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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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Friend of mine has been reading Witchblade all year. He swears its only because of Braga. I couldn't shake the feeling she was modelling some of the characters after herself, but that was just a quick humorous glance.
It's always easiest to take a quick picture of yourself for reference when drawing so sometimes characters can come out looking a little bit like their creators.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
It's always easiest to take a quick picture of yourself for reference when drawing so sometimes characters can come out looking a little bit like their creators.

Paul Pope does this a lot. But Paul Pope has the perfect look for his books.
I'd avoid the core Green Lantern book. The art and writing are awful, definitely not what'd you expect from the "flagship title". Check out GLC, Van Jensen is doing great character work, but otherwise the best of the line is in Justin Jordan's New Guardians and Charles Soule's Red Lanterns. I've heard Sinestro is a great read, similar in tone to Cullen's Magneto solo.

Sounds good, I wasn't actually too interested in more Hal Jordan anyway. Think I've had enough of that for a lifetime. Is GLC a $2.99 or $3.99 book?
Sounds good, I wasn't actually too interested in more Hal Jordan anyway. Think I've had enough of that for a lifetime. Is GLC a $2.99 or $3.99 book?

$2.99. Thankfully it wasn't bumped up for the event. The broad personalities of the GLC make for far more interesting reading than Hal Jordan right now.


BTW, what's coming out/scheduled in terms of Omnibuses/Complete Collections? Amazon can get kind of weird when trying to search for that and doesn't seem the best. I know that Uncanny Avengers is getting one, and I believe Hawkguy has one scheduled too? I just really love sitting down with an Omnibus, and being able to just have a whole run or something in one book. (I'm sorry though, guys, I lack the reading chair for the official omnibus position, so I just make due with a bed...)

Hawkeye is coming on 14.4.;)


Yo, good call. FBP is fucking good. Cicero's hair is my character design of the year.

Another Comic-GAF success story. I don't have enough adjectives for how good the art is all over the damn place.

I forgot to say earlier that I bought a floppy of Gotham Academy after reading the digital.

My LCS guy said Thor sold really well and Gotham Academy sold "as well as expected" - not sure exactly what that means, but I'm thinking it means "good enough."

Yeah, that was messing with me for a good few seconds before i decided it didn't really matter, which is probably not a good thing

I let Comixology decide for me after taking a good hard look at the page in the macro view.
So I've got Wizard World Austin tomorrow and decided to put together some hand drawn pieces to sell (hopefully). Here are some of the ones I think some of y'all might like. Special thanks to the posters that gave me some suggestions as to who to draw!



There are others but I don't wanna spam *too* hard. I can edit the post to be just links if anybody finds it annoying.

Jedeye Sniv

Gotham Academy looked great, but I'm going to give it another issue to grab me.

Yeah the art is absolutely fantastic but damn dude, I'm a 31 year old man, what am I doing reading about little girls in a school?

tfw you realise you're too old for some things.
Before I read Guardians 3000 (and upfront I will say that I am overjoyed to have my team back!), can someone tell me if they have explained either in book or in interview where
Nikki and Aleta

Hey Ed, I'm loving your stuff. I'd kill to see something from the Legion, preferably pre-New52. Maybe Lightning Lad/Saturn Girl/Cosmic Boy trio? Or Mon-El and Superboy?
That new Thor was dope, (s/o to thyMusicMan for the hookup). I've never seen Russell Dauterman before but I was really into his art in the issue. What else has the dude done?


So I've got Wizard World Austin tomorrow and decided to put together some hand drawn pieces to sell (hopefully). Here are some of the ones I think some of y'all might like. Special thanks to the posters that gave me some suggestions as to who to draw!

There are others but I don't wanna spam *too* hard. I can edit the post to be just links if anybody finds it annoying.

Those are all great, I especially love the Iron Giant piece. Good stuff man!
Three weeks behind, comic reading time!

All these Legion appearances cropping up again. Why didn't you tell me they had a cameo in Booster Gold, Tim?!


