Wow Jedeye doing the lords work this morning. As a fan of silver age craziness, flex metallo is like a extension of that.
For someone new to Spiderman, should I read Superior or Ultimate Comics?
Thanks for the earlier replies regarding comics similar to Blankets, by the way.
For someone new to Spiderman, should I read Superior or Ultimate Comics?
Thanks for the earlier replies regarding comics similar to Blankets, by the way.
Hello Comic-GAF, just getting back into the medium after having not read much since the mid-90's.
Started 'Y the Last Man' and am 20 issues in and really freaking love it. A friend loaned me the current run of Saga to read after I finish, and I also have most of Fables on loan to get started with as well soon after.
I have read many of the classics like Maus, Watchmen, most of the major Batman novels from Loeb, Sale, Miller, Moore, etc...(loved Batman way back). I do need to read Sandman soon too as it has been on my mind for over a decade.
A basic list below of what I have considered in my list to read:
-Y the Last Man (currently reading)
-Astonishing X-men (have access to motion comic version)
-Buffy Season 8/9(loved the show)
-X-Men Days of Future Past(pre-movie release)
-League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Anything to add?
I've been told 100 Bullets is great, as is Locke and Key. I've never been a big Superman fan, but Red Son is constantly recommended. Also Infinite Crisis(?) or some such is usually brought up but I know little of it, can't remember exact title of the series but I think that's it.
Anything else to add? I should probably read Walking Dead, my only exposure is the Telltale game as I have not watched the TV show either.
For someone new to Spiderman, should I read Superior or Ultimate Comics?
Thanks for the earlier replies regarding comics similar to Blankets, by the way.
I've been reading it as well and would fully agree with everything you've written here. I probably share the same fears, is there going to be enough story there for 18 issues, which is a lot. So far I'd mostly yes, I think there's been a little padding here and there and I hope it doesn't go beyond that.
*Edit* I meant to writer more before I hit post. It is really interesting to me how tied to Judeo Christian ideas the overall DC Universe is. It makes sense in some ways with characters like The Spectre, and now in N52 Phantom Stranger. It makes me wonder slightly too, how that ties/connects with the multiverse and things like CoIE. Is the God of the DC Universe a being that exists continuously outside all of that? Or is it a being that's created in each Universe like the characters?
I don't think this is something DC's ever hinted to or commented on, but I could be wrong.
Skullkickers is really funny and captures the style of a fantasy game well.
IDW's Dungeons & Dragons series (three trades: Shadowplague, First Encouters and Down). I enjoyed the Eberron issues of Infestation II and the Annual that came from it.
Pathfinder ongoing is quite good.
Red Sonja can be a mixed bag, however the current series by Gail Simone is wonderful.
Brian Wood's Conan run is meant to be very good.
RAT QUEENS (so good, I listed it twice)
Yeah, at least regarding God, I've always considered him to exist on a level way beyond these multiverse/continuity issues (essentially what Augustine wrote, that God exists beyond time and space, everywhere and everywhen at once).My impression has always been that beings like the New Gods and God exist beyond the Multiverse. If I remember correctly, it was Krona trying to witness the birth of creation that caused the splintering and formation of the Multiverse, so it makes sense in my mind for their to be a sole Creator. But I think you're right, I don't believe DC has ever officially addressed it.
Tim, I read Constantine. It was really good. I really like the way they handle God in this story. As someone with a Catholic upbringing who is almost borderline agnostic now (yes I'm a fence sitter), what I got from this story is God is Love. They all got that hole in their heart filled with what they need to continue on their journey. It's a classic story tale (ex. Wizard of Oz) but really cool with these characters.
A basic list below of what I have considered in my list to read:
-Y the Last Man (currently reading)
-Astonishing X-men (have access to motion comic version)
-Buffy Season 8/9(loved the show)
-X-Men Days of Future Past(pre-movie release)
-League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
For someone new to Spiderman, should I read Superior or Ultimate Comics?
Thanks for the earlier replies regarding comics similar to Blankets, by the way.
Yeah, at least regarding God, I've always considered him to exist on a level way beyond these multiverse/continuity issues (essentially what Augustine wrote, that God exists beyond time and space, everywhere and everywhen at once).
As for the New Gods, my take on them is that they have physical avatars that are definitely affected by the multiverse and continuity (see Earth 2 for example). But these avatars, the characters we know, are only aspects of bigger archetypical entities, principles, that exist on a different plane from the whole multiverse. And their avatars are affected by whatever happens on this plane we never see. I'd say Final Crisis makes that point pretty clearly.
(I love this stuff!)
Does the goblin formula increase cup size or I'm just remembering Carley Cooper wrong?
Hey man! If I were you I'd skip Days of Future Past and Buffy. Future Past is going to be very unlike the movie, and it's an old X-Men comic which means the writing and art will be objectively pretty bad. Seeing as you don't have the nostalgia tags to drag you through it it might be a struggle. Buffy is just simply not very good. Very long, doesn't go anywhere for ages, and then where it does go is a bit of a kick in the balls for a fan. IMO read the first trade and know that it is the very best the series will ever be and take it from there.
Start with Sandman.
I won't add anything else, because that there is one very full plate. Read it all, come back and tell us what you liked and we can steer you from there.
Buffy is just simply not very good. Very long, doesn't go anywhere for ages, and then where it does go is a bit of a kick in the balls for a fan. IMO read the first trade and know that it is the very best the series will ever be and take it from there.
