I might revert back to my hog/minipekka cycle deck. It carried me to legend originally and doesn't suffer from any real nerfs.
Hog seems strong still. Maybe even stronger now that cannon is nerfed. Not sure how viable freeze is anymore though.
I might revert back to my hog/minipekka cycle deck. It carried me to legend originally and doesn't suffer from any real nerfs.
Hog seems strong still. Maybe even stronger now that cannon is nerfed. Not sure how viable freeze is anymore though.
What kind of changes are you guys making to your decks post patch?
I've started seeing more hog/zap decks.
Tbh...I very rarely see any deck that isn't centred around the hog. Even the RG deck i came across earlier was only using the RG as a decoy to send a hog on the other lane.
If they're not going to nerf the card then they need to release better counters. Nerfing the cannon was unnecessary.
I am at 2000-2100 cups and my last three games were against guys with ice wiz or princess. Those things are ridiculously OP wtf. The ice wiz stops dead big pushes all on his own. And he cost just 3 elixirs ffs.
You're just below where I am, and I've been dealing with the same struggle for two weeks. I don't know how to break through into the upper 2000s. It feels genuinely impossible. I so badly want a Legendary. I would go without food for a day for an Ice Wizard. (Not actually.)
I am at 2000-2100 cups and my last three games were against guys with ice wiz or princess. Those things are ridiculously OP wtf. The ice wiz stops dead big pushes all on his own. And he cost just 3 elixirs ffs.
These two cards are the bane of my existence. I finally made it to arena 8, but I see these two cards in almost every game. They take no skill to use and are extremely efficient for their low elixir cost.
I have neither (or any other legendary), so I'm constantly fluctuating in between arena 7 and 8. Nothing worse than outplaying someone but losing to them just because they had one of these cards.
I tried telling a clan mate that those 2 cards, ice wizard and princess, were a bit OP and provided too much value for their cost. And he actually argued against me, haha. Shockingly, he runs a deck that basically spams ice wizard and princess all the time.
What decks are people running with Ice Wizard and Princess? I see both a lot, most of the time someone puts Princess down solo on one side though which is easily countered. Sadly my ice wizard is only level 1.
My current deck is: Elixir, RG, Inferno, Minion Horde, Skeletons, Barbs, Spear Goblin and Fireball. Sitting at about 2600-2800 trophies where I've been forever. Should I maybe swap Ice Wizard and Princess for Spears and Barbs?
I don't get all the complaining about hog rider. There are plenty of counters including any building. Heck a one-elixir skeleton in front of him means you'll only take a hit or two. Not ideal, but my experience is people commit so much to the hog rider strategy that they can't deal with any counters to it.
haha I just compared stats on Wiz and Ice Wiz.
A lv. 1 Ice Wiz has almost the same health as a lv. 9 Wizard. No wonder it feels like it takes forever to kill that thing, especially when it slows you.
What decks are people running with Ice Wizard and Princess? I see both a lot, most of the time someone puts Princess down solo on one side though which is easily countered. Sadly my ice wizard is only level 1.
My current deck is: Elixir, RG, Inferno, Minion Horde, Skeletons, Barbs, Spear Goblin and Fireball. Sitting at about 2600-2800 trophies where I've been forever. Should I maybe swap Ice Wizard and Princess for Spears and Barbs?
I don't get all the complaining about hog rider. There are plenty of counters including any building. Heck a one-elixir skeleton in front of him means you'll only take a hit or two. Not ideal, but my experience is people commit so much to the hog rider strategy that they can't deal with any counters to it.
If you have the ice wizard and princess and aren't using them, then you're doing it wrong. I have a clan mate who rode those two cards to 3700+ cups as a level 9. You don't need both minion horde and barbs - pick only one for defense. Replace with ice wizard. I would replace spear goblins with princess but probably upgrade skeletons to goblins.
And ice wiz costs 2 elixir less than wizard.
As commish pointed out, you should switch in ice wizard. I'd switch him in for skeleton and princess for inferno tower. Having ice wizard will slow hog/Royal giant so inferno tower shouldn't be needed as much. Ice wizard/princess will work fantastic for pushing and defending. If they waste arrows on princess and you know they don't have zap/fireball/wizard you can almost take a tower with minion horde. Since you'll no longer have inferno tower you'll probably want to keep barbs and minion horde for defense.
These were good pieces of advice. Bounced up to 2950 almost immediately. I kept inferno in almost strictly for hog rider decks. I love putting it up and you can almost sense the other person's frustration, often times they'll panic with freeze because they're already committed, you put down a low unit to clean up and get a huge advantage.
It's funny because at my level (around 3500 cups), it's pretty rare to see a hog. I'm looking through my last 20 or so matches, and there's 4 hogs used out of 20. I still don't see why people think hog needs a nerf. It's pretty easily countered.
