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CYBERPUNK 2077 |OT2| The Last Samurai [>56K Warning_]


I know its not this game but I would have liked some sort of crime/faction system or something. Would have been cool if they ripped of Shadow of Mordor with the nemisis system.

I go around mercing all these gang members but it doesn't really seem to effect or change anything. All though I did notice one side mission I killed everyone at this restaurant and when I came back there was police tape which was cool.

But it would have been cool if we could take over various corporations, gangs, terrirotry etc.. Buy real estate etc... Unelss I am missing later in the game you get another apartment? Also can you park your stolen cars in your garage and keep them?

I would rather have played as the CEO guys son and go through his journey of taking of the company and becoming king of Night City. Buying up all the penthouses, and corporate take overs.


But you have a RPG that gives each gender 2 choices, gay or straight romances, and some prostitutes (of which there are only 4 total).
maybe sometime like pornhub has the gameplay you want

Like it or not? I think you're assuming intent here on something that doesn't make sense.

I'm a huge CDPR fan. I've bought Witcher 3 like 4 times and am a total shill for them. But I can't abide half broken products on the market, regardless of what they "try."

You have broken AI, terrible traffic AI, some busted ass combat AI, broken crafting system and economy, etc.

you bought tw3 4 times and you never realized those things you are pointing out are even worse in that game?
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Ivory Blood

The game has full "class themed" - corpo, media, solo, netrunner etc. legendary sets you can find at almost any time, they also have a unique look. Just remember to save before pointing your mouse at the body or the container the item is in - it rolls random stats and mod slots each time you load a new game, so save scum for the best results.

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Someone, take me off this photo mode. I'm almost at 300 screenshots.








Man, I am really not feeling this game. Just made it to Act 2, and every time I try to get away from the Mai quest the quality just ranks. Regina’s quests are basically all ‘get in there, shoot them, mission done’. Same with NCPD side activities. Add to that the insane amount of info on the screen and I just mechanically find myself going to waypoints and pressing fire.
I also do not feel a lot of skills are really that useful - Witcher 3 was not great there, but a lot of useful skills e.g. crafting rare hacks are gates behind useless +3% damage skills.
Add to that the fact the city just feels the same, same buildings, alleys, overpasses.

So now I have a choice:
1. Stick with it and maybe try and rush the main quest hoping there is no difficulty spike.
2. Play Prey
3. Play Greedfall
No perks are locked behind another perk. You can get any perk as long as you have enough attribute points.

I agree a lot of the combat weapon perks seem dumb, kinda the main reason I went with a hacker build. The side gigs and NCPD are just open world clutter, but the side Gigs can be really fun and take you to some interesting locations. You unlock more real side missions as you progress through the game.


Does the game look better in photo mode? Some of these screenshots look better than what I am seeing at nearly max settings.

Hotfix 1.06 today. Fixes 8mb limit.


Darkness no more
Good they fixed the 8mb limit thing. Based on what they said earlier this week it sounded like they wouldn’t fix it anytime soon.


Does the game look better in photo mode? Some of these screenshots look better than what I am seeing at nearly max settings.

Hotfix 1.06 today. Fixes 8mb limit.

it does look a bit sharper because it removes TAA but that's about it.
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Pleasantly surprised to see another 17gb patch for consoles!

Let’s see if my two bugged quests are fixed! 😃

Edit: Nope 😞
Even when they fix these quests it most likely won't work on your current save. 😥 I guess I was lucky because in my 150+ hours of gameplay only one side gig glitched out (An inconvenient killer). I was already able to complete ot on my second run.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Does the game look better in photo mode? Some of these screenshots look better than what I am seeing at nearly max settings.

Hotfix 1.06 today. Fixes 8mb limit.

  • Improved memory management and stability, resulting in fewer crashes.

  • Improved memory management and stability, resulting in fewer crashes.
Shit, how often does this game crash on consoles now?

