Death Vigil has bad art? What does good art look like?
i dunno but it definitely isn't coloured like that dude's stuff
Death Vigil has bad art? What does good art look like?
Where have you been launchpad
You have had me worried sick
Man, I miss you guys.
Omg. Absolute Preacher!? How may volumes will it be and what price point?
Even though it's one of my top 3 all-time favorite runs, I'm guessing I won't get it though. I really like the TPBs. They're great quality and super readable. Plus, as much as I do like Dillon, I don't necessarily need to see his art in massive oversized-ness.
If they stretched Transmetropolitan to 4 volumes (which is looking more and more likely), Preacher should be 4 volumes too. So about $62.5 x 4 if you buy from IST in week 1.
kurt busiek is way too nice on twitter in trying to explain how Cap America is historically liberal to fools who dont even read the comics
dudes moving goal posts every tweet
I've had a week, both in the worst and best ways. I'm doing well, though.
If they stretched Transmetropolitan to 4 volumes (which is looking more and more likely), Preacher should be 4 volumes too. So about $62.5 x 4 if you buy from IST in week 1.
I've had a week, both in the worst and best ways. I'm doing well, though.
Halo hype is real right now. I haven't felt like this since Reach.
Halo hype is real right now. I haven't felt like this since Reach.
Well I hope the good out-weighed the bad and things are back to a calmer pace for you now.
Things have been a bit rough on my end as of late and tomorrow is probably gonna be pretty awful, but after that I think things will be looking up, so here's hoping.
Guess what? Halo 5 ISN"T REAL! There is no Halo 5, it's just what Microsoft tells kids so they buy their new system. All you're going to get is a digital code for the new assassin's creed inside the box and a note saying " it's all your fault"
Halo hype is real right now. I haven't felt like this since Reach.
I know Star Wars gets a lot of love here but i just read #1 on MU and it was great, it felt star warsy to me in that it captured the adventurous tone and character interaction that i liked from the original movies. That and Squirrel Girl are my favorite MU reads so far.
Damn that hurts.
I haven't been hyped for an AC game since 3 and that was the time I felt like I'm done with AC.
II/Brotherhood were the best. Ezio was the best.
The controversy over this past week has bumped the book into my top tier of ANAD Marvel.Lol at that Cap vs Fox News thread
Lol at that Cap vs Fox News thread
I keep forgetting the Witcher 3 expansion is out now and I have it. I'm still irked at the find Ciri fetchery that made up a huge part of the story and how Triss basically ignored you towards the end. I thought we had a thing going! Triss!
Definitely far outweighed by good.
Good luck man. I hope things turn out well for you.
Also, I picked up the missing Preacher volumes in this latest CMX sale. I was just reading some. Hopefully I can get back in it and finish it in a somewhat timely pace.
The controversy over this past week has bumped the book into my top tier of ANAD Marvel.
Man Justice League is such a good cartoon. Love it.
I do hope the Blu-ray collection has all the episodes organized in proper production order. WB has a really hard time with distributing collections with proper episode orders, for some reason.
Have you watched Batman Brave and the Bold?
JL is good though, great character chemistry and interaction.
Man Justice League is such a good cartoon. Love it.
I do hope the Blu-ray collection has all the episodes organized in proper production order. WB has a really hard time with distributing collections with proper episode orders, for some reason.
So that next what if is Rocket Raccoon kills the Marvel Universe shit?
dang it.
Halo hype is real right now. I haven't felt like this since Reach.
Black Canary #4
Been putting off reading this since Annie Wu wasn't on art duties but I figured I should read it since 5 is coming out this week. I enjoyed it. It's definitely a solid book so far and the art was still good. I really love Loughridge's coloring so that's a big plus for me too.
I quite enjoyed this scene:
If your gonna play Halo 5 get the Locke controller:
I bought it just for the 3.5mm headphone jack and looks and feels nice. The top shoulder buttons are softer to push than the original controllers. Even better, I didn't know you could plug-in any audio headset or earbuds and have the game audio come through it.
Man Justice League is such a good cartoon. Love it.
I do hope the Blu-ray collection has all the episodes organized in proper production order. WB has a really hard time with distributing collections with proper episode orders, for some reason.
So that next what if is Rocket Raccoon kills the Marvel Universe shit?
dang it.
I did bad things,,
-Nintendo NEW 3DS XL - Black
-The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
-Mario Golf World Tour
-Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth
-Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Wii U and 3DS are systems that I never regretted getting.
Also obligatory Frank Castle bro-ing it out with Thor
What happened to their heads. Are they dwarves?
I did bad things,,
Also catching up on Giant Days. Hijinx Uber Alles.
I kinda want to make this a standard OT thread, but I'll localize it to Comic GAF:
Who is your least favorite Marvel MAIN and DC MAIN character? 1 from each. For me it's:
Marvel: Frank Castle A.K.A. The Punisher.
I literally can't stand Frank. Or maybe it's not Frank so much as the praise his character gets. I find him to be boring. In fact, this panel from Remender's Uncanny X-Force sums it up nicely:
And it's funny, because an often used defense for why the Punisher is so "cool" is that "he kills the bad guys, man!" Yeah, great, except he comes off as clinically insane with no redemptive qualities. Saying he kills people isn't a defense.
On top of that, his lore and mythos suck. Granted, I'm mostly talking about his rogues gallery: it's garbage. Even for a street level set. His two biggest foes, Kingpin and Bullseye, are major rogues for Daredevil, Spider-man, and Elektra as is. Each one of those rogues are already primary rogues for Daredevil. Bullseye is a primary for Elektra and Kingpin is a secondary for Spidey. So, who else? The Owl and Hammerhead? Again, Spidey and DD (and I don't even know how much Frank interacts with them). Alright, well how about unique villains then? Bushwacker? A dude whose arm can turn into a gun. Insanely forgettable. Barracuda? A weird redneck swamp person hillbilly who's mighty dead. And then Jigsaw: an insanely stupid mob boss who got the name "Jigsaw" because Frank threw him through a plate glass window. That's right, he's so average that his unique trait is "Frank hurt me."
He's really just a street-level gangbuster, which would be fine if other, more interesting characters didn't already occupy that. So then Remender gives him the nice little Frankencastle angle as a nice boon. So now he's a supernatural street level gangbuster! Oh wait, we already have at least two of those with Moon Knight and Iron FIst? Huh. There's just nothing much there. Granted, gritty crime stories have never been much of my thing, and Greg Rucka's and Remender's runs both pique my interest (though that's more due to the writers than the character), but I honestly find him so horridly boring it hurts.
I'll write up my DC one at a later time, but I'll spoil it for you: It's Barry Allen (with Hal Jordan in a close second).
Some but not all. My friend is a huge fan, so I've been meaning to go back and finish it up.
Definitely the best pure hijinks book.