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CYBERPUNK 2077 |OT2| The Last Samurai [>56K Warning_]


Last night I almost purchased a i9-9900k as I convinced myself it'd help with the fps drops in the more populated areas of the city.

I'll give it some time to see if CDPR can optimize the game.
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So, I started the game after patch 1.05 dropped. I built a fancy new PC for this.

I am having fun but it pains me to say that this is the buggiest game I've ever played (Yes, I played Skyrim at launch too). I don't go searching for them either as I'm a pretty standard player. I am really forgiving about bugs usually but I just finished act 1 and these are bugs I've come across:

-Floating NPCs
-Disappearing NPCs and items
-Footsteps cutting out until reloading save
-Bugged hacking
-Bugged weapon stow where my character is stuck with no weapon
-Cops attacking and killing me for doing nothing but walking
-Random wonky physics here and there

I also wish I could remap the double tap to dodge as I've accidentally done it and dodged into NPCs who freaked out.

That said, I can't wait to continue playing LOL
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-There are a lot of vendors on the streets but you can't talk to them. Would be nice if they sold stuff. I walked up to a bartender once and he told me to fuck off. Great service!
-Similiar to vendors there are a lot of interesting looking clubs and buildings you can hear music and stuff going on inside at, but the front door is always locked. I don't think every building should be enterable, but a greater number then what they did would be nice.
-So many guns. I spent a lot of time breaking junky loot down to material even with the perk to do that since it doesn't do guns/armor.
The whole thing with gear could've been so much better if they tried to stick to what would make sense in this setting instead of this MMO-lite nonsense.

Divide all clothing into 4 major styles: enthropism, neo/kitch, neo-militarism.

Vendors in each specific part of town sell appropriate clothing ( so if you want to dress like a corporate, you go and visit shops in City center).

Record a boatload of voiced lines so that npcs on the street respond to what player is wearing ( this would also contribute to them feeling more responsive/"alive"), depending on what part of town you are in. So in Pacifica, for example, you'd get far less warm welcome if you're wearing a corporate suit.

And for gangs, you could loot their own specific gear sets ( so you could really dress up like a Maelstrom or Tyger claw member..this could even be used as "light part" of camouflage system).


I started a corpo playthrough so I thought a sneaky hacker playthrough would go well with that but after making it about 1/3 of the way through the main story I just found the build to be boring. I can see how it would eventually become really powerful but I just missed shooting shit. So I restarted and now my corpo chick is going to be a shotgun/monowire beast.

Also I'm sure you guys know this but be sure to check out cold blood perk tree; it seems like it compliments every type of build really well.


Neo Member
What is that helmet and where to get it?

It's the MaxTac Tactical Helmet. You can't legit get it in the game as far as I know. I used a console command mod to get the set. It has actual stats and everything so I imagine they'll add this set eventually through dlc or something.


I found a ripperdoc offering legendary gorilla arms cyberware so I spent some time earning enough $$ to buy them (they cost $100,000)
then during a random mission shortly after found legendary mantis blades in a crate for free :messenger_open_mouth:

I didn't realize this was possible lol.


Getting ready to head out of town for a week to ten days (driving and just staying with one family member who’s also been fully work from home and distancing for months like is) so last night’s session will be my last for a while. Still in act two and focusing on side quests, started on Judy’s last night. Around 39 hours played IIRC. Going to miss playing this and look forward to returning to it when we get back as I’m loving it so far. The sidequests are great with even many of the random one off ones having neat little stories, funny moments etc.
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From those of you that have already played or are currently playing Cyberpunk 2077, what are your genuine thoughts on the actual role playing experience in this game?
Did your V build feel like a unique character within Night City? Did the character customization meet your expectations, given the very prominent premise of body modification?
If not, where does it lack flexibility and what details or properties would you like to have control over?

For those that played through multiple life paths, did you experience any significant or notable differences between playing as characters with completely different backgrounds?
Did your choices both in violent and non-violent encounters feel like they had actual consequences throughout your playthrough?
Are you fine with being a mercenary, or would you have preferred the choice to side with specific gangs or corpos? Or even betray them perhaps?

CDPR's approach included the use of dialogue choices and romancing options, which features some options that are unique to your chosen life path. Although this isn't really all that innovative, as there were previous titles also that featured these design choices. Still good to have nevertheless, as some options are better than zero options in an RPG.
Although it doesn't seem your choices have that much dynamic consequence in your relationships with NPCs.

