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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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A Bat list!

BATGIRL #35 $2.99
BATMAN #35 $4.99
WYTCHES #1 (MR) $2.99


For those about to buy Klarion, this list salutes you. Also, our condolences.

Amazing Spider-Man #7
Batgirl #35
Batman #35
Captain Marvel #8
Creepy #18
Justice League United #5
Rocket Raccoon #4
Sabrina #1
Wytches #1
Blacksad Amarillo HC
My Little Pony Omnibus, vol. 1


Grayson is on the list. Gotham Academy now. Arkham Manor I will check out. I read Snyder's Batman via trade, I just rarely talk about it.

What about:

Detective Comics
Batman: The Dark Knight
Harley Quinn
Red Hood has a title? I think?

How are the other bat titles?

Detective Comics: I enjoy it and it's art
Harley Quinn: love it, great looking too
Catwoman: we don't know yet. New team next issue
Batgirl: same
Batwoman: really enjoy it. Love the supernatural enemies

You missed Batman and Robin. The best Batman book that's not the main Batman book. Hits the emotional beats Snyder misses.
Lol at Harley Quinn being good only of you are me. Guess I'll keep all the quality to myself.

Deserted Island list.

I'm only going to list single issue comics that I have bought. I'm not going to include single issues that I may have read in a trade. Keep in mind, I have only been buying comics since March 2013.

Batman 33 - This ended my favorite comic book story of all time, from my favorite superhero of all time. Made Batman very relatable to me. It reminded me to forge my own path.

Batman 24 - in my favorite story of all time, Batman finally dawns his suit. In my definite Batman origin, you get almost 50 pages of awesomeness that paves new way for Batman but also pays homage to versions of the character from the past.

Batman and Nightwing 23 - In this issue in the stages of grief arc, Bruce puts himself in a simulator to see if he could have prevented Damian's death. Nightwing joins in and they save Damian. The real feels comes when Alfred goes in the simulator himself and Bruce sees the whole thing.

Sex Criminals 6 - Most issues are funny but this one has the "ass illuminati" joke and that page has stuck with me ever since.

Locke and Key Alpha 2 - This ended one of my favorite indie books ever. It had a feel good ending that would inspire on said island.

Grayson 3 - fap material - Agent 8 sex scene. I kid, I kid. Really though, this was just a great book with a very strong story. It has really made a fan of the character.

The Killing Joke One Shot - it's a classic! I could be on the island and truly ponder if Batman killed him at the end or not.

Well, I went through all 6 short boxes and that's what I came up with. I have sold the rest of my comics. So I can't remember if any stood out. I know my list is not 10 to complete it I would just throw in the last arc of Zero Year in there to have the full set. My golden age of comics is now, so while I appreciate all the old stuff I have read, and clearly a lot of it would be better than the stuff I listed (except Zero Year), I wanted to make my stack sentimental.
List doesn't include New Teen Titans #2, Korupt hates Deathstroke confirmed.

Its a good collectors item, it's the character that got me into comics. But the story and art are not my thing. if I were to pick a Deathstroke comic to bring, I would bring the first comic I read back in March. Deathstroke #0 which I bought digitally.
I'm usually on the ball with list time, but Shadow of Mordor had my complete attention for the last few hours.

Batgirl #35
Batman #35
Batman Eternal #27
Black Science #9
Copperhead #2
Sex Crims #8
Avengers #36
It's 4:33 am here. I can't believe I'm still up. Went and saw Gone Girl at 10 pm and that wracked my brain for the next few hours after. Loved the movie!
Korupt bringing a post-2000s Rob Liefeld comic with him on a desert island is an inspired choice

Batgirl #35
Klarion #1
Transformers Vs. GI Joe #3
Sex Criminals #8
Wytches #1
All New Ultimates #9
One of my desert island issues would probably be Action Comics #11: This features two story lines coming to conclusion in the New Krypton arc; Brainiac 5 dealing with Brainiac and Mon-El seeding the stolen, bottled world's, saved from Brainiac's ship, that will become the homeworlds of many of the United Planets and the Legionnaires that will hail from them.

We're given a chance to see just how much of a hero and inspiration Mon-El really is and why he is revered, almost as much as Superman, by so many even a thousand years later. That moment when he realizes that he has to return to the Phantom Zone, knowing that he has to face that chilling loneliness again that was meant for the worst of the worst as a punishment, it is almost too much for him to bear. Death seemed a less cruel fate.

A thousand years he endures. Until that fateful day that he receives his just reward.



The biggest thing at NYCC isn't comic related at all. Dark Horse brought The Art of Naughty Dog with them and there are only ever going to be 2k copies made. That sounds like quite a bit for an art book to be honest, but it is beautiful.


Batman #35
Batgirl #35
Batman Eternal #27
The Manhattan Projects #24
Sex Criminals #8
Wytches #1
The Punisher #11

Tradewaiting FBP and Black Science.

Endgame week!! Also, I have never read Batgirl before, let's see how it goes.


Sunday Sunday Sunday

Batman #35
Batgirl #35
Batman Eternal #27
Suicide Squad #3 last chance for this book
Klarion #1
Copperhead #2
Death Vigil #4
Sex Criminals #8
Wytches #1
Amazing Spider-man #7
Captain Marvel #8
Hawkeye vs Deadpool #1
Punisher #11
Rocket Racoon #4

Ravine Vol.2
Hawkgal Vol 3 La Woman
East of West vol 3

Ouch. This week and last week's comics will leave a hole in my bank balance.
Just finished reading The Incal. What a ride. Loved the ending as well.

(Only nitpick with the edition is the the reviewer quotes on the front and back. Otherwise, the book is easily worth the price of admission.)

Great list. I'm happy to have actually read all but one from your list. Good stuff

Which one haven't you read yet?


