Ah, ok. My larger point still stands.. but I'll def go back.You don't have to bang him, just do his quests, and then come back to the club where he did the press conference with the girls.
Ah, ok. My larger point still stands.. but I'll def go back.You don't have to bang him, just do his quests, and then come back to the club where he did the press conference with the girls.
Shit.. I had a feeling this was the wrong thread. My bad. Please do though. (and thanks for your comment).Come join us at the plot spoilers/finishers' club thread:
Cyberpunk 2077 | PLOT SPOILERS THREAD | Main story, sidequests, characters
It's been almost a week since the release of CYBERPUNK 2077. Many GAFers have beaten the game and may want to discuss the plot, characters and, above all, the ending(s) of this sprawling open world title. Let's talk shop, choombas. Which path did you choose? Hanako? Going out in a blaze
I will comment your (really insightful) post there otherwise the whole thing would be riven with spoiler tags.
Out of reach? Put van near some fence or gate and from van do double jump. I will try that area but i got that way to most "closed" areas. Just getting back is more tricky sometimes you just cant go backIt took me 200 hours to realize but damn you can't actually explore Pacifica. The most interesting part where all these unfinished skyscrapers are located is not available. It's just a backdrop.
Edit: the entire green zone outlined on the map below is out of reach
The charge jump will get you higher!Out of reach? Put van near some fence or gate and from van do double jump. I will try that area but i got that way to most "closed" areas. Just getting back is more tricky sometimes you just cant go back
I'm sure there's a way to get in. Don't get me wrong. It's more about what awaits you on the other side of the hidden wall. PS1 era textures and unfinished geometry. That's disappointing as it's big piece of the coolest district in the city.Out of reach? Put van near some fence or gate and from van do double jump. I will try that area but i got that way to most "closed" areas. Just getting back is more tricky sometimes you just cant go back
For 3, I agree. You can buy vinyls - but they don't appear in your apartment and you can't listen to them. Clearly apartment customization was supposed to be in this game.3. Useless objects - Can't interact with ANY BDs because my tech is incompatible? Ridiculous. Vinyl records you can't play. Some, objects, such as 'access tokens' - really? I need a physical object for that? not added to my cyberdeck database or something, especially when the tokens themself don't actually tell you where they were from or what they access, theyre only relevant around the moment one picks them up.
4. No gambling - No pachinko in the pachinko parlor? You kiddng me. Night City should have full interactive parlors/arcades. They could have had a whole side thing with collectibles similar to Yakuza! You tellin me that thewouldn't have their own line of gacha toys? Should have full gacha parlors. But eesh, Casinos with roulette tables (often missing the roulette wheel) with no staff. No card games? I came across a handful of people surrounding two guys playing Mancala (no stones, just mime-ing actions with some sound fx) - I want to play too!Us Cracks
Completely agree with your point. Especially with so many blue dialogue options regarding whether or not theyre established quality rippers or not. Every exchange should have some kind of anxiety inducing moment.. get new legs, see your legs get 'ripped' off and replaced by cybernetics - Depending on the ripper.. maybe you walk with a limp and need to go to vick or a more reputable ripper to fine tune/recalibrate. So many more things could have been fleshed out.Another nitpick I have is with the Ripperdocs. When you start the game and meet Victor Vector, you get an entire interactive sequence of you getting your Cyberware updates and modifications installed - but from then on, everything you get installed you just choose from a menu and then it's just...there. That totally took me out of the immersiveness of going to the Ripperdocs and just feels shallow and reeks of cut content.
Hey guysFuck it, I bought an SSD to put on my PS4 mainly due to this game.
The pop in is the only thing REALLY bothering me. Couldnt care less about performance. But things poping up 20 seconds later looks really bad, and sometimes break the game
Like, I was racing with Claire, 1st place, but the game couldnt load the GPS on time (lol), so I crashed.
Saw a lot of videos on Youtube before buying it, and it seems to really improve it.
Will be a huge jump from my 5400 rpm HDD.
