Here's the full interview of one of Jake's colleagues. Seems like a down to earth guy and a true badass.
I have always been fascinated by this kind of stuff, but, there's lots to digest here...
- Actual Psionics ?
- Being able to summon these crafts ?
- Feeling a "spiritual" connection to them with an overwhelming feeling of "love" and "peace" ?
I don't know lads, it sounds like woo-woo stuff, then again...
Which brings me to : Don't you find it weird, suspicious even, in that just a few weeks in 2025 we had the drone sightings thing, 2 whistleblowers and other ex US officials admitting/mentioning/coming out with this stuff ? New documentaries coming out etc etc ? If I was a conspiracy theorist I would say that this feels like they're drip fedding us intel for an imminent (but controlled) "disclosure" for...whatever reason ?
Also, while that Barber guy looks like he's coked out of his mind with his eyes almost trying to escape his skull (not judging, just stating the optics here), the 2nd guy looks like he's still shaken to his core/had his world/life beliefs and views "readjusted" after witnessing...whatever he has witnessed, just an observation.
Now all of this is either - once again - a huge scam/grift , or, there's actually some pretty weird stuff out there and for whatever reason, they're going for a full but drip fed "disclosure"...
Fascinating (Even if it's all bullshit).