Well, with this massive sale finishing up for most of us, I figured there would be a number of games that people are now trying out and would like to comment on. I haven't tried everything yet (and will wait on many), but I just wanted to toss out small impressions for each game. When a sale like this comes along, I'd imagine many people end up buying games they would not normally have purchased at full price so you get some interesting impressions...
Here's the list of games I picked up...
Disgaea - Hour of Darkness
Grandia Xtreme
Guilty Gear XX
Burnout 2
Chaos Legion
Voodoo Vince
Grabbed by the Goulies
Forver Kingdom
Drakan 2
PaRappa 2
The Bouncer
Legaia 2
Dark Cloud 2
War of the Monsters
Spyhunter 2
Crimson Sea
I'm just tossing out a few impressions for now (of games I had odd expectations for or even no expectations at all). Some of the games are better known and really don't need too much said about them...
PN03 - I've had very little interest in this title based on my playtime with the demo. However, I figured it was worth a shot after hearing many positive impressions from various people. I'm actually quite suprised! It's simply a strange little game with a unique concept. I kinda dig the gameplay design, despite the repetitive level design. I haven't played too terribly far at this point, but from what I've played, it actually controlled suprisingly well. I didn't like the idea of "tank controls" in a game of this type, but it actually makes sense here as you really do not need to navigate through too many complex areas. It looks very nice as well, which was suprising. At 480p, you could really see just how grainy the game really is and notice that it just isn't as sharp as it could be, but the actual models moving around the world are of high quality and everything has a very unique design. If the framerate was 60, I think it would feel a whole lot better...but hey...
Grandia Xtreme - I just never really had a massive interest in this title due to its "dungeon crawler" nature. You see, I can enjoy a good dungeon game on the PC...but all attempts at enjoying similar console titles failed (Evolution, Time Stalkers, and a couple PSX games). I should have figured that Grandia could pull this off a bit better. The battle system, as usual, kicks ass and is actually refined to the point that I would call it the best battle system yet featured in a game of this type. Hopefully the difficulty picks up a bit, though, as that could really put the system to use. I also happen to be enjoying the dungeon design here as they are far more complex and interesting than anything in the other Grandia titles and SLAUGHTER those AWFUL random dungeons in similar games. The biggest complaints are those that were expected (ie - the voice acting and plot really haven't done anything for me). Visually, the game looks very good. It is suprisingly sharp for a non-480p PS2 title and is very colorful. Also, the fact that it runs at 60 fps REALLY makes everything feel very lively in comparison to the previous games. I'm shocked that they didn't try to use this engine for the PS2 port of Grandia II (which I don't own, but I've played) as it had an AWFUL framerate and tons of other issues.
Voodoo Vince - I'm incredibly impressed with Vince, here. I honestly didn't expect anything other than another generic platformer, but the level designs are extremely creative and full of interesting content. So far, the Voodoo Doll aspects haven't really been all that important...but everything else is wonderful. Good humor, great music, nice visuals, perfect controls, good puzzles, etc.
Forver Kingdom - I actually LIKED Evergrace, believe it or not, so I decided to give this a go. I won't damn it yet, but the first impressions were quite bad. While the general gameplay seems to have recieved a boost in certain aspects, some of the small details were ruined. The intro was pretty dull and loaded with bad voice acting, the framerate is HORRIBLE (whereas EG was 60 fps), the animation is absolutely inferior, and the whole game just feels really unpolished. I was shocked to find Evergrace to be a more polished title. On the flipside, the world is actually quite beautiful from what I've seen and the game seems like it could be fairly enjoyable, but those small issues really hurt the game.
Haven - This has been cheap for a while, but I grabbed it just for shits. I am aboslutely shocked at how fun this game IS! I actually would say the game is vastly superior to stuff like Jak and Daxter. There is much more variety, more interesting objectives, better level flow and design, MUCH better music, etc. It feels a bit...low budget at times, but the actual gameplay is suprisingly good! The fact that you never have to do anything or remain in any environment for too long really helps a lot as well. Visually, the game is also quite lovely. The character designs certainly don't appeal to me, but the actual worlds are extremely cool at times.
