Gold Member
I haven't done that yet. Is there an option?Oh yeah. Getting rid of the damage numbers. that was a big one.
I haven't done that yet. Is there an option?Oh yeah. Getting rid of the damage numbers. that was a big one.
maybe sometime like pornhub has the gameplay you wantBut you have a RPG that gives each gender 2 choices, gay or straight romances, and some prostitutes (of which there are only 4 total).
Like it or not? I think you're assuming intent here on something that doesn't make sense.
I'm a huge CDPR fan. I've bought Witcher 3 like 4 times and am a total shill for them. But I can't abide half broken products on the market, regardless of what they "try."
You have broken AI, terrible traffic AI, some busted ass combat AI, broken crafting system and economy, etc.
yup. I know its under interface. I just forget the name, sorry.I haven't done that yet. Is there an option?
No perks are locked behind another perk. You can get any perk as long as you have enough attribute points.Man, I am really not feeling this game. Just made it to Act 2, and every time I try to get away from the Mai quest the quality just ranks. Regina’s quests are basically all ‘get in there, shoot them, mission done’. Same with NCPD side activities. Add to that the insane amount of info on the screen and I just mechanically find myself going to waypoints and pressing fire.
I also do not feel a lot of skills are really that useful - Witcher 3 was not great there, but a lot of useful skills e.g. crafting rare hacks are gates behind useless +3% damage skills.
Add to that the fact the city just feels the same, same buildings, alleys, overpasses.
So now I have a choice:
1. Stick with it and maybe try and rush the main quest hoping there is no difficulty spike.
2. Play Prey
3. Play Greedfall
Does the game look better in photo mode? Some of these screenshots look better than what I am seeing at nearly max settings.
Hotfix 1.06 today. Fixes 8mb limit.
Even when they fix these quests it most likely won't work on your current save.Pleasantly surprised to see another 17gb patch for consoles!
Let’s see if my two bugged quests are fixed!
Edit: Nope![]()
Console-specificDoes the game look better in photo mode? Some of these screenshots look better than what I am seeing at nearly max settings.
Hotfix 1.06 today. Fixes 8mb limit.
Shit, how often does this game crash on consoles now?Console-specific
- Improved memory management and stability, resulting in fewer crashes.
I'll reply because I was quoted but Evilore reached out to me on this thread to not debate further, so after that I'll stop replying, just giving you a heads up so you know why I'm not engaging further afterwards so you don't think I'm like shying away from discussion.maybe sometime like pornhub has the gameplay you want
you bought tw3 4 times and you never realized those things you are pointing out are even worse in that game?
This could be a huge deal. Most of the crashes during my Xbox One X playthrough were while driving around the dense parts of the city with a lot of slowdown and hitching probably related to assets streaming in and out.
- Improved memory management and stability, resulting in fewer crashes.
Even when they fix these quests it most likely won't work on your current save.I guess I was lucky because in my 150+ hours of gameplay only one side gig glitched out (An inconvenient killer). I was already able to complete ot on my second run.
Can you continue playing the game after finishing the main story?
ReShade. I use a mix I made for my tastes that includes sharpening, contrast, levels, and saturation tunings. Makes the game really pop. I've seen people in this thread using 'Clarity' for the same purpose. Negligible impact on frame rate and it looks much better.Just watching some YouTube footage of a 3060 Ti running this game at Ray Tracing Ultra with DLSS on Ultra Performance and it soften the image up a bit with the frame rate hovering around 50fps.
Is there any way to counteract the softness caused by DLSS?
Wow OK. Thanks. I'm asking these questions cause I want to do as much research before I start my PC build. 3060Ti seems for the time being like a great 1440p card. Game looks phenomenal at 1440p with everything on Ultra and DLSS enabled.ReShade. I use a mix I made for my tastes that includes sharpening, contrast, levels, and saturation tunings. Makes the game really pop. I've seen people in this thread using 'Clarity' for the same purpose. Negligible impact on frame rate and it looks much better.
I reloaded an older save to get that katana on the rooftop as I missed it in my first playthrough. If I had known this ^^ I wouldn't have had to backtrack a couple hours but all good. I ransacked Konpeki on my 2nd playthrough of the level.Random tip: you can swim around the fence at Konpeki Plaza and get back to the entrance. With some vehicle shenanigans you can re-enter the plaza and backtrack all the way to Yorinobu's penthouse.
You basically have to place your car right alongside the entrance, so when you get out you clip through the gate. It's super easy to do, took me three tries.
There are some unique clothing items there in the penthouse, a unique handgun and a katana with +500% crit damage, which is just insane.
You'll need the double jump cyberware to reach the ledge though, so make sure you have that one.
But she no go with man so? Can it be better end
And physics in game is fine its not as good sure, ubi games allways most things top of the line, witcher 3 controls where like stone age compare to present time AC game.
Early on the sidequests seem fewer and more straightforward, but man, as the game goes on it feels like you're just drowning in side stories and the content is really compelling.Some of the side quests are getting memorable later on. Sinnerman. Damn.
I was told no. You get a "point of no return" message and that's it. Pretty glaring conflicting info here.
Ive finished the game and still getting side quests that have stemmed from other side quests, Like man I love it, Content just keeps coming. And they are well done and funEarly on the sidequests seem fewer and more straightforward, but man, as the game goes on it feels like you're just drowning in side stories and the content is really compelling.
I have been sitting at 90% completion in the main story because I just don't want to finish all the interesting side quest which turns out to be a lot.
