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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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So I remembered that I bought the Winter Soldier complete collection when it came out a few weeks back. I'm up to issue #4, and man oh man is this book great. Anytime Brubaker writes crime or spy fiction, he demonstrates that he's a master of the craft. So good.


I had the same problem - I read the whole first arc wondering why i was reading it. It's not good
I think we're the only 2 in here reading it then??

it must really be bad then :(

it's like Animal Man and Green Arrow died for our sins, giving rise to JLU

except JLU is the actual sin.

it's the sin that keeps on sinning
decided to read Superman Annual #11 before i forget I own it again. It's good. Loner Supes makes for some good stories, I feel, between this and Johns/JRJR Superman.

Also decided to read We3 (same reason as above) and hooooo man. A few short things -

1. I gotta say it - Frank Quitely is a fucking master.
2. No one told me this book was crazy violent.
that double page spread where We3 takes out the truck is bruuuuutal, and also extremely well laid out (see #1)
I think we're the only 2 in here reading it then??

it must really be bad then :(

it's like Animal Man and Green Arrow died for our sins, giving rise to JLU

except JLU is the actual sin.

it's the sin that keeps on sinning

Is JLU honestly that bad? I enjoyed JLA and was disappointed it was cancelled so soon, the team never had a chance to grow. However, there was so much hype for JLU. I'm sure I heard good things from Comics GAF.

I've been waiting the first trade, but I guess I should wait a little longer for an improvement in the writing.
I think we're the only 2 in here reading it then??

it must really be bad then :(

it's like Animal Man and Green Arrow died for our sins, giving rise to JLU

except JLU is the actual sin.

it's the sin that keeps on sinning
A lotta people were reading it, a lot dropped off. GrandHarrier I know is sticking around for Legion.
Is JLU honestly that bad? I enjoyed JLA and was disappointed it was cancelled so soon, the team never had a chance to grow. However, there was so much hype for JLU. I'm sure I heard good things from Comics GAF.

I've been waiting the first trade, but I guess I should wait a little longer for an improvement in the writing.
It's just super boring.
A lotta people were reading it, a lot dropped off. GrandHarrier I know is sticking around for Legion.

It's just super boring.

How many issues have been printed so far? Has it moved onto the second arc? Jeff Lemire is a much better writer than "super boring". I'm disappointed and I haven't read a single issue.
How many issues have been printed so far? Has it moved onto the second arc? Jeff Lemire is a much better writer than "super boring". I'm disappointed and I haven't read a single issue.

0-4 is arc 1, and there was a Futures End issue as well. I think #5 drops next week. I kinda dug it when it was starting out, but then it gets real wordy about shit i don't care about with characters i don't care about and the banter can't really carry it. I feel like it expects you to be invested in some of these characters going into it, and i wasn't (and still am not). Of course, if you're interested, check it out. It seems to be reviewing pretty decently, at least. Will say tho, Marcelo Maiolo coloring Mike McKone = the best Mike McKone's art has looked

American Vampire: Second Cycle #5

Pretty good and creepy little one-off. Great art by the fill-in guy. That said, why
was the protagonist so dumb as to go and investigate all this shit by himself? He brought his demise on himself.

Moon Knight #8

Eh. Decent concept. Nice art. But it seems that we've ditched the one-shot concept and now Wood is building up some sort of conspiracy plotline and he's putting Moon Knight's split personality stuff front and center.


Black Widow # 11

Great art. Good story. The whole thing behind CHAOS continues to grow, but we're still not much closer to answers than we were at the beginning. I kinda hope Laura sticks around rather than just be a one-off ally. Nat needs friends.

Gotham Academy #1

Very charming read! I'm surprised I enjoyed it so much. Dash of Harry Potter, dash of a CW/ABC Family type show, all stirred in BATMAN. Good stuff. I hope Arkham Manor surprises me as much as this one (and that one I'm really excited for, as it's supposedly a horror-focused title). I really love the art. It's so visually distinctive from the rest of the cape/cowl books. Very fun and energetic. The writers did a good job of presenting the characters and setting up mysteries for Olive and co. to unravel. Plus, good cameo by Bruce Wayne.