Here's the list of games I picked up...
Disgaea - Hour of Darkness
Grandia Xtreme
Guilty Gear XX
Burnout 2
Chaos Legion
Voodoo Vince
Grabbed by the Goulies
Forver Kingdom
Drakan 2
PaRappa 2
The Bouncer
Legaia 2
Dark Cloud 2
War of the Monsters
Spyhunter 2
Crimson Sea
I'm just tossing out a few impressions for now (of games I had odd expectations for or even no expectations at all). Some of the games are better known and really don't need too much said about them...
PN03 - I've had very little interest in this title based on my playtime with the demo. However, I figured it was worth a shot after hearing many positive impressions from various people. I'm actually quite suprised! It's simply a strange little game with a unique concept. I kinda dig the gameplay design, despite the repetitive level design. I haven't played too terribly far at this point, but from what I've played, it actually controlled suprisingly well. I didn't like the idea of "tank controls" in a game of this type, but it actually makes sense here as you really do not need to navigate through too many complex areas. It looks very nice as well, which was suprising. At 480p, you could really see just how grainy the game really is and notice that it just isn't as sharp as it could be, but the actual models moving around the world are of high quality and everything has a very unique design. If the framerate was 60, I think it would feel a whole lot better...but hey...
Grandia Xtreme - I just never really had a massive interest in this title due to its "dungeon crawler" nature. You see, I can enjoy a good dungeon game on the PC...but all attempts at enjoying similar console titles failed (Evolution, Time Stalkers, and a couple PSX games). I should have figured that Grandia could pull this off a bit better. The battle system, as usual, kicks ass and is actually refined to the point that I would call it the best battle system yet featured in a game of this type. Hopefully the difficulty picks up a bit, though, as that could really put the system to use. I also happen to be enjoying the dungeon design here as they are far more complex and interesting than anything in the other Grandia titles and SLAUGHTER those AWFUL random dungeons in similar games. The biggest complaints are those that were expected (ie - the voice acting and plot really haven't done anything for me). Visually, the game looks very good. It is suprisingly sharp for a non-480p PS2 title and is very colorful. Also, the fact that it runs at 60 fps REALLY makes everything feel very lively in comparison to the previous games. I'm shocked that they didn't try to use this engine for the PS2 port of Grandia II (which I don't own, but I've played) as it had an AWFUL framerate and tons of other issues.
Voodoo Vince - I'm incredibly impressed with Vince, here. I honestly didn't expect anything other than another generic platformer, but the level designs are extremely creative and full of interesting content. So far, the Voodoo Doll aspects haven't really been all that important...but everything else is wonderful. Good humor, great music, nice visuals, perfect controls, good puzzles, etc.
Forver Kingdom - I actually LIKED Evergrace, believe it or not, so I decided to give this a go. I won't damn it yet, but the first impressions were quite bad. While the general gameplay seems to have recieved a boost in certain aspects, some of the small details were ruined. The intro was pretty dull and loaded with bad voice acting, the framerate is HORRIBLE (whereas EG was 60 fps), the animation is absolutely inferior, and the whole game just feels really unpolished. I was shocked to find Evergrace to be a more polished title. On the flipside, the world is actually quite beautiful from what I've seen and the game seems like it could be fairly enjoyable, but those small issues really hurt the game.
Haven - This has been cheap for a while, but I grabbed it just for shits. I am aboslutely shocked at how fun this game IS! I actually would say the game is vastly superior to stuff like Jak and Daxter. There is much more variety, more interesting objectives, better level flow and design, MUCH better music, etc. It feels a bit...low budget at times, but the actual gameplay is suprisingly good! The fact that you never have to do anything or remain in any environment for too long really helps a lot as well. Visually, the game is also quite lovely. The character designs certainly don't appeal to me, but the actual worlds are extremely cool at times.