March Climber
I guess this will be our two calls. Your call will be the above quote, while mine will be that Nintendo will continue to use their library of IP as a massive foundational pillar for both family fun and child experiences, and keep not eyeing anything nor anyone else, aside from the small moments where they decide to take interest in a genre they normally don't give attention to, like first person shooters.If their next console doesn't fall into the graces of the public like the Switch did, i guarantee they'll start eyeing the pc market
I've said it before on this forum that I feel the far future in 2060-something will be just Nintendo and Steam. One of the only, only ways I see Sony saving themselves is if they decide to make a Playstation Store and launcher good enough to rival Steam on PC, and that it would absolutely need every single purchase that was made on PSN in the past being instantly accessible on PC. That move would at least manage to hold on to their userbase who might slowly migrate to the more affordable prebuilt and portable PCs. It can't be half-assed like 'Gamepass for PC' and 'Xbox games on PC' creating a barrier of titles that are only playable on that platform.
Sony's toppling is going to really, really sting for their massive audience if it ever happens, and the only way it happens is for Sony to make consistently stupid business moves. I'd rather they not do that.
Also, I say 'Steam' and not PC because I simply don't feel that PC gamers care at all about the concept of competing platforms, like console gamers do. I prefer the idea of multiple apps that can all house the same purchasable video games, much like how you can buy a movie on either prime, or youtube, or vudu, etc.
Instead, I feel that PC gamers want one monolith company (Steam) and everyone else dead and buried. To me, that is scary, but no one ever really questions it because Steam is the modern day golden boy.