steam, combined with doing less timed exclusive deals with SIE. If you want an example of this in action, just look at Japan. PC tripled its market share in that region the past 4 years while console has stagnated, which really just means PlayStation has declined. And, we know that to be the case looking at physical PS5 software sales combined with the fact digital is less a player in Japan vs. other territories.
I bring all this up to identify potential issues, because I know SIE can address them and thus make PlayStation an even stronger platform than it already is. But if people just pretend these aren't potential issues, then they'll excuse when the issue persists or gets worst (if it gets worst), inviting a decline that never needed to happen in the first place.
Even in the case of one series as is MH would be selling a bit lower than before they wouldn't notice it because their software revenue as a whole keeps growing and setting new records.
That's software revenue as a combination of 1P and the 30% cuts SIE gets from 3P B2P & MTX sales on PlayStation. And it doesn't matter if SIE wouldn't notice drops from MH revenue on their platform due to sales revenue of other titles, IMO. If it came to that, and knowing the sales potential of Monster Hunter going from the past, why wouldn't SIE offer to help uplift the IP in return for something on their end?
I mean, they've done that with Capcom in the past for quite smaller IP like Street Fighter :/
But again, we don't have absolutely anything that indicates that it would be selling less in PS than before since we don't have PS phisical+digital numbers for worldwide or country specific numbers. We only know that worldwide combining all platforms it's the fastest selling Capcom game ever.
Right, and I'm not saying for sure it's selling most on PC, either. I don't really want to say that, but I have to consider there's a possibility that it is. If Steam is leading the sales in US, a market where consoles are fairly entrenched, then it makes things much more difficult to believe it isn't leading sales in markets like South Korea, China, Germany etc.
You know, places where PC gaming is even more entrenched compared to console? By all means, we could be in for surprises once more data comes in, but probability is favoring PC/Steam as lead sales platform for Wilds in most markets. Heck, potentially in Japan too; I know you might be thinking that PS5 leads with physical + digital, but that depends on digital taking up much more of the sales than it typically does, and doing enough to make up for the physical drop between World and Wilds.
There's a chance of that being the case, but it's also more likely at this point, that Wilds could've sold about as much if not more on PC in Japan than on PS5, even combining physical + digital. I wouldn't be saying that at all if Wilds was also on PS4, though. Heck, if Wilds was also on PS4 then PS would easily be the lead platform in almost all markets outside of perhaps China.
Which also should show, that even if Wilds has sold most on PC, I don't think it's by some overwhelming amount. We're probably talking 5% - 10% over PS5 at most. But hey, we'll see.