La Maquinon
Anyone read Dark Horse comics digitally? How is that experience? I'm slowly switching over to digital and I can't imagine not reading Dark Horse Presents.
Whatever happened to Hercules in Marvel Comics? I haven't read anything related to him or Cho since Chaos War =/
Usually the couch any time of day. I have a soft box which is a lighting device used to shoot professional photos and video. It's bright as fuck. We bought it for filming stuff but have it situated to light the living room, too, since our living room is quite dark otherwise. The soft box can make my eyes sore, though, if I read by it a lot. Natural lighting is ideal for print comics. When I read digitally, of course, no bright light is necessary.
Anyone read Dark Horse comics digitally? How is that experience? I'm slowly switching over to digital and I can't imagine not reading Dark Horse Presents.
I read a few issues on Dark Horse's ipad app, it was serviceable on single page viewing.
Hercules appeared in Spider-Island (as the owner of a Greek-themed bar) and Avengers Academy (teaching the kids Greco-Roman wrestling, he may have been naked during this).
Cho was in the first arc of Savage Wolverine, called Kill Island.
Do they have Fixed Width yet?
How does this work? Sounds well cool. Can you post a pic of your living room?I'm all about finding a new lighting solution lately, my lights suck.
Just checked and they do, that must be new? Seems to work well too.
Do I have to be reading Superior Spidey to read Superior Foes? Foes looks really fun and all the talk here has me interested, but I'm not reading Superior. It sounds like it's kind of it's own thing, which would be good, but I just wanted to check.
Stephanie Brown, Wally West... who's next?
I've never read any Spider-Man and I enjoyed Superior-Foes. It's definitely it's own thing. I mean, now and then will be a splash page and it'll be like DUN DUN DUNNN look who it is! And I'd be like "..." But that's rare. Really fun book.
Dang, I was hoping Flash would get a good writer/writing team. I don't mind Booth's art but the Vendetti/Van Jensen team does nothing for me writing wise.
Both digital and print.
it's both
This looks great from Booth.
This looks great from Booth.
What's everyone's critique of Booth. I love his stuff in Batman/Superman.
Stephanie Brown, Wally West... who's next?
Essex County is pretty cool and somewhat similar. Daytripper was pretty moving as well, but it is a collection of issues instead of a single story.Anything similar to Blankets? I thought that was an amazing GN and had a pretty big effect on me.
Cool. I was thinking about trying out one of his works. Tough choice to make.
Stephanie Brown, Wally West... who's next?
You want Otto to stay...So I have been out of comics for at least 5 years.
Trying to catch up on good stuff from the past year.
Just read Superior Spider-man, thought it was pretty great.
Any other suggestions as far as mainstream superhero stories go? (I have always been more of a marvel guy)
Stephanie Brown, Wally West... who's next?
Any other suggestions as far as mainstream superhero stories go? (I have always been more of a marvel guy)
You want Otto to stay...
Renee Montoya!
Was about to read Spider-Girl on Marvel Unlimited........until I saw the big ass gap between issue 34-65. Ultimate Spider-man had the same problem...
I only subscribed to try it out because of the $4 promo but now I'm definitely not renewing. Why the hell would they provide the beginning and ending issues of a series but ignore the middle? It sucks because Spider-Girl and a crap ton of other comics aren't available anywhere else digitally.
EDIT: Damn, they don't have any Punisher Max
The art is going to suffer but thank Moses for the change in writing. Seriously, I was actively angry everytime I read a Buchafuckgivesashit written Flash because he sunk those beautiful Manapul pages. I think the two are now entertwined, like the venom symbiote, and this makes me sad because I wont be picking up any Manapul books then.Dang, I was hoping Flash would get a good writer/writing team. I don't mind Booth's art but the Vendetti/Van Jensen team does nothing for me writing wise.