Finally got Fabes #1 yesterday.
But dat Superior Spider-Man #25!
Looks likeShit's getting real.Peter is back in the game. And the Avengers want to kick Spider-Man's ass. Plus, Goblin vs. Goblin.
And how great was Constantine scheming to, before realizing the Voice could hear his thoughts? I hope we actually get to see what the others were shown, especially Pandora since they revealed she's going to be an agent of the Light.trap the Spectre and sell him back to God
Yeah, at least regarding God, I've always considered him to exist on a level way beyond these multiverse/continuity issues (essentially what Augustine wrote, that God exists beyond time and space, everywhere and everywhen at once).
As for the New Gods, my take on them is that they have physical avatars that are definitely affected by the multiverse and continuity (see Earth 2 for example). But these avatars, the characters we know, are only aspects of bigger archetypical entities, principles, that exist on a different plane from the whole multiverse. And their avatars are affected by whatever happens on this plane we never see. I'd say Final Crisis makes that point pretty clearly.
(I love this stuff!)
My impression has always been that beings like the New Gods and God exist beyond the Multiverse. If I remember correctly, it was Krona trying to witness the birth of creation that caused the splintering and formation of the Multiverse, so it makes sense in my mind for their to be a sole Creator. But I think you're right, I don't believe DC has ever officially addressed it.
How could you forget? We are officially off the rails and this crazy train is barreling offroad.the people of NYC rebelling against their new Spider-y overlord
Wait for Matt Fractionto start his run with a new number one.I will be sad when Superior endsIt's been such a good book.
Wait for Matt Fractionto start his run with a new number one.
That's an interesting take on the New Gods and really meshes well with what Morrison did in Final Crisis with the death of the Fourth World.
Maybe I'm misreading you (entirely possible, I'm a bit out of it today), but I do have to disagree a bit. As far as the avatars of the New Gods go, they would still only exist once and wouldn't have analogs in each version of the Multiverse. To use your Earth 2 example, the Scott Free and Barda that are there are the only Barda and Scott Free. There would be no Orion of Earth 3 or a Darkseid of Earth 7, there is the one and only. This was shown at the end of the Darkseid villain's month issue actually (for as much as Pak got wrong in that issue he nailed that concept) where you see the singular Darkseid with his collection of Supermen from across the Multiverse. New Genesis and Apokalips obviously don't exist beyond the Source Wall, but they are beyond the scope of the Multiversal barriers, hence needing Boom Tube tech to travel there. So back to Earth 2, when. As both Kirby and Final Crisis taught us, while the Fourth World denizens are deities, they can still be killed by extraordinary measures. This is ultimately what separates them from God the creator.Steppenwolf was eviscerated by Supes eyebeams, that was the end of Steppenwolf in total
Loving this conversation by the way. I love theorizing on this stuff and am always up for any discussion of the Fourth World.
That's what I would think as well, it's just interesting that they've never really said either way. Though the New Gods definitely sit below God it would seem. Since they're definitely effected by things like a rebooting universe, or other activities. It just happens that this time they sit outside of the Multiverse. At the same time, Phantom Stranger is the first time I THINK (could be wrong here) that God has had such a presence directly in the DC Universe.
Jedeye Sniv said:Hmmm, maybe. But I like it better if they're completely extradimensional, and their appearances across the multiverse are just 3D extrusions into our spacetime, like instances or avatars. Perhaps each would be aware of the others, perhaps not...
Finally got Fabes #1 yesterday.
But dat Superior Spider-Man #25!
Looks likeShit's getting real.Peter is back in the game. And the Avengers want to kick Spider-Man's ass. Plus, Goblin vs. Goblin.
There's been a couple other times when God had a direct presence, the first (I think) and most notable being Ostrander's run on the Spectre when he became the embodiment of the Wrath of God. There was also the angel Zauriel during Morrison's run on JLA.
Yeah I wasn't disputing that (and it's a cool idea). My point was that in entering our spacetime they are a singular entity, ie if Orion is chatting up Diana on Earth Prime that's the only Orion, there's not also a version of him hellbent for leather with Overman on Earth 10.
How could you forget? We are officially off the rails and this crazy train is barreling offroad.the people of NYC rebelling against their new Spider-y overlord
Almost.did the avengers work out it isnt spidey?
There's been a couple other times when God had a direct presence, the first (I think) and most notable being Ostrander's run on the Spectre when he became the embodiment of the Wrath of God. There was also the angel Zauriel during Morrison's run on JLA.
Awww but then you can't have all 52 of them team up to form UltraOrion![]()
Hey man! If I were you I'd skip Days of Future Past and Buffy. Future Past is going to be very unlike the movie, and it's an old X-Men comic which means the writing and art will be objectively pretty bad.
I totally forgot about that with the Spectre, though I don't know his history and such as well. I thought he was always the embodiment of the Wrath of God. I was going to bring up Zauriel, though I didn't because so many cultures of Angels, and I couldn't remember if during Morrison's run if there was anything that made him specifically a Judeo Christian Angel.
With Phantom Stranger though we're definitely getting that connection and God has appeared in the book. Which for me was the big difference form what I remembered in the past.
I haven't read this weeks comics yet but I'm interested to see how far they take this.
Hopefully Space Jesus Kyle won't have to be crucified for the Universe's sins.
JL 3000 - There is another.
I have no idea what to expect in this book and I love it.
Is All-New X-Men currently in a crossover with GoTG or does it just happen to have the GoTG in its current story arc?