Minus the ice wizard this is pretty much every deck in arena 6. Giants with a combination of wizard, musketeer, and barbs.I'm rocking a giant, wizard and an ice whizz as a push and its WRECKING people
I know it's a legendary and probably an accurate representation of its powers, but it feels overpowered
Fire Spirits: Area Damage radius increased by 25%
Guards: Hitpoints and damage increased by 8%
Miner: Hitpoints increased by 6%
Lava Hound: Hitpoints increased by 3%
Lava Pups: Hitpoints increased by 9%
Knight: Hitpoints increased by 10%
Bomber: Damage increased by 10%
Tesla: Hitpoints increased by 5%
Golem & Golemite: Hitpoints increased by 5%
Witch: Damage increased by 10%
Skeletons (affects Tombstone, Skeleton Army, Witch, Skeletons): Hitpoints and damage increased by 5%
Tombstone: Hitpoints increased by 10%
Furnace: Elixir cost decreased to 4 (from 5), hitpoints decreased by 14% and lifetime decreased to 40sec (from 50sec)
Royal Giant: Damage decreased by 4%
Freeze: Duration decreased by 1sec
Cannon: Hitpoints decreased by 5%
Elixir Collector: Hitpoints decreased by 9%
XP gained for upgrading Epic and Legendary Cards will be in line with the equivalent levels of Common and Rare Cards.
Knight: Hitpoints increased by 10%
:\Witch: Damage increased by 10%
Freeze: Duration decreased by 1sec
Fucking princess. That card is essential.
This and ice wizard. I can't believe neither was nerfed.
lol...this game.
Dropped 600 trophies without a single win. Thought to myself 'fuck it, at least I'll get some easier match ups' first 3 guys I face in level 6 arena have legendary cards and high level epics.
Supercell hate me.
At this point I'm convinced matchmaking is tied to money paid. I bet people that put money in get paired with people that suck to boost their ego of their ability since they paid versus people that don't and get locked into a win one lose one scenario where I just can't progress to get new cards that are objectively better in every way. I'm so disgusted. Been stuck in this 850 trophy rut for like a month now. No deck composition I try gets consistent wins. Many cards are level 6+ due to the amount I get from chests.
So know instead of 80% of decks running hog, probably 95% will. SMH lol. Plus no changes to ice wizard, sparky or princess seems a bit ridiculous as well but whatever I guess.Cannon nerf again, Royal giant nerf, elixir collector nerf, freeze nerf(this one is a positive change)
And the Hog rider left untouched
I am a level 8. Most of my unit upgrades are at level 5. The next upgrades requires 400 cards. And I have stop playing at aggressively for the gold boxes.
The game is fun for beginners. After that its becomes a very big chore to accumulate cards. No way I will pay.
At this point I'm convinced matchmaking is tied to money paid. I bet people that put money in get paired with people that suck to boost their ego of their ability since they paid versus people that don't and get locked into a win one lose one scenario where I just can't progress to get new cards that are objectively better in every way. I'm so disgusted. Been stuck in this 850 trophy rut for like a month now. No deck composition I try gets consistent wins. Many cards are level 6+ due to the amount I get from chests.
My only issue with this game is ice wizard and princess. I can't believe these cards are 3 elixir and not getting nerfed. Ice wizard in particular is such a powerful card. His ice spread is perfect for countering pushes or supporting pushes especially in the Royal giant meta. I'm at 2900 trophies and I see him in 75% of games. The other 25% have princess or one of the other legendaries. These cards are so overpowered.
Ummm if you are stuck at 850 trophies for a month, it's because of your skill and not matchmaking. Many many people have reached far higher trophies as F2P and it's not even particularly hard.
Only times I taunt are when I play someone who has a legendary. I tend to taunt almost 100% of the time.
I'd pay $20 for an emote of the king burning dollar bills.
I'd pay $20 for an emote of the king burning dollar bills.
It's really weird they feel Hog needed BUFFS (by nerfing Cannon). I have no idea what they are thinking.
What's the strategy with spawning giants behind your tower versus close to the river?
Fire Spirits: Area Damage radius increased by 25%
Guards: Hitpoints and damage increased by 8%
Miner: Hitpoints increased by 6%
Lava Hound: Hitpoints increased by 3%
Lava Pups: Hitpoints increased by 9%
Knight: Hitpoints increased by 10%
Bomber: Damage increased by 10%
Tesla: Hitpoints increased by 5%
Golem & Golemite: Hitpoints increased by 5%
Witch: Damage increased by 10%
Skeletons (affects Tombstone, Skeleton Army, Witch, Skeletons): Hitpoints and damage increased by 5%
Tombstone: Hitpoints increased by 10%
Furnace: Elixir cost decreased to 4 (from 5), hitpoints decreased by 14% and lifetime decreased to 40sec (from 50sec)
Royal Giant: Damage decreased by 4%
Freeze: Duration decreased by 1sec
Cannon: Hitpoints decreased by 5%
Elixir Collector: Hitpoints decreased by 9%
XP gained for upgrading Epic and Legendary Cards will be in line with the equivalent levels of Common and Rare Cards.
So do I upgrade my epics now or later?
For those having trouble with Hog Rider, I recommend keeping the stock 1 elixir skeletons in your deck. If you plop them down right in the hog riders way they bump him to the side. You'll take a hit or two but the trade is great. They also work well against a princess or wizard who is already engaged.
I don't have any problem with hog riders personally, there are just too many ways to distract and deal with them before they cause too much damage.
What's the strategy with spawning giants behind your tower versus close to the river?