Spent $400 bucks of local currency (brazilian reais) because of this motherfuker
Worth it
Spent some time actually driving instead of walking around, and yeah the radio stations are mediocre. The fact that there isn’t a synthwave station it’s just so depressing![]()
The very first station at the top, Pacific Dreams is about as close as we can get to "synthwave". I agree though, huge missed opportunity not having
a dedicated synthwave(80's of course) channel. Perhaps they'll update the radio stations when the DLC hits?
Wow that's an impressive performance boost.Hey guys
I'm reporting back to say that, now with the SSD, the game is fucking fixed on PS4
Maybe. I bought hover legs but i didint liked it so got back to double jump simple system. I dont see how how hover jump is used at all. And it was epic legs but i got back to normal ones.The charge jump will get you higher!
I doubt they've cut it from the game ( for what reason?). It was probably too much work to animate all the different scenes with all the different characters.Another nitpick I have is with the Ripperdocs. When you start the game and meet Victor Vector, you get an entire interactive sequence of you getting your Cyberware updates and modifications installed - but from then on, everything you get installed you just choose from a menu and then it's just...there. That totally took me out of the immersiveness of going to the Ripperdocs and just feels shallow and reeks of cut content.
Exactly - like the Ripperdoc is putting you to sleep [anesthesia].I doubt they've cut it from the game ( for what reason?). It was probably too much work to animate all the different scenes with all the different characters.
I agree though, it's kind of silly that you install it from a trade/inventory screen. Best ( and pretty cheap/easy) solution would be so everytime you decide on installing something, V sits in that chair, you see ripperdoc prep, screen fades to black, you hear some sounds,then you wake up few hours later and continue on.
So in Act II the Voodoo Boys sectionplaying as Johnny again when the mission went to the band playing outside Arasaka and us breaking in a guitar riff and drum beat began... and then never stopped... ever... there was no way to save and quit during the mission so I had to reach the point where I exited the digital realm back into the crypt to save my game and re-load to get rid of it, wow that was annoying
This game would have been neat with more work on factions, you should be able to ally with some of these gangs instead of being able to kill them all all the time with no repercussions. I mean, I like murdering everyone and looting their corpses but it should have been optional to work with these gangs and have a reputation system a-la Fallout New Vegas with them.
Well, about the bolded ...Wow that's an impressive performance boost.
Back in the Donkey Kong 64 times, RARE bundled an expansion card with every new copy of DK64 that doubled the available RAM in the Nintendo 64. AFAIK there were games that were simply unplayable without the expansion card - they literally would not play whatsoever.
Obviously CDPR would have to hemorrhage money in order to swap discs which costs $.01 with SSD's if they went that route , but I still find it an interesting concept that an "expansion card" was acceptable back in the 90's, but in 2020 console hardware is just "stuck", and that swapping to an SSD is considered by many to be "bullshit" and something that "shouldn't be necessary".
Why they didn't just come out and say that console users should upgrade their storage solution for the best possible experience, is beyond me.
You mean on consoles? I posted one yesterday on this same thread.SSD sales just went up by 300%
Is there any kind of comparison video? As a PC gamer I'm actually curious to see it.
Yup.Getting cyberware upgrades is one of the most anticlimactic events in the entire game.
Even fucking GTA San Andreas spent more time acknowledging your new haircut with barber cutscenes than this game does when you get a fucking bionic brain implant. It's just such an immersion breaker and I don't even get it because they have like half the animations already.
This reminds me of how much better the cyberwear selection UI was integrated in the 2018 gameplay compared to final game. Sad it was scraped.Yup.
For major upgrades, they could at least show you getting into the chair, the selection screen comes down, you choose what you want installed and then the Ripperdoc comments on your selection, administers anesthetic and puts you to sleep.
Screen fades to black...
...You then wake up, you look at and admire the finished product and pay the Ripperdoc![]()
Not yet. But I'm sure it's coming. Either by official release or some fan-made mod.I just bought a Oculus Rift S and it is arriving tomorrow. Is there any way to play this in VR?