150 hours on PC. 2 crashes. One during gameplay when driving through the city and one when loading a save. That's it.


maybe sometime like pornhub has the gameplay you want

you bought tw3 4 times and you never realized those things you are pointing out are even worse in that game?
I'll reply because I was quoted but Evilore reached out to me on this thread to not debate further, so after that I'll stop replying, just giving you a heads up so you know why I'm not engaging further afterwards so you don't think I'm like shying away from discussion.

When a game hails itself as "mature" and not afraid of sexuality and puts dildos in tons of windows and has weird notell motel hookups you expect there to be more options in the game. If a game is going to go "edgy" then I want full edge lord. Don't half ass it. I don't like sex in video games personally, I think it always looks and sounds stupid. It's a bunch of polygons rubbing up against each other and I've never seen a single official game sex scene that hasn't made me cringe.

That being said "romance options" doesn't always equate to sex. What if a guy wants to romance River? What if a woman wants to romance Panam? Having literally only one option of "straight, gay, or bought" is not a really great selling point to rpgs, especially when games like Bioware and others nailed this generations ago.

To be honest I only went with Panam because she was my only option and I wanted to see the effect on the ending. It shouldn't be that mind numbingly straighforward in a game that advertises itself as "you make your legacy in night city" and all the other PR speak of choice and options and defining your legend.

Don't give me 1 romance option if I'm a straight guy in a game that's leaning HEAVY on a cast of maybe 6-8 characters. The cast isn't written strong enough in the first place to have so few named npcs that are interesting and part of your "crew" or interactions as you go.

On the subject of Witcher 3, yeah it totally had bugs. It was CDPR's biggest project. It also had some half baked dumb systems in it that took patches and edits to fix and even now aren't completely fixed. That game came out in 2015. Cyberpunk has been in production for supposedly 8+ years. I expect improvement not regression. Don't go "This game had bugs too" as an example for a "next gen experience" having bugs and problems. Cyberpunk was advertised and treated as a AAA title like any other complete with huge advertising pieces and stage presence. If CDPR over reached beyond their capabilities, that's fine, but just because their last game had some issues doesn't mean I should just "expect that" moving forward.

When games like Mass Effect Andromeda and Cyberpunk REGRESS beyond their predecessors in quality or consistency the answer to a newer game shouldn't be "this one had bugs too" the answer is "Why did these lessons not get learned?" And for a 8+ year dev cycle with the millions of sales and preorders it has as it was no doubt going to be one of the biggest games of the gen, it doesn't have an excuse imo to not have solutions to problems that were fixed generations ago.

Again, I like the game somewhat and think it has a lot going for it, but the game is not done. And I think for everyone who would discuss that about any other title like EA/Bioware/etc release, we need to discuss that here. But obviously not in this thread as Evilore suggested. Thanks for coming to my TED talk and have a good one. :p
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This could be a huge deal. Most of the crashes during my Xbox One X playthrough were while driving around the dense parts of the city with a lot of slowdown and hitching probably related to assets streaming in and out.

  • Improved memory management and stability, resulting in fewer crashes.

i feel for you, i decided to give it ago on my one x


It was horrible and kept crashing to the dashboard 30 seconds in, and the loading :messenger_expressionless: normally the i only ever get to the radio host introducing the female cop but on the one x the whole interview plays out before it loads into game.


Even when they fix these quests it most likely won't work on your current save. 😥 I guess I was lucky because in my 150+ hours of gameplay only one side gig glitched out (An inconvenient killer). I was already able to complete ot on my second run.

That’s one of them that’s fucked. And another in City Center. I went and cleared that area out way too early on and I think that’s what screwed me.

It’s also going to be the one thing holding me back from the Platinum 😞
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Just watching some YouTube footage of a 3060 Ti running this game at Ray Tracing Ultra with DLSS on Ultra Performance and it soften the image up a bit with the frame rate hovering around 50fps.
Is there any way to counteract the softness caused by DLSS?