Would Cyberpunk 2077 make for a better RPG without a main storyline for players to follow?
I'm convinced that giving players more agency in the type of narratives they choose to get involved with, both of greater and lesser consequence, would've made for a more genuine RPG experience.
Especially with the skill attributes influencing both the violent & non-violent options for your V build.

It feels like at some point in the game's development CDPR went from focusing on the RPG elements, and pivoted to a more action-adventure type of experience.
All of the GTA comparisons certainly didn't alleviate that concern.

I know a lot of AAA developers are hesitant in dropping players into a sandbox world, allowing them to make immediate choices on their own from the start.
Instead many of devs tend to direct players to certain objectives and story beats for a period, then eventually letting the game open up.
Which often takes the form of Intro missions/quest to serve as tutorials with narrative framing. As well as missions/quests that act a progress gates to move the main narrative forward.
There are certain games that do benefit from that sort of narrative structure, although in this case I'm convinced that Cyberpunk 2077's role playing experience suffers from that structure.

TLDR; Did Cyberpunk 2077 meet your 'role playing' expectations?

Honestly the customization of the game is nothing "unseen" in the competition, yet the cyber implants make the biggest difference while enabling very, very unique player builds per playthrough. As far as the experience itself goes in terms of quests etc, you're pretty much free to tackle content however you want as soon as you're able to fully use the world yet, theres a "gated" system keeping some of the content at bay as long as you don't have a certain rank (street cred) to unlock it but its for the secondary quests, not the main ones

I don't think the game would make for a better rpg if there wasn't a main story line, specifically because of the how the game is structured in that regard. Its very possible to miss entire pans of the game depending of the decision you take in some of the quests, and a lot of results in some also are "cross influencing" if that makes sense, ie you could very well be dealing with a harder scenario in x or y main scenario quest because of what you chose to do earlier in a side one. as far as I know some characters arent possible to date depending of the gender of your, and theres like 4 or 5 different endings which gives some room for experimentation in new playthroughs

So far I think the roleplay experience is much more satisfying than all these idiotic takes in reviews saying that the game doesn't have much to say, OR doesn't offer a lot of variety when in terms of results stemming from choices taken by the player, which is simply not true. Customisation is the strength of it all, making new playthroughs using different playstyles a compelling idea imho
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I started a corpo playthrough so I thought a sneaky hacker playthrough would go well with that but after making it about 1/3 of the way through the main story I just found the build to be boring. I can see how it would eventually become really powerful but I just missed shooting shit. So I restarted and now my corpo chick is going to be a shotgun/monowire beast.

Also I'm sure you guys know this but be sure to check out cold blood perk tree; it seems like it compliments every type of build really well.
You can have a ton fun with it, if you're creative. Position your character in the right place, hack into camera, blind one guy in the room, use distract on nearby machine to draw primary target in, then issue "call back" up to another, then when they're both next to explosive crate use overload to blow them up. You can really create fun sandbox combinations with this.
Man these braindance sections are utter shite.

Wish there was a way to skip them honestly.
Lol I can't get enough of them. That part with Scav obduction..holy shit that was intense.


Honestly the customization of the game is nothing "unsee" in the competition, its rather the cyber implants which imho make the biggest difference and enable having very, very unique player build per playthrough. As far as the experience itself goes in terms of quests etc, you're pretty much free to tackle content however you want as soon as you're able to fully use the world yet, theres a "gated" system keeping some of the content at bay as long as you don't have a certain rank (street cred) but its for the secondary quests, not the main ones

I don't think the game would make for a better rpg if there wasn't a main story line, specifically because of the how the game is structured in that regard. Its very possible to miss entire pans of the game depending of the decision you take in some of the quests, and a lot of results in some also are "cross influencing" if that makes sense, ie you could very well having to deal a harder scenario in x or y main scenario quest because of what you chose to do earlier in a side one. as far as I know some characters arent possible to date depending of the gender of your, and theres like 4 or 5 different endings which give some room for experimentation in new playthroughs

So far I think the roleplay experience is much more satisfying than all these idiotic takes in reviews saying that the game doesn't have much to say, OR doesn't offer a lot of variety when in terms of results stemming from choices taken by the player which is simply not true. Customisation is the strength of it all, making new playthroughs using different playstyles a compelling idea imho
reviewers also only got to play a few hours. Wich is on CDPR for not giving them more time. So most reviewers only did the main story line and not bother into side quests wich can change the main story line for you.

