Please do this and post pictures. I'm extremely serious right now. I want this to happen.
Hahaha ,, surrounded with all my Batman statues and stuff.. Dimmed lights,, my wife looking at me extremely disappointed and awkwardly... (this just keeps getting weirder and weirder.) I feel like I have painted a horrible picture of myself for you guys.
Read a few books so far..
Rocket Raccoon is so good,, just a fun read and the art/colors are such a treat. If you're looking for a fun great looking book this is it.
F.B.P. #14 was good. All about Cecero growing up. Not a ton happened in this issue besides some character back story, and him in school. But it was a good issue and the art change is actually pretty damn good,, fits this book well.
Wytches #1 was pretty good. I'm not into horror movies really at all, but I do love me some horror comics,, like the dark and gritty art. A good first issue... also wtf,, just by turning the pages normally 2-3 different pages got small tears.
Earth 2 Worlds End #1 was ok. I don't think i'll be following this weekly. Seemed like mostly just a recap issue, lost me at times. meh
Oh yeah,, and Kipp I think I need me one of your famous Avatars. Thinking a badass Batman (of course what else).
Really tho your art is looking pretty good man