Anyone else think that
Olive might turn out to be Bruce Wayne's daughter?
How many issues have been printed so far? Has it moved onto the second arc? Jeff Lemire is a much better writer than "super boring". I'm disappointed and I haven't read a single issue.

I'm mostly enjoying JLU but I understand where people's complaints about it come from. If I had to contextualize it, I'd say it's Lemire trying to fit alot of square pegs into round holes and put together a team of disparate character archetypes in a believable fashion. JLA suffered from this problem too. You see the beginnings of great friendships between Green Arrow / Animal Man and Supergirl / Stargirl, but it needs time to grow naturally and organically.

The Future's End issues for it were OK. The idea behind the story itself was good but the art was a little too sloppy 90s for my taste. The Legion tease was just a tease with no explanation (Dawnstar and Wildfire are Justice League members?) I'm excited for the Legion story proper, though.
0-4 is arc 1, and there was a Futures End issue as well. I think #5 drops next week. I kinda dug it when it was starting out, but then it gets real wordy about shit i don't care about with characters i don't care about and the banter can't really carry it. I feel like it expects you to be invested in some of these characters going into it, and i wasn't (and still am not). Of course, if you're interested, check it out. It seems to be reviewing pretty decently, at least. Will say tho, Marcelo Maiolo coloring Mike McKone = the best Mike McKone's art has looked

The art looks stupendous, the colours just pop, but Jeff Lemire's pedigree is what makes the title appealing. The characters on the team are characters that largely resonate with me, but if interesting things aren't being done with them, then it's going to be difficult to enjoy the series. Lemire can do better than boring. I'm interested in what makes the series review better with critics than Comic GAF.
Gotham Academy #1

Very charming read! I'm surprised I enjoyed it so much. Dash of Harry Potter, dash of a CW/ABC Family type show, all stirred in BATMAN. Good stuff. I hope Arkham Manor surprises me as much as this one (and that one I'm really excited for, as it's supposedly a horror-focused title). I really love the art. It's so visually distinctive from the rest of the cape/cowl books. Very fun and energetic. The writers did a good job of presenting the characters and setting up mysteries for Olive and co. to unravel. Plus, good cameo by Bruce Wayne.

Anyone else think that
Olive might turn out to be Bruce Wayne's daughter?

I'm loving everyone's impressions of Gotham Academy. It's the freshest title to come out of DC comics in some time. In regards to your question about Olive, I think
Olive's mother is either a criminal/villain of some kind defeated by Batman, or someone he failed to save. Whether Olive knows this or not, Batman seemingly took her mother away and she blames him for it, thus her fear of him. The issue read as though Bruce was responsible for Olive, from her Wayne Foundation scholarship to the one-sided concern he showed for her after the fall. There is definitely history between the two characters. Olive and Batman, not Olive and Bruce. I hope she doesn't turn out to be his daughter. It's too forced.


American Vampire: Second Cycle #5

Pretty good and creepy little one-off. Great art by the fill-in guy. That said, why
was the protagonist so dumb as to go and investigate all this shit by himself? He brought his demise on himself.

Black Widow # 11

Great art. Good story. The whole thing behind CHAOS continues to grow, but we're still not much closer to answers than we were at the beginning. I kinda hope Laura sticks around rather than just be a one-off ally. Nat needs friends.

Nat can't have friends, not even a stray cat.
I loved this issue. We got the continued storyline we wanted with a great side character.
Only issue is Noto's kinetic illustration but that's normal and really minor in the scope of things.


if Olive turns out to be
Bruce Wayne's daughter I'll throw the entire series in the trash cuz that's dumb as hell. Allude to Gotham, don't tie every last thing in.

-signed, trying so hard to like DC
if Olive turns out to be
Bruce Wayne's daughter I'll throw the entire series in the trash cuz that's dumb as hell. Allude to Gotham, don't tie every last thing in.

-signed, trying so hard to like DC

Totally agree. The series needs to stand on it's own.