I just finished the prologue and dam its so awesome. I love the story missions so far. I wonder how this game would score and be recieved if it was linear like god of war. The game mainly focusses on its narrative yet people online scream for it not be like GTA


I started on Xbox then moved to PC. I thought the city was really empty and flat on XB. It really is a different game on PC. The lighting, textures and crowd density are all a huge step up in making the city better.

From all the replies here and video I have seen it really feels that way.

Every time I see media on it I am like ok why am I not playing that game holy balls it looks fucking good.

Still having fun with it on PS4. But its like I am playing a Switch version LOL.


I have done only a couple main mission focusing on the side content..in that regard the game is kind of disappointing, usually in Wrpg i can pass hours just doing side stuff..in cyberpunk i get bored pretty fast...

main content on the other hand rises production values tenfold but it's even more linear than the secondary stuff..at least for now, like i said i just did a couple o fmain missions thus far



This is one of the few games where i kinda wanna do a second run right after i finish the first one to do completely different choices.

I kinda fucked up badly with the voodo boys...(and with the clouds club)

and i finally understand why some people says that choices are more about how you act in the game than what you say with words, it's kinda complicated to explain.

like when you meet with placide for the first time, you have like a split second before he connect you with the his scanner, i wasn't fast enough and that virus that he inject into you is a plot point with the web police guy you meet later

I think that the choices and how sidequest surprise you with their ramifications are probably the best thing about the game (and the art design of course).
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On the subject of the performance issues:

The promise of a game company to sell something on hardware that can't properly run it is fucked. CDPR should not be defended in this regard because not only did they NOT let reviewers use console review codes, they made them use prebaked footage for reviews, extremely limiting the press and review information that could be provided to the public. When millions of people bought it for a console they were advertised would work...I don't see how that's remotely pro consumer and why that's defensible in the slightest, especially when other games made longer ago look great on the hardware.

On the game itself:

In a game about "customizing your body and everything" it's baffling how little customization choices there are. You can't even change your hair after starting the game? You can't put scopes or silencers on most the guns? You can't change the skins on guns you craft? You can't upgrade certain weapons to certain levels but you can upgrade others? TPosing everywhere? Doing a Ping scan to hit the devices in an area can tank the framerate? A replicateable bug where I use a short circuit on an enemy in an area that tanks the framerate consistently in one part of the game? Just opening the map has caused an unable to exit forcing me to close at least 4 times? Your "cyber enhancements" being mostly tiny stat changes and not major gameplay changes minus Berserk, and 3-4 others? The fact that romance options are limited by Gender AND Voice? The fact that for a "mature" title you can only do limited things in the world in regards to sex, and its treatment of sex in general being pretty juvenile 90% of the time? The fact that regardless of your opening choice of background 90% of the gameplay is just based around being a street kid?

There's so many things "missing" from the game that are kinda weird. Things like augmentations that are in the cyberpunk 2020 rules but not in the game, augmentations and things that are locked behind tiny incremental changes, characters and NPCs that are "allowed" to look more cyber enhanced than you can, and strange decisions on when you can openly affect quest progression vs when you can't. Hell you can't even make your skin look prosthetic or plastic-y like some of the characters in the game or properly morph your facial geometry despite it being almost exclusively in first person.

I think Cyberpunk is a remarkable set of really great ideas executed poorly, but when it comes to anything beyond the basic shooting the game is horribly balanced, (like cyberhacking being OP as hell) or just half baked (Crafting system being nonsense). It's not just about "game killing bugs" of which I've had only about a dozen crashes, it's about the scale and mechanical depth of the game. It's about how basic functions like car AI and such is really bad at times. It's about how un-optomized the game is.

That being said...

I'm pretty much split right down the middle on Cyberpunk 2077 after about 60-70 hours so far.


1. Excellent gameplay/gunplay.
Really smooth feeling and smart weapons are fun and being able to be "non-lethal" in the game is interesting albeit underdeveloped in the game. Hacking is OP but fun to do, hopping into a camera to hop into a computer to hack a guy is neat.