So, I've been (re)watching Justice League with a friend lately, about 20 episodes in so far. And I have to ask... is John Stewart the most uncreative GL ever in the comics too? He seems to pretty much solely make protective bubbles and beams of energy so far in the show.
So, I've been (re)watching Justice League with a friend lately, about 20 episodes in so far. And I have to ask... is John Stewart the most uncreative GL ever in the comics too? He seems to pretty much solely make protective bubbles and beams of energy so far in the show.

I think it's more a matter of constructs being a pain in the ass and expensive (dollar wise) to animate. So they tend to keep it simple.
So, I've been (re)watching Justice League with a friend lately, about 20 episodes in so far. And I have to ask... is John Stewart the most uncreative GL ever in the comics too? He seems to pretty much solely make protective bubbles and beams of energy so far in the show.
And hammers, he's big on those.

IDK the streamlined Timmverse art doesn't allow for a lot of crazy choices. He does don a Kyle Raynor mask at one point and uses a much suit
I also think, alot of time, you end up seeing GLs in situations where constructs don't always make a lot of sense. Most of the time they are seeking to apply a maximum amount of damage or force and a beam is the simplest means of doing so. A bubble is also the simplest and easiest way to provide a full aura of defense.
So, I've been (re)watching Justice League with a friend lately, about 20 episodes in so far. And I have to ask... is John Stewart the most uncreative GL ever in the comics too? He seems to pretty much solely make protective bubbles and beams of energy so far in the show.

I think the irony is in John Stewart's architectural background. He has little creativity for someone with a eye for design.
Is Matt Fraction's 2012 run on Fantastic Four/FF pretty self-contained? I know he left the books early, would I be good with the Omnibus or should I be expecting to pick up some more books from that run after his work on it ended?

Jedeye Sniv

Is Matt Fraction's 2012 run on Fantastic Four/FF pretty self-contained? I know he left the books early, would I be good with the Omnibus or should I be expecting to pick up some more books from that run after his work on it ended?

His FF run was pretty neat but I thought the F4 run was awful, Bagley was so bad in it. If you could just get the FF run I'd suggest it.
The Incal is bloody amazing. Just the first 3 pages paint such a great picture of the world the story is set in.
That second page with the fall through suicide alley!
. This is exactly my kind of Sci-Fi.
His FF run was pretty neat but I thought the F4 run was awful, Bagley was so bad in it. If you could just get the FF run I'd suggest it.

Thanks. If Fracton's F4 doesn't pick up major threads from Hickman's run then I'll probably just save the cash and go for his FF HCs or TPBs.
What are your thoughts on Jessica Cruz? I'm hoping she's long-term and not going to be sidelined like Simon Baz was, after his introduction and purpose was served. Has he been mentioned in relation to her? I keep thinking back to the GL panel that suggested he was going to train her.

I was at the NYCC panel for GL just before Simon Baz was introduced and they really seemed to feel/think that fans were just going to go Ape shit for the character. That he was going to be just as big as say Hal or Kyle. Not that those were the words they used, but that's the feeling I got listening to them talk. I think in the end the exact opposite happened, they introduced him, used him a bit, and fans just did not give 2 shits about the character. At this point he makes like 1 or 2 panel appearances every once and a blue moon in the main GL books and I think that's about it. Hell I can't even think of him showing up in any of the Future's End books. They don't even see the character anywhere in the 5 years later future.
So I've been out of the Green Lantern loop pretty much since the New 52 started. I was mostly just GL'd out at that point, after Geoff Johns six-million issue run before the reboot. How are GL and GLC these days? Worth checking out again?

I will sum them up

OMG Massive Possible Corp destroying event!!!!
Oh everything is ok now
OMG Massive Possible Corp destroying event!!!!
Oh everything is ok now
OMG Massive Possible Corp destroying event!!!!
OMG Massive Possible Corp destroying event!!!!
That was by far the coolest part of Blackest Night, all the heroes and villains picking up with Ring Factions. Should've done it Universe-Wide woulda been the deffest.