Gold Member
Just watching some YouTube footage of a 3060 Ti running this game at Ray Tracing Ultra with DLSS on Ultra Performance and it soften the image up a bit with the frame rate hovering around 50fps.
Is there any way to counteract the softness caused by DLSS?
ReShade. I use a mix I made for my tastes that includes sharpening, contrast, levels, and saturation tunings. Makes the game really pop. I've seen people in this thread using 'Clarity' for the same purpose. Negligible impact on frame rate and it looks much better.
ReShade. I use a mix I made for my tastes that includes sharpening, contrast, levels, and saturation tunings. Makes the game really pop. I've seen people in this thread using 'Clarity' for the same purpose. Negligible impact on frame rate and it looks much better.
Wow OK. Thanks. I'm asking these questions cause I want to do as much research before I start my PC build. 3060Ti seems for the time being like a great 1440p card. Game looks phenomenal at 1440p with everything on Ultra and DLSS enabled.

I will ask more questions or advice as time goes on cause I really want to get the best value card for PC gaming. So far 3060Ti looks to be an awesome card.

EDIT: Oh yeah. The Lizzie pistol is God tier with headshot multiplier maxed out and added mods to increase chance of status effect
Damn near every goon gets set on fire when I land a shot and the Skippy pistol does mad damage as every shot goes for the head. I hope future DLC has more quirky smart weapons like Skippy lol
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Gold Member
Random tip: you can swim around the fence at Konpeki Plaza and get back to the entrance. With some vehicle shenanigans you can re-enter the plaza and backtrack all the way to Yorinobu's penthouse.

You basically have to place your car right alongside the entrance, so when you get out you clip through the gate. It's super easy to do, took me three tries.

There are some unique clothing items there in the penthouse, a unique handgun and a katana with +500% crit damage, which is just insane.

You'll need the double jump cyberware to reach the ledge though, so make sure you have that one.
Random tip: you can swim around the fence at Konpeki Plaza and get back to the entrance. With some vehicle shenanigans you can re-enter the plaza and backtrack all the way to Yorinobu's penthouse.

You basically have to place your car right alongside the entrance, so when you get out you clip through the gate. It's super easy to do, took me three tries.

There are some unique clothing items there in the penthouse, a unique handgun and a katana with +500% crit damage, which is just insane.

You'll need the double jump cyberware to reach the ledge though, so make sure you have that one.
I reloaded an older save to get that katana on the rooftop as I missed it in my first playthrough. If I had known this ^^ I wouldn't have had to backtrack a couple hours but all good. I ransacked Konpeki on my 2nd playthrough of the level.


But she no go with man so? Can it be better end
And physics in game is fine its not as good sure, ubi games allways most things top of the line, witcher 3 controls where like stone age compare to present time AC game.

No worries then for some reason I assumed you had a female character.
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SF Kosmo

Some of the side quests are getting memorable later on. Sinnerman. Damn.
Early on the sidequests seem fewer and more straightforward, but man, as the game goes on it feels like you're just drowning in side stories and the content is really compelling.

I have been sitting at 90% completion in the main story because I just don't want to finish all the interesting side quest which turns out to be a lot.


I was told no. You get a "point of no return" message and that's it. Pretty glaring conflicting info here.

Yeah, I read some more and apparently you get sent back (after finishing the main story) right before tackling the final mission. You also get some rewards depending on what ending you got.


Early on the sidequests seem fewer and more straightforward, but man, as the game goes on it feels like you're just drowning in side stories and the content is really compelling.

I have been sitting at 90% completion in the main story because I just don't want to finish all the interesting side quest which turns out to be a lot.
Ive finished the game and still getting side quests that have stemmed from other side quests, Like man I love it, Content just keeps coming. And they are well done and fun


You can have a ton fun with it, if you're creative. Position your character in the right place, hack into camera, blind one guy in the room, use distract on nearby machine to draw primary target in, then issue "call back" up to another, then when they're both next to explosive crate use overload to blow them up. You can really create fun sandbox combinations with this.