2. Passive Storytelling.
There's a lot of subtle hints and reminders that the world is truly connected as you scan people's emails and computers and personal logs and find characters related to each other and/or coordinating with each other, sometimes against YOU the player. If a character quest is failed in one regard you can literally find them with "cement shoes" at the bottom of a lake and there's no quest marker there, it's organic and linked to exploration.

3. SOME SideQuests
There's some sidequests that remind me this is a CDPR game and truly help flesh out the world that they're in. Things like playing a VR game with headsets where little children appear as adults but have kid voices impersonating bad action flicks juxtaposed against the terrible darkness of humanity in a world like Cyberpunk making underground "BDs" like dark net/snuff video content helps round out the world a bit, I just wish there was more of this.

4. Voice Acting
Aside from Keanu Reeves who feels phoned in half the time and the other half almost sounds like a nicholas cage impression that I can't unhear now, majority of the acting is solid. V's male voice was grating to me at first but there are several moments in the story and sidequests where the actor really gets into the performance and does extremely well.

5. Music
Some of the music is grating but majority of it is good. It's a bummer that you either have radio or nothing for a majority of the game because the regular synth music that plays during missions is great. The only real grating one I've heard so far is the "not Doom" music one that pops up in combat encounters where I'm just like "okay calm down I'm over it" after the first 5 minutes. Also the cute anime pop music talking about wanting to get banged is hilarious.

6. Lethality vs Non-Lethality
There's lots of quests that go "Go kill this guy" and while you can only question a few of them, you have a ton of options of how to go about handling them. You can mod your weapons to be "non-lethal" meaning you decrease their HP but they live afterwards (but if you shoot them after they're down it counts as a kill). You can then shoot the guy to neutralize him and take him out to the fixer's car. They'll even comment on you not wanting to do "the dirty work" which I think is neat.

7. World Design
There's several great places to go in Night City and varied environments that sometimes look downright gorgeous. Several varieties of ecosystems and locations from the badlands to japantown to pacifica etc. There's so much cool shit to go look at, which is why it's a bummer that the cars disappear/reappear, npcs are lacking in interactivity, and you can't interact with things in the world like the game machines, pachinko, clubs, etc.

1. Linearity vs Open Ended-ness
There's some sidequests that are little more than killing a single dude or grabbing him and throwing him into the back of a car that are more open than main story quests.

Typically the story/companion quests boil down to "follow a person walking slow, get in car, stand in for your typical Fast and the Furious or GTA mission prompt with a bit of a twist, kill dudes or sneak, get out." Whereas some sidequests allow you to choose a bunch of different methods to the same end, the main quest line gives you the illusion of "options" but ultimately mean very little in the grand scheme of the conversation. (I'd know because I've replayed through several convos and very little changes depending on your retorts).

One Sidequest has you taking down someone who's selling military equipment to civilians but if you stun them you find a conversation that someone is blackmailing them by sending them fingers of a family member or loved one and making them do it. You cannot act on this in any way that I've been able to find.

2. Romance
How is it still after all these years Bioware/Mass Effect remain the kings of Romance/companions in video games?? An entire game about modding your body and doing what you want in a supposedly "mature" setting and the list of people you can romance is:
-2 if you're a guy
-2 if you're a girl
-4 prostitutes you can sleep with

And that's it. Not only that but despite them having things to do in the endings and later quests of the game, you can't do literally anything with your romantic partner or even bring them up when asked.
You romance someone and then you never talk to them again, despite getting a house/apartment in their location you can go to. Missed potential here to spend time with the person and/or add more dialogue to them beyond "You banged them, you got what you want, move on."
And it's baffling that we STILL have genderlocked romances in a title like this.

3. Nonsense Writing at times
There's entire subquests and storylines that kind of just get added for shock value and then you don't follow any threads for them (or any that I've seen so far).

One questline has you getting a comatose serial killer to "dream" so you can draw conclusions about where he might have lived as a kid, which turns out to be a farm where they're doing "something" to the kids he's tricking into going there. He's just "pumping them full of hormones" and that's the end of the plot line. No real clarification on if he was actually doing anything or just sick or what the reason behind it was. We just move on.

There's also several key moments where characters forget things you mentioned to them before or told them before and/or act like never happened, including shifting tones of conversations/dialogue that don't fit. Which is odd considering how many small triggers there are elsewhere that actually factor in previous convos and such.