I can't figure out what happened.
I had a great deck that carried me from 1700 to over 2500.
Then I went on holiday for a week.
I come back, and I've fallen from 2500+ to 1800ish using the exact same deck.
Other than a lot of decks having new epics, I can't figure it out.
Last time I checked about 20 people from the level 8 featured games were running hog. Which is a massive amount when you consider the combos.
And hog/freeze works against nearly every deck. I get caught out often even though I have quite a few low costing troops.
Honestly, this has happened to all of us at some point. There really is no rhyme or reason for it. I went on a 6 game losing streak earlier today, probably the first one I've gone on in a few weeks. I just had some bad match ups and really poor starting hands that dictated the flow of matches. Sometimes it's just best to close the game and come back to it a few hours later with a fresh mindset. Tomorrow will also bring new deck changes with the update, so it will be a good time to try new things.
Went on a major losing streak from like 2100 to 1500 :I
Serves me right for testing decks out >.<
Not spending another penny on this game until i get a legendary. This is bullshit.
So far, it seems like the best strategy to beat a sparky is to base race or at least to push the other lane. A sparky that is well supported is almost impossible to take down without losing elixir advantage.
Also, I've been using level 2 freeze all along and I have been closely monitoring some of my recent games and I don't think it's viable anymore. That extra second matters a lot in both offense and defense.
Lol I know that. I'm saying that I would not have won or would have lost some games if I did not have an extra second of freeze.
Your mind is playing tricks on you then because the balance changes aren't live yet.
I'm going to try an all new deck tomorrow. I'm sure I'll drop from 3500 to 3000 until I figure it out. Just need to figure out a new RG defense and then build around that.
im stuck at 1900, every time i face someone in arena 7 i lose and drop down to 6, rinse, repeat. it's got to the point where i've just accepted i can't win in arena 7 yet.
current deck is:
goblin hut
Any way to improve this? my valkyrie is level 6 and really powerful. i'd like to incorporate barbs but don't see how i could fit them in without removing her.
I seem to lose against giants, or possibly hogs, so i guess inferno should feature, but i'm not sure how
I can't figure out what happened.
I had a great deck that carried me from 1700 to over 2500.
Then I went on holiday for a week.
I come back, and I've fallen from 2500+ to 1800ish using the exact same deck.
Other than a lot of decks having new epics, I can't figure it out.
im stuck at 1900, every time i face someone in arena 7 i lose and drop down to 6, rinse, repeat. it's got to the point where i've just accepted i can't win in arena 7 yet.
current deck is:
goblin hut
Any way to improve this? my valkyrie is level 6 and really powerful. i'd like to incorporate barbs but don't see how i could fit them in without removing her.
I seem to lose against giants, or possibly hogs, so i guess inferno should feature, but i'm not sure how
I m stuck at 1400-1500 trphies and cant get past that...![]()
need help with the deck post yours
i m at arena 5
my deck :
arrows lvl8
musketeer lvl 5
valkyrie lvl5
archers lvl7
minions lvl7
hog rider lvl5
spear goblins lvl7
skeleton army lvl2
what should i do?
I m stuck at 1400-1500 trphies and cant get past that...![]()
need help with the deck post yours
i m at arena 5
my deck :
arrows lvl8
musketeer lvl 5
valkyrie lvl5
archers lvl7
minions lvl7
hog rider lvl5
spear goblins lvl7
skeleton army lvl2
what should i do?
Don't feel guilty of having been blessed by RNGesus.Im actually starting to feel guilty using the sparky.
On more than one occasion my opponent has just quit out once I've deployed or after they fail to defend the first tower. Also seeing alot of the angry king emoji in matches.
I'd swap out hog rider for giant. Hog rider without freeze gets taken out too quickly and then you've just wasted 5 elixir. For the same cost you can play giant and support him from behind.
This deck seems really light to me, what's your average elixir cost?
I'd probably throw a giant into the mix to draw fire or maybe swap minions for dragon as you can afford the extra cost.
Lv 3 balloons are brutal. I have trouble bringing then down..
Opened up a free chest today and got a sparky. You really can get Legendaries in any chest.
Edit..lost 7 matches since I slotted sparky into my deck. Last 5 matches were against people with minion horde, Skelton horde and ice wizard. All formidable counters it seems.
I can't figure out what happened.
I had a great deck that carried me from 1700 to over 2500.
Then I went on holiday for a week.
I come back, and I've fallen from 2500+ to 1800ish using the exact same deck.
Other than a lot of decks having new epics, I can't figure it out.
Don't feel guilty of having been blessed by RNGesus.
Unless you bought the chest it came in and then just wipe those tears with a bank note.