Lol I can't get enough of them. That part with Scav obduction..holy shit that was intense.
Hacking - incredible fun, especially for a stealth character. Take the perk that lets you hack enemies THROUGH the cameras in the area....You can hide in a dumpster and pull the strings of the area through all cameras in the area including killing enemies...just need enough RAM and reduce cooldown perks.

I agree that the brain dancers are an innovative way to make the game more futuristic and unique to this world...cant wait for them to expand and not hand hold you by giving away the time stamp where the hint is located. At first the hand holding was appreciated as I didnt get it rigth away, but no that I do for DLC I hope they ramp the difficulty within braindances. PLus more porn options for brain dances.

How the hell do I post pics on here with this new update? All my post edit options are greyed out
There is a thread that was started with regard ot the "new" look for the website...they are still workng on bugs. LIkely they already know of the issue but it woulnst hurt to leave a comment in the thread saying what you want to change. I couldnt upload pics at all without the auto uploader yesterday but htey fixed that hours after the update thankfully. Its alot easier to gifs now LOL:

Santa Claus Thumbs Up GIF by benniesolo
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Thing is I've been playing for 40 hours now, very little crafting done, no glitching whatsoever and my latest save file is over 4mb. So I have another 40 hours of playtime before my save file gets corrupted. Nah, fuck that.
80 hours. Lot of crafting. My save 4.5 mb.
I think if you didn't dupe unstackable items like crazy, you've nothing to worry


Ugh. Anyone know what line to edit with Hexedit now that 1.06 just came out? CPU back down to 40-50% usage...AGAIN!

Having to change this after every patch is going to get old. Wish they would acknowledge it's not just something that affected less than eight core CPU's.


Man, I am really not feeling this game. Just made it to Act 2, and every time I try to get away from the Mai quest the quality just ranks. Regina’s quests are basically all ‘get in there, shoot them, mission done’. Same with NCPD side activities. Add to that the insane amount of info on the screen and I just mechanically find myself going to waypoints and pressing fire.
I also do not feel a lot of skills are really that useful - Witcher 3 was not great there, but a lot of useful skills e.g. crafting rare hacks are gates behind useless +3% damage skills.
Add to that the fact the city just feels the same, same buildings, alleys, overpasses.
So now I have a choice:
1. Stick with it and maybe try and rush the main quest hoping there is no difficulty spike.
2. Play Prey
3. Play Greedfall

I dont know what to tell you other than that my experience is the opposite, especuially AFTER the start of act 2 and into the middle part of the game.. FOr example, I went to an area I was clearly underleveled for to do a police GIG so not the low level police one but one that shows up on your list of quests. It was in a car garage. I died like 8 times tying to shoot and use cars to kill enemies to no avail. I went outisde to walk away and quit....but then I noticed that a freeway was going overtop of the area! I drove around on my bike to get on the freeway and held up traffic by parking it in the lane. I didnt even need double jump to get on the railing of the freeway as because I held up traffic I could jump on top of the cars on the freeway. I got up and admittedly used double jump to take away the fall damage, i.e. you jump down once then press double jump just before hitting and you dont hit the turf hard. Then I was able to get into the parkade from the TOP this time. At first I thougth I was stymied as there was a grill and it wasnt goign to be openable. BUt then I noticed I could shoot trhough the holes int he grill. With enough angling I was able to snipe with my AWESOME " SPT - Grad" sniper rifle I got on the roof of Viktors and MIsty's place and cleared the whole second floor. I was able to take out the remaining enemies with car kills and snipes even though I was underleveled and ready to quit the quest. I love stuff like this and there are new areas and twists on the same theme you just havent found yet trust me....there are places you can use water to your advantage, and especially as I just explained the verticality. THey often have a basement way to get in or a rooftop that isnt as obvious asnd it makes all the difference. Add to that all the creative ways to use the nethacking...the nethacking alone is a whole game in itself!

