But hulkUh, I don't think Waid's written a bum comic in like a decade so
But hulk
Uh, I don't think Waid's written a bum comic in like a decade so
I didn't realize you were a Threeboot Legion fan.
Pretty late on this, but that's me just seeing the 4 page preview for the empire of the dead book marvel has cooking. All I can say is I reaaally hope Romero has a gift for comics because the art is phenomenal.
Yo, Maqui(s), why you gotta call me out like that? You're right though that, that was my main complaint, but even my appreciation for the basic premise started to break down after a few issues ( I bought #1-3 blind because of the recommendation/betrayal of some of the people here)
We'll always have Rat Queens.And Red Lanterns?????
Alright, nerds.
I've tweaked my list around. Of the non-DC stuff I currently pull or will be pulling;
Rat Queens
Black Science
Red Sonja
Wolverine and the X-Men
Amazing X-Men
I have 1-3 slots open to add new stuff but I haven't been particularly inspired/convinced to get anything else yet. Convince me what I should get based on these.
O___________O No deal.
Alright, nerds.
I've tweaked my list around. Of the non-DC stuff I currently pull or will be pulling;
Rat Queens
Black Science
Red Sonja
Wolverine and the X-Men
Amazing X-Men
I have 1-3 slots open to add new stuff but I haven't been particularly inspired/convinced to get anything else yet. Convince me what I should get based on these.
Save 12 bucks a month and don't get anything to you feel inspired.
With my discount it's more like $7. If I don't get suggestions I'm just going to put three copies of Catwoman back onto my list.
Try out the first two issues of Harley Quinn. it was GAFs most recent comic of the month. We really like it. It considerably better than Catwoman.
You need Rachel Rising in your life.
Alright, nerds.
I've tweaked my list around. Of the non-DC stuff I currently pull or will be pulling;
Rat Queens
Black Science
Red Sonja
Wolverine and the X-Men
Amazing X-Men
I have 1-3 slots open to add new stuff but I haven't been particularly inspired/convinced to get anything else yet. Convince me what I should get based on these.
Messi plz.
I'll check it out.
I am sorry, I really like it. But I did make two legitimate suggestions if that one is not to your liking.
How did a motherfucking Romero zombie comic book drop and I didn't know about it!!!!!!!! Oh my god!
Also, did you pick up the first Sheltered trade, donie? I wouldn't nesessarily recommend it, but if you have, I'd be curious as to your thoughts. What has Brisson written that has made you a fan? I found Sheltered to be frustrating so I dropped it. But I really enjoyed his crime mini series Murder Book (free to read now on Murderbookcomic.com!)
What does it mean to have an "annual" issue?
Oh ok, cool.
I figured it was a yearly thing or something.
Dat David Aja delayTfaw says Hawkgal #16 is out on the 22nd of Jan and Hawkguy #15 is the month after. That can't be right. I thought this month was a clint issue.
Well, that's that Aquaman book official. Jurgens and Lan Medina, for those who are interested.
Dat David Aja delay
The idea is awesome, a quarterly with a pseudo-theme running through it, allowing talent to run wild on some Vertigo pages, but man, those covers are fucking disgusting. For fuck's sake, all the talented cover work that's associated with Vertigo...
But take a very close look, specifically at the keyhole to the cell door (hint: tilt your head 90 degrees to the left) Well wait for you
design of a character in Batman's future appearing in Batman #28
View full size image
So now, what can that mean? We ran it through the Bat-computer we picked up at Radio Shack and it spit out two interpretations:
One that Batman lands in jail. "Orange is the New Batsuit?"
Two that Batman finally privatizes the Gotham City correctional facility system i.e. he starts locking up his own prisoners. Many fans might argue he should have started doing that years ago.
Of course if he did he'd probably have one of those fancy see-through cells like in Thor: The Dark World and Star Trek: Into Darkness so he could have awesomely cinematic confrontations with his captives, but that wouldn't make for a cool teaser cover.
Add to that a couple of bits from the now infamous Batsgiving teaser (see below) a Commissioner Gordon seemingly bound by handcuffs and Alfred sporting what looks like a straightjacket, and you got some full-on intrigue.
CFASCD ("Cuh-fascuhd")
Comics Fans Against Stylish Cover Design
Est. Never Has Not Existed
Haha I know, Marvel haven't necessarily hyped it the way you might expect. Did you find the preview? Looks really cool. Until we actually see what kind of handle he's got on comics pacing etc. though, it's not a sure thing though imo.
I have not read Sheltered yet Maq, I was super close (literally had it ordered on Amazon) after christmas, but I realised I could get a hold of The Wake Part 1, so I cancelled and put off Sheltered so I could get that. I think next week I'm going to do another round of trades though, and it should be in there. I haven't actually read anything by Brisson yet, so I guess I'm not technically a fan yet, but I've just been looking for an in on him, since it looks like he does the kind of stuff I like, so I was traipsing his twitter and saw his hints about his new books. I have Sheltered and Comeback sitting in my amazon basket though (along with Sleeper by Bru & Mind MGMT by Kindt, as it happens), so I will definitely share my thoughts once I pull the trigger on them. The premise seems super cool though. What was it that put you off? I'm going to go read that stuff at your link right now!
dis the one in the future?
Yeah, break in between ZY.
Rat Queens #4 is so good, you guys. I haven't had this much fun and smiled so much reading a comic since I was 13 years old reading Byrne's She-Hulk.
Been making my way threw the first Dredd case file . Awesome stuff , nice to see some bolland art
Anyone read he IDW series?