any good comics about samurais or something similar?
Out of the current/most recent X-men series, which is the best one to read, keeping in mind that I know nothing about the X-men?
Did Inoue ever stop playing video games?Infinite Kung Fu
Two very different sides of the same rad-ass coin
Lone Wolf and Cub. It's available in cheap paperback omnibus editions, great deals.any good comics about samurais or something similar?
Well, All-New X-Men and Uncanny are my favorites, but they tie into each other pretty heavily, so I wouldn't read one without the other. Barring those two, my vote would go for "X-Men".
Could I manage to understand them both if I bought trades instead of individual issues or would they not line up as well that way?
Infinite Kung Fu
Two very different sides of the same rad-ass coin
Lone Wolf and Cub. It's available in cheap paperback omnibus editions, great deals.
Also can't go wrong with the GOAT samurai comic
usagi yojimbo
is there any reason why vagabond vol 4 costs a ridiculous amount?
It might be out-of-print. It's being collected into the VizBIG editions, though. Probably better to get those, since you'd get the first six volumes of manga by purchasing the first two VizBIG editions.
any good comics about samurais or something similar?
speaking of comic creators shit-talking other comic book people, you read that amazingly long Alan Moore response?
Yeah sorry, I mean the vizbig edition of volume 4.
1-3, 5-11 are all available for regular price. Vol 4 is $100 everywhere
this is why i love comics-gaf
would have sucked trying to get into a new series and missing three volumes
I think I'm going to read superior spiderman
That was amazing. I didn't want it to end.
While I've enjoyed several of Moore's works, he just comes off as an asshole (again) and this time surprisingly whiny too. Disappointing.
Unfortunately, I'm new to the DCU so I can't really get deep into the conversation. That said, the conversation is really interesting. Why do we think God took the form of a"Boston Terrier?"
Brian Wood's X-Men is currently the best X-book. It's only 8 issues in but three of them were tie-ins for the rubbish Battle of the Atom event.Out of the current/most recent X-men series, which is the best one to read, keeping in mind that I know nothing about the X-men?
Out of the current/most recent X-men series, which is the best one to read, keeping in mind that I know nothing about the X-men?
Anyone buy black dynamite other than me?
Catching up on some reading; I have a three week backlog.
Black Science #2 was pretty cool. I enjoy the intellectual exercise imagining what led to the state of the world in each dimension. We'll see if it remains fascinating or becomes wrote over time.
Then there is Green Arrow. Maybe you guys heard about it??? It's amaze-balls. #27 was really, really good.
ongoing, huh? Alright, i'm in for NauckNauck/Claremont Nightcrawler is official.
Could I manage to understand them both if I bought trades instead of individual issues or would they not line up as well that way?
Superior is a lot shorter but seems to be a middle-chapter in a larger story. Very different story as well, it's not 'normal' Spidey.
Ultimate, if you start at Vol 1 (2000) is a very long and very consistently good 'classic' Spidey story. You get kid Peter, first time he's meeting baddies, minimal continuity fuckery. It's the one book that I've never dropped since #1. That's hiiiiiiigh praise. And then if you like the Universe a lot of the other Ultimate books were pretty good, or had good chunks. Lots to be getting on with over there.
Well now I HAVE to read it. I read the first dozen or so issues of the MOTU relaunch, and it was implied that Orko was responsible for turning traitor or something and allowing skeletor to win. Maybe I should pick the series back up.
I went back to his first appearance in Phantom Stranger, basically it's because he has a sense of humor. I'm just gonna link to the panels to avoid spoilers -
my wife was like dog is God backwards and I felt stupid.
Hahaha, awesome. It could also be a reference to the movie Best in Show. There was a line that was "God loves a terrier" or something similar.
I'm disappointed in what I've read about the quality of Prophet dropping off after the first trade. I guess it's safe to skip.
no Harley, no problem
I just ordered:
Y The Last Man: Vol 4 and 5 Hardcover (This is the end for me, its gonna crush me. I can feel it coming)
Locke & Key Vol 1 Hardcover
Chew Vol 7: Bad Apples
American Vampire Vol 2
Catwoman Vol. 1: Trail of the Catwoman
I think I did well. Right folks?
I'm disappointed in what I've read about the quality of Prophet dropping off after the first trade. I guess it's safe to skip.
Looks pretty good! I should get on that Y, and AV train. I promised my self I have to finish sandman before picking up a new series.