Jedeye Sniv

I have forgone reading comics tonight, in favour of a Tusk screening with a Kevin Smith Q&A. I'll take suggestions for questions!

Questions I would ask Kevin Smith:

1) what's happened to Fatman on Batman?
2) does he realise his mum sounds just like Walt Flanagan?
3) please apologise for the Jay and Silent bob cartoon, it was so bad.

I really wanna see Tusk when it comes to the UK.
Questions I would ask Kevin Smith:

1) what's happened to Fatman on Batman?
2) does he realise his mum sounds just like Walt Flanagan?
3) please apologise for the Jay and Silent bob cartoon, it was so bad.

I really wanna see Tusk when it comes to the UK.

I'll let you know if he responds. ;) I'll also post impressions afterwards. The movie is playing to a sold out session.
Questions I would ask Kevin Smith:

1) what's happened to Fatman on Batman?
2) does he realise his mum sounds just like Walt Flanagan?
3) please apologise for the Jay and Silent bob cartoon, it was so bad.

I really wanna see Tusk when it comes to the UK.
Hahaha,, dear god .. that laugh sounds like it hurts
i miss superior spiderman guys
also moon knight 7 is terrible and i'm dropping the series
also go read teen dog because i say so

So, currently I'm with Ms. Marvel, the Edge of the Spiderverse event, Amazing, and Ultimate Spiderman.
What do I need to get into to be totally cool and swell?
I have to quote you again. Omg. What the hell did I just watch? Tusk was brilliant yet absolutely disturbing.

Currently Q&A-ing with Kevin Smith. He has bed hair. :3

It's something alright.

Oh lord, that opening to Grayson.
I legit laughed.
"That's not my name! My name is..."

Grayson #3 Panel: The problem with spies

Alright, Lemire. Fess up. Am I getting a new Legion book by someone who cares and can write the Legion or not?


Have faith. People don't claim the Legion is their favorite team for Internet Street cred.
Barbara's de-ageing is consistent with Gotham Academy's tweens. ;)


It's just weird, in interviews and such they specifically say they haven't de-aged her or anything. Then you look at the interiors and everyone looks like their 12 - 14 max. I guess it's a style choice they went for, cause Babs Tarr is a good artist. I've seen other stuff of hers and folks don't look like 12 - 14 year olds. I don't know if it's going to work in the long run.

Also JL 34 was a great issue. Lex's interactions with the other heroes, and Shazam acting like a little puppy waiting to be let loose was awesome. Really well done.


It's really odd how quiet things have gotten around the new creative team on Catwoman. It's kind of scaring me. They aren't really hyping the book at all and from what I can see the writer rarely ever mentions Catwoman on twitter. Gary brown has posted some images but that is about it. Worried.


semen stains the mountaintops
Was bored and re-read Dark Knight Returns and The Long Halloween which got me in the Batman mode.

Think that I'll finally get Death in the Family vol 3, Year 100 and The Man Who Laughs. Was also planning to get Noel but it's 14 dollars and only 114 pages. Costs too much for that price.

Little hesitant on Death in the Family and The Man Who Laughs, though.

I don't like reading stuff from the on going books and I feel like I will be missing a lot of backstory in Death of the Family. What with someone cutting the jokers face off before this takes place. Also, there's all the tie in stuff.

The Man Who Laughs was written Brubaker and is the sequel to year one which makes me want to get it sooooo bad but that cover art, gah. It's beyond hideous and it looks like all the art in the book is in that same art style.

Speaking of being in the Batman mode. Anyone recommend Brubaker's Catwomen run? Kinda wanna check that out, too. I've never read anything Catwoman related, though, so I don't know what to expect from that.
It's really odd how quiet things have gotten around the new creative team on Catwoman. It's kind of scaring me. They aren't really hyping the book at all and from what I can see the writer rarely ever mentions Catwoman on twitter. Gary brown has posted some images but that is about it. Worried.

The hype for that book is completely non-existent. Does DC even know Catwoman is being relaunched?
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