4. Bugs in the Engine
Things like loading a save file later during a stealth run and having every enemy still be alerted to your presence because of the buggy stealth mechanics is annoying. Getting locked in the map menu and not able to continue without restarting the game and losing progress is annoying. Audio bugs where characters start talking as if they're on comms when they're sitting right next to me are annoying. There's just a lot of little things that add up.

5. Broken Systems
Crafting is busted. Hacking is busted. Clothing and economy and shops in general are busted.

Crafting - You can't customize your weapons in terms of skin and can't do much with weapons behind tiny things like "+7 damage" and/or add a scope on them. Only like 2 weapon types have silencers, some can't have scopes (why would you put a sniper rifle in a game and then have it be unable to be used at long range without a scope???) and god forbid you want to mod a specific "color" or look of a gun without hunting for one.

Hacking - You can basically solve an entire mission before you walk through the door. While it's cool it's this open, I don't understand why they'd make hacking so OP. All you need is contagion, Protocol Breach, and short circuit and some mods and you can pretty much wipe out an entire room without setting foot through it. The mods themselves are cool but I don't feel the game is really balanced around it.

Clothing - God forbid you want to look a certain way because there is no glamour system in the game, forcing you to sometimes look like a hobo to get decent enough stats. Clothing of certain types can be upgraded far more than clothing with "mod slots" meaning that you can buff certain items or store bought items further than you can even mod your crafted items, making crafted items almost useless for their costs due to the loot economy in the game and how things drop for you. Again just like guns you can't change skins, colors, etc on clothing so you get what you get and hope that the stores eventually carry the thing you want to wear.

If this was to encourage people coming back to the stores they shouldn't have made the walk/drive to Quick travel points such a long dredge to get to.

6. Customization
You can't customize your character's visuals at all after the start of the game. Despite the emphasis and barraging of Mirrors everywhere and photo mode, you can't change anything after the initial character creation and the cyberware alters your look very little. I get wanting to make sure "clothes" look right but the fact that there's a cyberpunk game with so many body types and looks but you have to be a basic ass human for the most part in terms of visual is a real bummer. This is combined with the aforementioned lack of customization options on guns, clothes, and even vehicles can't get a new paint job??

7. Cast Limits
The cast is extremely small and not interesting enough to carry the story. Takemura and Panam are great, but characters like River are kinda the bog standard Vin Diesel character with not a lot of meat to their motivations or character interactions.

Combine this with the previously mentioned romantic limits and you get a game that forces you to talk almost exclusively to Keanu's Johnny Silverhand which is fine most the time but gets grating when you feel like you talk to Fixers more than the people who are supposed to "have you back" and care about you more than others and who you've helped.
The cast is too small to carry a game this big and there's too few things you can do with them to compensate for the small cast.


There's oddities like the fact that they have a rocket launcher in a mission but no heavy ordinance available to the player, lack of augmentations that really have meaningful gameplay changes, etc. But I can't say I hate all my time with the game in the slightest. And I think that's what bums me out the most.

There's a pile of missed potential here for a game that had 8+ years to develop. There's a lot of ideas that are well thought up but poorly executed. There's a ton of great nuggets of CDPR goodness that pop up here and there but then you get drug out of it later.

It's a shame that a game like this is more of an iteration on things we've already seen vs a real change in the way these types of games are handled. I know some people would say expectations were too high and maybe CDPR just overshot their ambition a bit. Either way I wished they'd gotten to "finish" the game before releasing because it could have been a GOTG. Right now it's just "good." Which is "fine" and I'd recommend buying it WAY later after the kinks are ironed out, but I can't say I didn't expect/want more after playing Witcher 3.

The game could have been a really huge deal, but as of now it's just a first person GTA that has Bethesda level bugs, and from CDPR and a title that delayed itself this many times to come out, I expected something "more." I had hoped for more. Partly that's on me, but I hope CDPR learns to keep things within their scope moving forward instead of promising the world and then under-delivering.


Good analysis Bit_Reactor Bit_Reactor .

for the comatose guy
i mean you know why he is doing that and what he is doing, what other explanation do you want? maybe i don't understand your problem

Yes hacking make the game a complete joke except for a few encounters even on max difficulty, but onestly, stealth, gun blazing and melee are almost as OP, there is no weak build in this game, the only challenge are enemies doing a fuckload of damage but they are pretty stupid and careless.


