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Cmon man where the aliens at?

Wormhole. We will eventually bend spacetime, even if it happens centuries from now on. We will travel to different galaxies not only to the edges of Milky Way.

I hope I resurrect into a badass bounty hunter.

I want to come back and do space porn.



Speed of light is too slow, we'll never meet.
I'm not some space travel expert but doesn't speed of light just shrink distances by a massive amount? Like if you traveled from the milky way to andromeda at the speed of light, it would take like 10 minutes but 2.5 million years has passed for everyone else once you arrive there?


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
OP, I’m with you. I mean, I feel like our simulation has been glitching out and crumbling for years now, the least our IT admins could do is introduce some aliens to the mix. Hell, that’s what I always did at this point in my SimCity games.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
P.S. Sheer hubris to assume aliens smarter than us would be interested in us. Of all the places in the universe, why would they come here? You think Alien Greg can't think of better things to do than monkey-wach for a hundred years?

This doesn't make any sense.

Let's pretend that we found a species of ant in the Amazon that had a stone age culture. Would we ignore them because we're more intelligent?

Maybe that's too far fetched. What if we found complex life on Europa? Again, would we ignore it because it's not as advanced as humanity?

The answer to both questions is 'No'
I'm not some space travel expert but doesn't speed of light just shrink distances by a massive amount? Like if you traveled from the milky way to andromeda at the speed of light, it would take like 10 minutes but 2.5 million years has passed for everyone else once you arrive there?

No. Andromeda is 2.5M LY away. That means it takes light 2.5M years to reach us from there. It would take us 2.5M years traveling at the speed of light to get to the Andromeda Galaxy.

When you look at Andromeda right now, that light left there 2.5M years ago. You are seeing Andromeda from the past. To see what it actually looks like right now, look at it again in 2.5M years.
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They took one look at us and noped the fuck out.

Any intelligent species that's achieved intergalactic travel would just go, 'We can't be asked with dealing us this shit again'.
The Fermi Paradox has a (worm) hole: limiting space travel / communications to our present knowledge of science. As someone who lived the irruption of the first computers in our lives, I can tell that was an unthinkable concept, not even science fiction speculated with stuff like smartphones or the internet, it was completely out of our realm of imagination. We shouldn't make that mistake trying to figure out ways to travel across space. We know shit.

So, if there exist species that manipulate gravity, time is different to them, and distances aren't the same.

I believe everything's on the table and any theory about aliens is wild. Let's apply some logic to those "rational" explanations the naysayers defend.

1 - UFOs exist but they are human tech:

On the paper, this looks like the "rational" thing to say, but actually it's pretty stupid.

According to this theory, the USA or other dominant countries have created physics-breaking tech, and instead of using it to their advantage, they are exhibiting it in places where it can be caught by their adversaries and seen by the public. Seriously, guys? This contradicts everything we know about the military and intelligence agencies.

We don't know about other intelligences, but we know how humans behave. And this is not what we do. I'm not saying it´s impossible, but it just doesn't make any sense, and there is no purpose.

Besides, this stuff has happened since the last century and the kind of technological leap we are discussing is unprecedented in human history. It's as if the Spanish conquerors arrived in America with smartphones and jet fighters. A country with that tech advantage would be the undisputed ruler of the world. As history has taught us.

2 - The UFOs are projections created by the army.

The question is WHY. Why fuck with people's minds for generations? I believe our governments are capable of all kinds of evil, but again, this is stupid. I'd believe this theory if someone gave me a good explanation of why governments would do this.

3 - UFOs are ancient alien tech we are testing:

Could or could not be. But again, the way we are doing it is not rational at all. It doesn't follow the pattern of secrecy and classified stuff. "it's a psyop". About what? If this is a misdirection, what are they hiding? In the present world, we see better examples of psyops, daily.

We have the testimonies of hundreds of pilots and people from the army under oath talking about this. Are they all lying??? Talk about conspiracy theories. They might be wrong in the things they see... but many are very specific. It's hard to believe that these people are either mad or lying. I don't see any benefit for them to do this.

As a general rule, when something big happens, I follow the money or who benefits. It always gets you near the truth. However, in the UFO discussion, I don't see who would benefit from this lie. There are too many people from too many agencies and different parts of the world, not only the USA. Again, humans don't behave like this.

Ultimately, this leaves us with "aliens" or rather, non-human intelligences, as the least irrational explanation, which is also the simplest. Any other theory would involve a worldwide conspiracy from which people wouldn't get any benefit other than fucking around with us.

Personally, I don't rule out any possibility. Most accounts say these objects come out of the ocean. We can presume this tech doesn't belong to any human army or else it would have been deployed on the battlefield. So, the alternative is that they don't exist and everyone is lying. Both options are weird, but one is simpler than the other. Right now, I stand with the simple and most exciting one.