BTW Im level 20 so that Epic sniper rifle was only now usable...it OHK's anything in watson, but obviosuly is mid tier for the area I was in for this above gig i.e. city centre. 70 hours in and still finding new and different quests and areas...I spent a whole day doing a ramance quest and using the video recording and picture mode on Ps5. Taking my sweet time and loving it. staying away from main story but goign back in here and there to help with immersion and context ot the grand scheme of the story. Even though the main story always tires to make you feeel like you gotta do things fast you dont. I would recommend the voodoo boys stuff in pacifica mall though as it give great context to what is overall going to happen and who the main characters are goign to be.

What perks are good for hacking groups of people?
Like I said above, make sure to get the perk that allows you to use the cameras to scan your enemies via the camera system...you can usually get into the cameras through a computer terminal. There are anumber of hacks that are contagious and spread enemy to enemy! Just keep looting high level police calls and you will find better hacks...I dont think I got any at the stores.

There are the hacks you install on your main cyber chip (get that to legendary asap) then there are the perks in teh intelligence trees to compliment your specifc hack set up. There may also be a few in other skill trees like Cool or even Body.
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EDIT: Oh yeah. The Lizzie pistol is God tier with headshot multiplier maxed out and added mods to increase chance of status effect
Damn near every goon gets set on fire when I land a shot and the Skippy pistol does mad damage as every shot goes for the head. I hope future DLC has more quirky smart weapons like Skippy lol

Ah fuck. I saw that pistol but left it because it looked too girly.


Ah fuck. I saw that pistol but left it because it looked too girly.
She helped me take down an early boss when I went in with only stealth and sniper rifle as my plan...she looks girly but the DPS is better than listed given you get bonus after bonus of extra shots fired per time you press the trigger. NOt sure if you need to pick up the gun to get the crafting specs but I have crafting specs for that gun now...you might still be able to craft it?


Rodent Whores
This game is so fun. Hard difficulty is getting a little bit on the easy side since I'm a bit overleveled from doing so many side quests and figuring out the game mechanics. Stacking elemental damage (fire) + high chance of proc + elemental resist reduction (breach protocol daemons) is crazy strong.

The first ever cyberpsycho I fought took forever to kill and I had to cheese it by stunlocking it with a bajillion grenades. Now, all I do is debuff it with breach protocol, shoot it a few times to catch it on fire, run away, and the cyberpsycho dies in like 20 seconds lol.


-looks at GTAV-
-looks at Deus Ex Mankind Divided and Human Revolution-


Again, I'm not saying the devs deserve to get shit on, but the product is busted and half complete systematically/mechanically. It's lacking tons of features that a title with this dev cycle and money should have.

There was "nothing like" Mass Effect Andromeda on the market when it came out and that doesn't mean I think ME:A is less of a broken/shallow game.

Cyberpunk is a step above FO4 and ME:A for sure, but to pretend like there's "nothing else out there" like this game that simply iterated on GTA and Deus Ex and then half assed other features isn't really saying a lot.

There's good in the game, I'm not saying there isn't any. I'm just saying that there's zero reason to give CDPR more credit than Hello Games, Bethesda, EA, Bioware, etc. The analysis has to remain consistent for someone's opinion to mean something to me, and just because it's CDPR doesn't mean they deserve kudos for "trying."

People didn't pay 60-70-100 dollars for "trying" they paid for 8 years of development time, multiple delays, etc for a game to come out completed. Getting that good will back will take time. I haven't written CDPR off as devs but they fucked up here, and to not be able to even admit that or agree (partially even) with that is, in my opinion, blind fanboyism.
Forget trying to explain to blind fanboys, any slight criticism will make them spout nonsense, whataboutism and brand you as cdpr hater. They cannot perceive the capacity to like the game and criticize the flaws nor acknowledge the factual deceptive tactics used by the management.

I for one plays the game fine, loves it and doesn't experience tons of game breaking bugs. But my experience doesn't invalidate the fact that this game is broken (documented by video and some replicable) for way too many people. The existence of other broken games doesn't excuse the brokenness of CP2077. They gained tons of goodwill from W3, but "they're going to fix it later and it will be amazing" is not goodwill, it's another blind fanboyism.