Good analysis Bit_Reactor Bit_Reactor .

for the comatose guy
i mean you know why he is doing that and what he is doing, what other explanation do you want? maybe i don't understand your problem

Yes hacking make the game a complete joke except for a few encounters even on max difficulty, but onestly, stealth, gun blazing and melee are almost as OP, there is no weak build in this game, the only challenge are enemies doing a fuckload of damage but they are pretty stupid and careless.
The gameplay is its strongest point. I fucking love the gunplay and movement and double jump makes things -chef kiss- for infiltration for sure.

For the coma guy I get that he's just "crazy" but I kinda wanted more detail on the "what" that was being done and stuff. I get that it's better than having a guy openly state his motivations in a villain speech but I'd kinda prefer to gather more info or figure out more other than "This is what they did to cows. So now they do it here. That's it." But it's just a small example.

I've lost count of how many weird times the AI has glitched in terms of stealth either by my "distractions" not working but me being able to walk right past them, or the reload bug where after you've alerted people (at least on my PC) when you reload your save file they're still alerted, even if it's earlier than your last save. Very odd.

Again, there's a TON to like about this game, but it's brought down by a lot of the things I look for in an RPG being missing. For every small quest that gives me quite a few options on how to handle it, the "meat" of the game story is kinda just kind of your standard GTA mission sequences.

I DO like how they have some bosses/enemies that can be completely handled through dialogue/conversation but I'm kinda baffled that there are a lot of options where I'd think I'd want to talk to people or affect the outcome that are missing. Like it just doesn't feel "complete" in a weird way if that makes sense?

One amazing outcome was I found a quest where I had to infiltrate a whole desert base to find a guy and because I explored I found a sewer pipe that I snuck into that made the mission take less than 5 minutes. It trivializes some of the level design, but it's cool that it's there.
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I'm only at the point where I just met johnny and I already hate mr arasaka
fuck that guy xD
this story is so interessting, it keeps me hooked for sure and I really wanne kill of dex, hate that guy to

not many games get me hooked on its story. How was this for anyone else here?


I'm only at the point where I just met johnny and I already hate mr arasaka
fuck that guy xD
this story is so interessting, it keeps me hooked for sure and I really wanne kill of dex, hate that guy to

not many games get me hooked on its story. How was this for anyone else here?
Story's interesting at times. It's another case of "There's real stakes so there's some oddities in how much time we can spend dicking around" but it's interesting nevertheless.

I feel like MAJORITY of the plot could be executed without any relation to Cyberpunk specific world design, aside from the obvious Johnny stuff. Most of the major compelling plot points are all in the side quests for me so far.

Jackie is amazing and is basically the human equivalent to Jake the Dog and I love him, but I feel they really cheated by having the "starting quest" depending on who you "are" be like 5 minutes before a time skip to just being a street kid anyways. They introduce Misty, Vic, Mama Welles, etc all through a montage and I feel it was missed potential to properly introduce us to those characters and give us development of them (as an aside can you even go visit Mama Welles at any time in the story?)

I feel like the game struggles balancing the main plot line with the open-ness of the world, but what's there is "interesting" as you said. I feel like they really missed an opportunity with the holo calls to allow more character interactions on quests and such, but there's a lot of pretty solid stuff here and there.

One quest that looks like it's going to be your standard "go see a stripper" turns into a really (if you let it) great introspective into V and possibly even you as a player that I enjoyed, and there's some interesting threads using the factions in the game, it's just a shame that most of it is surface level stuff. Things like the Brain Dances being little more than a standard detective mode with scanning things and everything highlighting for you and stuff help take away from the fact that the game is trying to tell you all these "new" crimes with cyberpunk tech despite most of them being doable without cyberpunk tech.

There's some really interesting framing of certain things like dolls and joy toys, Arasaka and Militech, etc, but I wish there was more. For example Wakako is tied intrinsically to the Tyger Claws but you can kill a ton of them and she doesn't even seem to care. THAT BEING SAID there's a whole main quest line where if you've done a lot of quests for her she doesn't make you do the song and dance to buy an item for a quest and just hands it to you.