Hacking - incredible fun, especially for a stealth character. Take the perk that lets you hack enemies THROUGH the cameras in the area....You can hide in a dumpster and pull the strings of the area through all cameras in the area including killing enemies...just need enough RAM and reduce cooldown perks.You can have a ton fun with it, if you're creative. Position your character in the right place, hack into camera, blind one guy in the room, use distract on nearby machine to draw primary target in, then issue "call back" up to another, then when they're both next to explosive crate use overload to blow them up. You can really create fun sandbox combinations with this.
Lol I can't get enough of them. That part with Scav obduction..holy shit that was intense.
There is a thread that was started with regard ot the "new" look for the website...they are still workng on bugs. LIkely they already know of the issue but it woulnst hurt to leave a comment in the thread saying what you want to change. I couldnt upload pics at all without the auto uploader yesterday but htey fixed that hours after the update thankfully. Its alot easier to gifs now LOL:How the hell do I post pics on here with this new update? All my post edit options are greyed out
80 hours. Lot of crafting. My save 4.5 mb.Thing is I've been playing for 40 hours now, very little crafting done, no glitching whatsoever and my latest save file is over 4mb. So I have another 40 hours of playtime before my save file gets corrupted. Nah, fuck that.
Man, I am really not feeling this game. Just made it to Act 2, and every time I try to get away from the Mai quest the quality just ranks. Regina’s quests are basically all ‘get in there, shoot them, mission done’. Same with NCPD side activities. Add to that the insane amount of info on the screen and I just mechanically find myself going to waypoints and pressing fire.
I also do not feel a lot of skills are really that useful - Witcher 3 was not great there, but a lot of useful skills e.g. crafting rare hacks are gates behind useless +3% damage skills.
Add to that the fact the city just feels the same, same buildings, alleys, overpasses.
So now I have a choice:
1. Stick with it and maybe try and rush the main quest hoping there is no difficulty spike.
2. Play Prey
3. Play Greedfall
Like I said above, make sure to get the perk that allows you to use the cameras to scan your enemies via the camera can usually get into the cameras through a computer terminal. There are anumber of hacks that are contagious and spread enemy to enemy! Just keep looting high level police calls and you will find better hacks...I dont think I got any at the stores.What perks are good for hacking groups of people?
EDIT: Oh yeah. The Lizzie pistol is God tier with headshot multiplier maxed out and added mods to increase chance of status effect
Damn near every goon gets set on fire when I land a shot and the Skippy pistol does mad damage as every shot goes for the head. I hope future DLC has more quirky smart weapons like Skippy lol
She helped me take down an early boss when I went in with only stealth and sniper rifle as my plan...she looks girly but the DPS is better than listed given you get bonus after bonus of extra shots fired per time you press the trigger. NOt sure if you need to pick up the gun to get the crafting specs but I have crafting specs for that gun might still be able to craft it?Ah fuck. I saw that pistol but left it because it looked too girly.
Forget trying to explain to blind fanboys, any slight criticism will make them spout nonsense, whataboutism and brand you as cdpr hater. They cannot perceive the capacity to like the game and criticize the flaws nor acknowledge the factual deceptive tactics used by the management.-looks at GTAV-
-looks at Deus Ex Mankind Divided and Human Revolution-
Again, I'm not saying the devs deserve to get shit on, but the product is busted and half complete systematically/mechanically. It's lacking tons of features that a title with this dev cycle and money should have.
There was "nothing like" Mass Effect Andromeda on the market when it came out and that doesn't mean I think ME:A is less of a broken/shallow game.
Cyberpunk is a step above FO4 and ME:A for sure, but to pretend like there's "nothing else out there" like this game that simply iterated on GTA and Deus Ex and then half assed other features isn't really saying a lot.
There's good in the game, I'm not saying there isn't any. I'm just saying that there's zero reason to give CDPR more credit than Hello Games, Bethesda, EA, Bioware, etc. The analysis has to remain consistent for someone's opinion to mean something to me, and just because it's CDPR doesn't mean they deserve kudos for "trying."
People didn't pay 60-70-100 dollars for "trying" they paid for 8 years of development time, multiple delays, etc for a game to come out completed. Getting that good will back will take time. I haven't written CDPR off as devs but they fucked up here, and to not be able to even admit that or agree (partially even) with that is, in my opinion, blind fanboyism.
If you want non-lethal like myself, strongly recommend using the following hacks in general:What perks are good for hacking groups of people?
I really want explore more braindance and let us buy some braindance just for fun.Just imagine the DLC if its the same sort of caliber let alone length as Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine![]()
Contagion is great, and also disable movement.What perks are good for hacking groups of people?
Yup, I stacked RAM reduction and faster cooldowns and longer durations, and coupled with the resistance reduction breach protocol daemon, and rare quality quickhacks, contagion just tears through groups, it's crazy.EDIT: To add to that get cyberware that reduces RAM cost and/or refills RAM on kill/takedown. There's one I think I have (not at home currently) that reduces RAM cost if if I take down an enemy as well, meaning I'm doing a bunch of 1 RAM short circuits that refresh faster each time I use it.
Hmm, I tried it out and it doesn't reflect in my stats screen. Maybe it's just a UI bug? Who knows. I don't have time to test it in the field.I heard there's a bug with the legendary clothing mod that adds +15% crit chance and +30% crit damage doesn't actually work. Or it doesn't stack, or something. Anyone else try it? I don't want to spend 90K for nothing.
200 hoursDamn son, how many hours you got logged?
I've just clocked 61 hours and I'm still only 45% through the "main" story missions (according to the inventory screen). Just started "Ghost Town".