The whole cp2077 is like ordering a what is supposed to be a fantastic bowl of ramen, only to see that it was rather messy when it arrives, taste rather good, and some people found a clump of hair inside the bowl.... all because the chefs decided to rush the order. No matter what you think of the taste, hairs are hairs.

The fanboys will keep on repeating these arguments and whataboutism. It will be pointless to explain to them again and again.


What perks are good for hacking groups of people?
If you want non-lethal like myself, strongly recommend using the following hacks in general:

Ping - God tier Hack that allows you to select things like cameras or pcs or enemies and ping signals out letting you see ALL enemies or within a certain range through walls. You can then mark them with the middle mouse button meaning you'll know where every enemy is. It's busted and great. You can ALSO ping from hacking cameras.

Memory Wipe - if you fuck up it can save your ass from having to deal with mobs

Contagion - AOE damage over time that can wipe out a whole room of dudes if you do it right without them even knowing you were a room over.

Breach Protocol - I know you can usually use this already but it helps tremendously. Using this first means that sometimes you can have awesome things like "cameras all go down" "turrets all go down" "weakened enemies or reduced hack costs, or even that it will Reboot Optics on enemies if they spot you. Speaking of....

Reboot Optics - Can really help in some situations. Sometimes I'll place a reboot optics and then time a short circuit or contagion right afterwards to take out another opponent in the room without alerting anyone. It's neat for big encounters too.

Short Circuit - Single Target take down non-lethal. Lets me pick of stragglers that are far away.

Perk to be able to hack into cameras. so you can check all the rooms and ping more things.

Pinging everything may sometimes fuck your frame rate sideways but it's a god send and kinda op. With it you can basically see everything in a given room and plan your attack and for people like myself who prefer stealth it's really helpful when you can go through every camera in a building, scan all the bad guys, plan your route, and even hack remotely through pcs or cameras if needed. Hacking is pretty great in general in combat.

EDIT: To add to that get cyberware that reduces RAM cost and/or refills RAM on kill/takedown. There's one I think I have (not at home currently) that reduces RAM cost if if I take down an enemy as well, meaning I'm doing a bunch of 1 RAM short circuits that refresh faster each time I use it.
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Rodent Whores
I heard there's a bug with the legendary clothing mod that adds +15% crit chance and +30% crit damage doesn't actually work. Or it doesn't stack, or something. Anyone else try it? I don't want to spend 90K for nothing.


Just imagine the DLC if its the same sort of caliber let alone length as Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine 😃
I really want explore more braindance and let us buy some braindance just for fun.
Netrunning will also be great, the main game has too little of it.
Also, let me go full chrome get cyberpsychosis please.
What perks are good for hacking groups of people?
Contagion is great, and also disable movement.


Rodent Whores
EDIT: To add to that get cyberware that reduces RAM cost and/or refills RAM on kill/takedown. There's one I think I have (not at home currently) that reduces RAM cost if if I take down an enemy as well, meaning I'm doing a bunch of 1 RAM short circuits that refresh faster each time I use it.
Yup, I stacked RAM reduction and faster cooldowns and longer durations, and coupled with the resistance reduction breach protocol daemon, and rare quality quickhacks, contagion just tears through groups, it's crazy.


Rodent Whores
I heard there's a bug with the legendary clothing mod that adds +15% crit chance and +30% crit damage doesn't actually work. Or it doesn't stack, or something. Anyone else try it? I don't want to spend 90K for nothing.
Hmm, I tried it out and it doesn't reflect in my stats screen. Maybe it's just a UI bug? Who knows. I don't have time to test it in the field.

The fortuna mod (+15% crit chance) however, shows up in the UI correctly.


Question for those who beat the game:

So I beat the game,nomad ending, got some clothes that were called V's clothes or something, also an outfit at a camp just before the ending. I hit the option "one more gig" and it put me back in front of the building where the point of of no return starts. None of the items I mentioned beforehand are in my inventory and it also mentioned thered be a special item in my inventory for beating the game but I see nothing.

Hopefully someone can help cause this is a bit frustrating after a relatively good ending.
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