Like I keep saying for everything I wish there was more of there's baffling depth in some other items. I just wish it was more consistent across the board.
Really disappointed in Karak's review. Basically just shitted on it for being buggy like everyone else.

Comment section is full of "just deleted the game and asked for a refund". What a joke.

It's a shame because he was one of the few who gave Days Gone a fair review while everyone was focusing on its limitations, bugs, slow framerate, and SJW nonsense.
Really disappointed in Karak's review. Basically just shitted on it for being buggy like everyone else.

Comment section is full of "just deleted the game and asked for a refund". What a joke.

It's a shame because he was one of the few who gave Days Gone a fair review while everyone was focusing on its limitations, bugs, slow framerate, and SJW nonsense.
if you had seen his live stream he talked in you would know this was going to happen he called the game a piece of crap specifically because of bugs. Another critic no longer worth my time.


The gameplay is its strongest point. I fucking love the gunplay and movement and double jump makes things -chef kiss- for infiltration for sure.

For the coma guy I get that he's just "crazy" but I kinda wanted more detail on the "what" that was being done and stuff. I get that it's better than having a guy openly state his motivations in a villain speech but I'd kinda prefer to gather more info or figure out more other than "This is what they did to cows. So now they do it here. That's it." But it's just a small example.

I've lost count of how many weird times the AI has glitched in terms of stealth either by my "distractions" not working but me being able to walk right past them, or the reload bug where after you've alerted people (at least on my PC) when you reload your save file they're still alerted, even if it's earlier than your last save. Very odd.

Again, there's a TON to like about this game, but it's brought down by a lot of the things I look for in an RPG being missing. For every small quest that gives me quite a few options on how to handle it, the "meat" of the game story is kinda just kind of your standard GTA mission sequences.

I DO like how they have some bosses/enemies that can be completely handled through dialogue/conversation but I'm kinda baffled that there are a lot of options where I'd think I'd want to talk to people or affect the outcome that are missing. Like it just doesn't feel "complete" in a weird way if that makes sense?

One amazing outcome was I found a quest where I had to infiltrate a whole desert base to find a guy and because I explored I found a sewer pipe that I snuck into that made the mission take less than 5 minutes. It trivializes some of the level design, but it's cool that it's there.
how much do i have left before the end of the game?
I finished the quest where you are in the cyberspace talking with alt cummings and the other big mission i have opened is the job with the jap guy to talk with the other arasaka female leader during an event (sorry i'm shit with names)

20% or less??
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if you had seen his live stream he talked in you would know this was going to happen he called the game a piece of crap specifically because of bugs. Another critic no longer worth my time.

I had a feeling he would just because he was salty about not receiving a review copy. He was clearly ass mad over it and claimed he'd focus on other games instead. Lol


how much do i have left before completing the game?
I finished the quest where you are in the cyberspace talking with alt cummings and the other big mission i have opened is the job with the jap guy to talk with the other arasaka female leader during an event (sorry i'm shit with names)
You still got a bit. Think there's two(?) more main quests before you get to the "point of no return" quest.

Really disappointed in Karak's review. Basically just shitted on it for being buggy like everyone else.

Comment section is full of "just deleted the game and asked for a refund". What a joke.

It's a shame because he was one of the few who gave Days Gone a fair review while everyone was focusing on its limitations, bugs, slow framerate, and SJW nonsense.
About 10 minutes and he's being pretty fair so far.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
The fistfight against the feminist is one of the worst designed fights I’ve ever encountered in games.

Actually, fistfighting in this game sucks balls, why have this shit instead of racing and other kinds of minigames?
Drop a melle weapon in the place where fight begins and you won most of the time.


As a random aside I wish I could have glowy strips on my arms like some of the characters do or some cool robot eyes like Maelstrom. Still bummed that the whole game is first person but at least give me some neat stuff to take photos of.

Same thing with body types. There's a lot of body types in the game and you can only be "standard human" sadly.
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The fistfight against the feminist is one of the worst designed fights I’ve ever encountered in games.

Actually, fistfighting in this game sucks balls, why have this shit instead of racing and other kinds of minigames?

i think the fistfighting is pretty good for what the game is. it's miles ahead of the witcher 3/2 or skyrim/fallout


Really disappointed in Karak's review. Basically just shitted on it for being buggy like everyone else.

Comment section is full of "just deleted the game and asked for a refund". What a joke.

