I took the dust jackets off my B.R.P.D volumes and have no idea where they are. Probably put them in the bin. Dust Jackets suck though so whatever.
You probably put them in the trash where they belong.
I took the dust jackets off my B.R.P.D volumes and have no idea where they are. Probably put them in the bin. Dust Jackets suck though so whatever.
dust jackets
more like
dust jackets
more like
ohhhh no.
I could never lend my books out like that
Man, God of Thunder is the real deal. Aaron is killing it so far. Gorr is probably the most interesting comic book villain I've read in a while. So, so good.
Fair warning to all
Let your omnibus go nude
Dust jackets are trash
I can't..I feel dirty throwing out a piece of something I bought. What if I want to re sell? It's technically incomplete.
So let's say you pick up a KFC bucket for dinner tonight, hypothetically speaking. You hanging on to those chicken bones?
Dust jackets are the bones. Refuse.
I like dust jackets. Not really sure why but I do.
So let's say you pick up a KFC bucket for dinner tonight, hypothetically speaking. You hanging on to those chicken bones?
Dust jackets are the bones. Refuse.
I like dust jackets. Not really sure why but I do.
So let's say you pick up a KFC bucket for dinner tonight, hypothetically speaking. You hanging on to those chicken bones?
Dust jackets are the bones. Refuse.
I ate the bones!
Silly Tragic. The bones would be the binding. Dust jacket would be the skin. Get your shit together.
You hate dust.
Wouldn't the proper analogy be getting a box of KFC chicken and then throwing away the skin? What kind of mad person would throw away KFC chicken skin?? Not someone I would trust.
I can't..I feel dirty throwing out a piece of something I bought. What if I want to re sell? It's technically incomplete.
Dust jackets increase the resell/ trade value of a book for sure. That is enough reason to keep it right there
Comixology: No Dust Jackets Necessary!
Amen. The daredevil omnibus and elektra feature the same art as the dust jacket which is awesomeI prefer books to be designed without dust jackets, but I would never discard a dust jacket that comes with the book.
Isn't your case kind of like a dust jacket?
Isn't your case kind of like a dust jacket?
Dang. I never thought of it like that.
If dust jackets worked like covers that turn into stands, that'd be sweet.
Dang. I never thought of it like that.
If dust jackets worked like covers that turn into stands, that'd be sweet.
Otterbox Dust Jackets for life.
Brb plugging my book into the wall
But Squirrel Girl X Wolverine the strangest ship ever? She's in college now. He would kind of be like her Daddy.
Same, and a book is not the same as food. Comics don't go bad! Well, unless you live in a mouldy house.
You are a true broHahaha, I have to though to educate my friends and family. When GoTG was first announced my one friend was like
So I had to dump some GoTG and Annihilation, Conquest trades on him and yell 'READ THESE!!' Most of my books come back, some I upgrade like when I upgraded to Sinestro Corps War Absolute edition and I told my friend who had my HC's to just keep them and merry christmas.
Brb plugging my book into the wall
But Squirrel Girl X Wolverine the strangest ship ever? She's in college now. He would kind of be like her Daddy.
ew. Cases on phones/tablets. Next thing you'll tell me is that you have a screen protector on there.
I ate my Howard the Duck trade one broke and lonely Christmas EveIt was gamey.
As if the age difference between Logan and his eternal waifu was any less creepy when it started
I forget that people actually do resell their comics. Madness, but you'd definitely want to keep the cover.
Comixology: No Dust Jackets Necessary!
What are some of your favorite single issues of a comic with an open and closed story?
ew. Cases on phones/tablets. Next thing you'll tell me is that you have a screen protector on there.
They have the worst binding for their books. Practically nonexistent IMO
Screen protectors seem pointless with gorilla glass, but cases are a must. I have a five year old son. This sucker is perfect: slim, light, and has saved my phone twice now. I'm not going nude with a $750 device. I think most people with young kids know the value of a case.
What's holding the pages together?
Starbrand and Nightmask #1 was very alright, I quite enjoyed it. I assume its already canceled of course.
Starbrand and Nightmask #1 was very alright, I quite enjoyed it. I assume its already canceled of course.
Greg Weisman is cursed.
Yes, it is indeed written by Greg Weisman.
Two from Exiles:
- The one where they get a week off and while the rest of the team wants to head to a nude beach, Mariko gets told to take Morph out so the rest can relax. There's some obvious cheesecake bits when they go lingerie shopping, but there's a whole awesome sequence where Morph admits that he's crushin' on her and she lets him downThey have a lovely moment where they talk like adults. Not much else happens. It gave me the feels back then.and also tells him she's gay.
- The one where they buy a danish. The man who wanted the danish was called Rube Goldberg. You can guess where this one is going. Full-on butterfly effect but still really funny.
Also, the issue of JLA where the Hal Jordan Spectre takes them on a tour of people's inner minds, eventually ending upwhile Hal and Zauriel have a big debate about vigilantism and how Hal feels Zauriel has abandoned heaven (or whatever they called where The Presence was).inside The Joker's brain
Well thats a shame. How many issues did it last? 6?
He's know for having canceled books huh? Any notables?
Dust jackets are the clothes for books. You don't want them naked, do you?
Well thats a shame. How many issues did it last? 6?
I like my comics like I like my beaches.
ComicGAF getting 2 lewd 4 me m8.
This is a bit of a long shot, but it's been annoying me for years. Bear with me here because this is a memory I'm pulling from when I was around 4-5 years old.
In the UK, somewhere around 93/94 there was a comic available in Newsagents that was fantasy oriented. I think it was black and white although I could be wrong about that.
Everytime I think about it I think 'Lord of the Rings', but it wasn't that. There was something to do with monsters, maybe someone hunting them?
The thing I remember specifically was that there was some dude in a forest, either running away from or confronting a monster. It was definitely some sort of series and not a one off.
I know this is vague but if someone could help purge the not knowing I would be grateful.