I would love to see an artist's take on Groot that is much more human in form than the twig monster we see on a monthly basis. I don't want him to "be" human, but I would love to see a groot with a rounded out head.

As a disclaimer, I am not talking about the cordycept looking groot from the films, but one with an almost maniquin-esque head.


That is dope!

Also, this has nothing to do with your post, but I just hit the page with your avatar in Final Crisis. Fuck, I seriously did not understand this book when I initially read it, and it's fucking great.

Issue 4 is one huge rollercoaster ride of emotion too. The highs of Barry and Wally's reunion and Barry saving Iris, the touching momentd like Dinah and Ollie's goodbye, and then the sheer weight of Dan Turpin giving in and succumbing to Darkseid's will. By the end of the issue, the hopelessness is palpable.

Final Crisis is truly the best comic event ever.
They should let Arrow have Harley proper
I know she was in the Suicide Squad ep
. Just so we could have some of that awesome Ollie X Harley friendship.

Also. Injustice delivering those emotional hits

this cuts me deep...

Grayson is on the list. Gotham Academy now. Arkham Manor I will check out. I read Snyder's Batman via trade, I just rarely talk about it.

What about:

Detective Comics
Batman: The Dark Knight
Harley Quinn
Red Hood has a title? I think?

How are the other bat titles?

I like Harley and Batman and Robin. Batgirl is on and off but I was pretty into Wanted when it kept getting inturrupted. Batwoman I've bought like 30 of them and haven't read any of them.


Grayson is on the list. Gotham Academy now. Arkham Manor I will check out. I read Snyder's Batman via trade, I just rarely talk about it.

What about:

Detective Comics
Batman: The Dark Knight
Harley Quinn
Red Hood has a title? I think?

How are the other bat titles?

Kind of up and down, but I've heard that the current team is doing well
I barely even remember the book, let alone why it was needed in the first place
Legitimately good
T'was pretty godawful, but the new team might turn things around
Gail's run was amazing and will be missed. The new run remains to be seen.
An excellent book...before the old team left. Then it just fell into new levels of stupid.
It was pretty bad from the start, so...

In that order:
Pick up the latest issue and the next. Will probably be dull dull dull when the regular team comes back
Non existent (was bad)
Good if you're Messi
Might be good when the new team comes on (was bad)
Might be good when the new team comes on (was bad)
Dull dull dull
Always will be bad

All you people hating on Gail Simone's Batgirl. SMDH.

Hey, this is just like my slashfic! :D

Hawkeye Volume 3 is finally coming out this week

Meh, I'm just waiting for the omnibus at this point.
Batman 405-" Gentlemen. You have eaten well
Batman 251-" jokers 5 way revenge
Uncanny x-men 268 " madripoor knights
Daredevil 181-" one wins, one dies

Racking my brain is pretty hard lol. Here are the ones I could come up with from a classic era
What about:

Detective Comics
Batman: The Dark Knight
Harley Quinn
Red Hood has a title? I think?

I'll give you a counter opinion to the previous one you got. In the order you posted

It's been solid, and if you liked Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato on Flash you'll like what they're doing in Detective. Specially on the artwork side, just some REALY beautiful spreads here.

Cancelled awhile ago, it was so so.

Definitely read! Fantastic artwork and Palmiotti and Conner have been doing a fantastic job with it. It's more light hearted and less grimdark than a lot of other stuff in the DC universe right now.

Maybe worth it with the new time, but we'll have to see, Avoid the Nocenti issues like the bastard love of child of the plague and ebola.

Personally, I really enjoyed Simone's run on the series. I love that it's back to being Barbara, and I think she really touched on some things with the character. It was very serious though, and the new creative team is going in a much more light hearted take. We'll see how it ends up.

Read the original teams run (start of N52) while the story took awhile to get through it had some AMAZING layouts, fantastic artwork and solid writing. The new team has been boring as shit.

Don't read, don't look at. Don't acknowledge.

To touch on some you didn't mention. DEFINITELY read the entire run of Batman and Robin, Tomasi has just done a killer job with the characters, and the situation between Bruce and Damian. If issue 19 doesn't make you at least tear up, you have no fucking soul. I gave Batwing like 3 issues and haven't looked at it again since.
Joker's Daughter is so gross. Every times she comes on the page I'm like "DC stahp."

I have to fully agree with this. I REALLY, REALLY dislike Joker's Daughter. I hope the next appearance of the Joker is him just appearing, killing her, and then going away again for awhile.

I really loathe Joker's Daughter list.

Batgirl #35
Batman #35
Batman Eternal #27
Constantine #18
Earth 2 #27
Earth 2 World's End #1
Green Lantern Corps #35
Justice League United #5
New 52 Futures End #23
New Suicide Squad #3
Superman Wonder Woman #12
Worlds' Finest #27

Sex Criminals #8
List for this week:

Batgirl #35 - I'm curious, I'll give it a read.
Batman #35 - Snyder!
Batman Eternal #27 - Snyder!
Constantine #18 - I really liked the Futures End issue, I'll give this a shot.
Earth 2 World's End #1 - There have been so many terrible Earth 2 comics, but I'll give the writer a chance.
Green Lantern Corps #35 - Don't normally read this but Godhead has been AWESOME so far. Most badass treatment of the New Gods in forever.
Justice League United #5 - Legion is coming back!
Klarion #1 - I liked the preview, I liked Seven Soldiers, I'll give it a shot.
Futures End #23 - I enjoy this series, even if it's a tad slow.


Her Villains' Month issue was enough to grant me an intense hatred of both Joker's Daughter and Nocenti's writing, which is certainly deserved from what I hear.

Also, just got Smash in from Amazon! Didn't know stuff could arrive on Sundays now, but awesome!
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