It's a shame because he was one of the few who gave Days Gone a fair review while everyone was focusing on its limitations, bugs, slow framerate, and SJW nonsense.
if he gave it a really positive review now I think he would get shit on lol. But yea its a shame . I was wondering about his thoughts on just the game besides the bugs. Because the bugs wil get fixed. I know people rather wanne rate it for how it plays atm. But it also keeps great thoughts about the game if you overlook the bugs..

The bugs hardly bother me as I'm in constant awe by the world, the characters, the story. But reviewers are free to just bash on bugs because well thats on cdpr themselfs. They did this to themselfs. They already managed to change so much in 2 weeks. If only they had given this game more time they would get so much more positive press..
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Lol I disagree entirely with “this story could have been told without any cyberpunk references”. Lool are you serious?

honestly seeing a take like that makes me feel like I’m playing a totally different game

also I don’t see how “you only ever talk to Johnny” like lol that is literally not true almost 80% of my game so far has been with the other characters

like I said, often when I see these takes it feels like they are talking about some other game.
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Man, I am really not feeling this game. Just made it to Act 2, and every time I try to get away from the Mai quest the quality just ranks. Regina’s quests are basically all ‘get in there, shoot them, mission done’. Same with NCPD side activities. Add to that the insane amount of info on the screen and I just mechanically find myself going to waypoints and pressing fire.
I also do not feel a lot of skills are really that useful - Witcher 3 was not great there, but a lot of useful skills e.g. crafting rare hacks are gates behind useless +3% damage skills.
Add to that the fact the city just feels the same, same buildings, alleys, overpasses.
So now I have a choice:
1. Stick with it and maybe try and rush the main quest hoping there is no difficulty spike.
2. Play Prey
3. Play Greedfall


Gold Member
Finished the game yesterday. ~43 hours total, completing most of the sidequests while ignoring some gigs and street fights.

I had 1 CTD, 3 instances where I had to restart a checkpoint and a very minor number of non-intrusive visual glitches.

These guys will have my money day 1 for their next game as well.

Yeah, I've had much fun despite bugs. Hopefully in the next couple of months they'll patch the game into a masterpiece and then release a series of quality DLC.


Lol I disagree entirely with “this story could have been told so hour any cyberpunk references”

honestly seeing a take like that makes me feel like I’m playing a totally different game
If you mean my comment regarding the story being doable without cyberpunk references, feel free to quote and/or prove me wrong? Specifically story not gameplay.

Johnny's plot line for sure is intrinsically tied to cyberware. But majority of the plot lines are just reskins of your typical GTA missions with slightly different "skins." Which is enough for some people.

BDs = Security footage/detective mode in any/all games including Witcher 3 and other such titles. Click Scan, identify the item the game tells you to, proceed with plot. Very little open ended plot points here or anything that affect progression.
Gangs = easily doable without Cyberpunk references, in fact little to none of the gang control of key city areas are really played into beyond what fixer you talk to on the phone
Holo = just a phone
Shards = could easily be something displayed on a screen
Nomads = typical Fast and Furious plotline/Road Warrior things of people who live off the land
Corpos = one of the most underutilized parts of the game. You start out hearing about the Frankfurt incident if you play as Corpo and then none of the abernathy plot ever comes into play again, and the corpo environment only comes into play in one to three quest lines.
Dolls/JoyToys = Another underutilized device that could be done with any basic stripper or lady/man of the night. They use them in two good quests and only one of them is well done (the Evelyn questline).
Netrunners = Just plain hackers.

There are times where the "flair" pay off for sure, but I feel like if you're thinking this game is intrinsically tied to its setting beyond the visual I think I could easily reskin the game in a modern environment and it still work the same.

It's not to say the flair doesn't pay off in a lot of ways, it's just that I feel like things like augmented animals, Corpo plots, gang wars, etc are all mentioned in passing but not really utilized. I would have been interested to hear more about things like the fact that Maelstrom appear to be some crazy death cult and/or dig into Scavs and their doings, but it's really only used once or twice while the "meat" of the game is your typical "go here, talk to fixer or npc, kill or neutralize, exit" mission that could be done in any other setting.

Again though, gameplay wise it uses Cyberpunk setting "well" but it still lacks customization and options in a lot of ways that I feel should be standard for games of this size and caliber at this point.
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