The Fermi Paradox has a (worm) hole: limiting space travel / communications to our present knowledge of science. As someone who lived the irruption of the first computers in our lives, I can tell that was an unthinkable concept, not even science fiction speculated with stuff like smartphones or the internet, it was completely out of our realm of imagination. We shouldn't make that mistake trying to figure out ways to travel across space. We know shit.
Yep, a good nr of people in the thread make the mistake of thinking in a few centuries we wont change the way we see physics and the universe. Think what people 100 years ago would think of internet and computers. Go back 150 and people would think the idea of TV is heretic magic.

Advancement is inevitable. Because it seems we are pretty rare in the universe (maybe the only sentient species in the galaxy and we need to check others) it might be that we have a higher purpose and are destined for more than to die on this planet eventually. I really dont believe the universe is an accident, nothing can pop-out from nothingness, not with our current understand of the world anyway, I'm not very religious, but something out there exists that made this, theres no other explanation currently.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Maybe we are a statistical anomaly.
Aren't we just bacteria that was on androids that hit the earth billions of years ago?

Nope. That's one of many theories of how life started on Earth. It's not even the most popular or realistic theory either.


Any day now, don't give up. We just have to keep on doing more extreme self-destructive things, so they have to step in to save us from ourselves.


I think it's a combination of:

-Suitable host galaxies and suitable locations in those galaxies for life to develop are rare.
-Rare Earth theory is probably correct. There's a lot of things that are pretty anomalous about Earth (and our sun actually)
-Abiogenesis is a vastly rarer occurrence than optimistic expectations.
-There's probably an evolutionary step that's a great filter (perhaps multiple great filters), likely the jump from prokayotic to eukaryotic life.
-Even with the right planet, it's extremely difficult for a planet to remain habitable for the billions of years necessary for complex life to develop. A recent study showed even suitable Earth-like planets are highly vulnerable to random walk climate disasters that lead to runaway greenhouse effects or snowball Earths.
-Even if all of the above fall your way, an intelligent species might not be able to conquer the near-impossible distances of space travel.

We're probably far from alone in the universe, but intelligent life could much rarer than hoped, perhaps on the order of occurring once out of every 1,xxx,xxx number of galaxies.
I'm not some space travel expert but doesn't speed of light just shrink distances by a massive amount? Like if you traveled from the milky way to andromeda at the speed of light, it would take like 10 minutes but 2.5 million years has passed for everyone else once you arrive there?
Yes, but more precisely what happens if you get closer to the speed of light is that your perception of time slows down, because speed in time is linked to your speed in space, and vice versa; so if you somehow could travel at the speed of light, which is impossible for anything that has mass, time would stop for you, meaning you wouldn't age, and thus the trip would feel instantaneous; in that blink of an eye for you however, humanity has gone extinct because 2.5m years passed for the earth.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
So what's the prevailing theory

Hydrothermal Vents and RNA World hypotheses I would say are the leading theories and more realistic than Panspermia.

My issue with Panspermia is that bacteria wouldn't have just appeared on an astroid. It would have had to develop on another planet/moon, which then leads us back to square one.


I'm not some space travel expert but doesn't speed of light just shrink distances by a massive amount? Like if you traveled from the milky way to andromeda at the speed of light, it would take like 10 minutes but 2.5 million years has passed for everyone else once you arrive there?
You also would need to factor in accelerating and decelerating. At 1G it would take just about a year to get there and a year to stop. Of course this even assuming it somehow was even possible to do so which so far it isn't.

Aces High

I'm not some space travel expert but doesn't speed of light just shrink distances by a massive amount? Like if you traveled from the milky way to andromeda at the speed of light, it would take like 10 minutes but 2.5 million years has passed for everyone else once you arrive there?

If there's genuinely intelligent life out there, I don't think it wants to engage with us. Although we (humans) like to think of and call ourselves intelligent, we're just self-assessing.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I think we're going to discover artificial lighting and/or artificial structures on another planet and that's how we'll find aliens first.
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Aliens are a fed psyop

A fed psyop from a number of world governments for over 80 years? Nah.

Anyway, I came across this ITV report from the 1960s. Two old school Devonshire police officers talking about their UFO experience.



I'm not some space travel expert but doesn't speed of light just shrink distances by a massive amount? Like if you traveled from the milky way to andromeda at the speed of light, it would take like 10 minutes but 2.5 million years has passed for everyone else once you arrive there?
If you could go at the speed of light, then for you, it would feel like the journey was instant, no matter how far it was. But you can't go at the speed of light because you have mass.
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