And the joy of guessing and then seeing which heroes got which ring.

"Emiko's off training. Naomi's been off grid for three months and Fyff took another job."


TBH the only one of those even remotely interesting is Emiko. But really let's give the new team a chance to play around how they want to and decide who and what they want to use.
That really fucking sucks. Are they basically turning this book into Arrow: The New 52 Comic?

Given the digital first Arrow series already exists, turning the New 52 Green Arrow into a carbon copy and shedding the established supporting characters seems misguided. Maybe this new creative direction should have been launched with a #1 issue, instead of continuing the current numbering?
So, I've been (re)watching Justice League with a friend lately, about 20 episodes in so far. And I have to ask... is John Stewart the most uncreative GL ever in the comics too? He seems to pretty much solely make protective bubbles and beams of energy so far in the show.

Boogiepop, can I call you Boogie? Boogie I'm going to give you a little bit of truth here, that the internet hates and would have you not hearing. Jon Stewart is the MOST BORING GL EVER. EV! VER!

Now Kyle Rayner, that, that is a GL.


Pizza Dog
This, I feel, is the problem. The distance from the main DCU and a focus on Wonder Woman's origins in Greek mythology are precisely what make the book so wonderful and interesting. Pushing her back into the main DCU is going to make me drop the book. If people want to read about Wonder Woman and her interactions with the main DCU, they already have Justice League, Superman / Wonder Woman. Now Finch is going to write her like the majority of other DC writers, and Finch is going to draw her like the majority of other DC artists. Bravo, DC. Good ideas are a rarity for you, aren't they?

Late to the conversation, but I agree with this. I've hugely enjoyed the current Wonder Woman run, the art is fantastic, the story has been really enjoyable, it's a shame that the book's going to be moving away from it all. I might be dropping it too when that happens, which is a shame as it's probably my favourite DC book at the moment. Has there been any news on what the team are moving to next, Cliff Chiang especially?

Jedeye Sniv

Given the digital first Arrow series already exists, turning the New 52 Green Arrow into a carbon copy and shedding the established supporting characters seems misguided. Maybe this new creative direction should have been launched with a #1 issue, instead of continuing the current numbering?

The best thing about Future's End is that Ollie is older and has a beard. Beard Ollie ftw
I was at the NYCC panel for GL just before Simon Baz was introduced and they really seemed to feel/think that fans were just going to go Ape shit for the character. That he was going to be just as big as say Hal or Kyle. Not that those were the words they used, but that's the feeling I got listening to them talk. I think in the end the exact opposite happened, they introduced him, used him a bit, and fans just did not give 2 shits about the character. At this point he makes like 1 or 2 panel appearances every once and a blue moon in the main GL books and I think that's about it. Hell I can't even think of him showing up in any of the Future's End books. They don't even see the character anywhere in the 5 years later future.

I'm a fan of Simon Baz. I enjoyed his introduction to the DCU and Johns' characterisation, but he just faded away. Not enough time was given to the readers to establish a connection/relationship with the character. Once Johns' left Green Lantern and Baz joined the Justice League of America, his character was quickly forgotten and the impact he might have had was quashed; he didn't play much of active role on the team and the book was quickly moving towards Trinity War and Forever Evil. A new character is going to suffer tremendously from lack of exposure over a period of more than seven months. I'm sure there are many readers who don't even remember who Baz is.

With the introduction of Jessica Cruz, Baz has lost the appeal of being the new kid on the block, the new model. Focus is going to be solely on the character of Cruz and developments will be centred around her. Baz is ultimately in an awkward position and consequently, writers simply don't know what to do with him. The best thing that Johns can do is to bring Baz into the Justice League, giving him upmost exposure and develop him alongside Cruz. I'm not sure a mentor relationship is going to fly, given Baz is just as inexperienced, but it's the best course of action.
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