Dont care, load times is faster then other games like ubisoft for hdd. Still using hdd. And it loads only one time from main menu so its nothing.SSD sales just went up by 300%
Is there any kind of comparison video? As a PC gamer I'm actually curious to see it.
For 3, I agree. You can buy vinyls - but they don't appear in your apartment and you can't listen to them. Clearly apartment customization was supposed to be in this game.
...and as for 4 - I absolutely agree. Arcade cabinets and Pool tables are everywhere - but we can't play them?!?
Another nitpick I have is with the Ripperdocs. When you start the game and meet Victor Vector, you get an entire interactive sequence of you getting your Cyberware updates and modifications installed - but from then on, everything you get installed you just choose from a menu and then it's just...there. That totally took me out of the immersiveness of going to the Ripperdocs and just feels shallow and reeks of cut content.
The world is gorgeous and lively - but is sorely lacking in things to do. Vendors are everywhere but you can only buy from like 10% of them.
The updates, DLC and expansions will hopefully remedy all of this![]()
This reminds me of how much better the cyberwear selection UI was integrated in the gameplay compared to final game. Sad it was scraped.
You should definitely care, at least in case of CP2077:Dont care, load times is faster then other games like ubisoft for hdd. Still using hdd. And it loads only one time from main menu so its nothing.
The latest release of Vorpx apparently has Cyberpunk supportNot yet. But I'm sure it's coming. Either by official release or some fan-made mod.
Can't wait for it. It's going to be glorious.
Hopefully they address the Ripperdoc interactions/animations in the very near future - that and:
Adding those would make this game perfect
- Rideable NCART Monorail Transit System
- Playable Arcade machines & Pool tables
- Being able to buy things from all vendors
- Apartment/car customization
More mini-games![]()
That's what crafting menu is for. You can upgrade the gear that you like in there. I'm wearing a yellow Samurai jacket the entire game because I like it so much. I upgraded it to 300 armor + 150 armor in one mod slot. As I level up I craft new Armadillo clothing mod and get more armor.- rework leveling to let me combine higher level gear into the gear I have that looks cool. I am currently running around with short shorts, a bra, and a floppy hat because they are highest level.
But what about getting those looks with 4 mod slots to stack all the epic armadillos? Upgrading only gets you so far (and tbh seems a waste of resources vs crafting/getting something else with better base stats you can also upgrade with those resources).That's what crafting menu is for. You can upgrade the gear that you like in there. I'm wearing a yellow Samurai jacket the entire game because I like it so much. I upgraded it to 300 armor + 150 armor in one mod slot. As I level up I craft new Armadillo clothing mod and get more armor.
I got 3000+ armor at the moment and I'm yet to meet Takemura at the dinner. I'm immune to gunfire. And I look fly.But what about getting those looks with 4 mod slots to stack all the epic armadillos? Upgrading only gets you so far (and tbh seems a waste of resources vs crafting/getting something else with better base stats you can also upgrade with those resources).
Presumably if you like a piece of clothing/armor you can actually craft it can get crafted in better quality base based on your stats, much like armadillo after leveling up yields better versions (even of the same gold/purple/blue/green/whatever color) but not everything has schematics.
I have upgraded a lot but you run out of materials quickly and still end up short compared to any random clothes you find. Upgrading sometimes only adds a few points. I don’t think upgrading is worth it until you have higher level good looking gear. Better to craft new items instead. Am I wrong?That's what crafting menu is for. You can upgrade the gear that you like in there. I'm wearing a yellow Samurai jacket the entire game because I like it so much. I upgraded it to 300 armor + 150 armor in one mod slot. As I level up I craft new Armadillo clothing mod and get more armor.
Upgrading is only worth it if you're committed to wearing a specific clothing piece. You're right when you say that it's not cheap but you can upgrade clothes to a much higher level than if you would simply craft them. There also seems to be a max cap on how much you can upgrade an item. My Samurai jacket doesn't even show in upgrade menu anymore.I have upgraded a lot but you run out of materials quickly and still end up short compared to any random clothes you find. Upgrading sometimes only adds a few points. I don’t think upgrading is worth it until you have higher level good looking gear. Better to craft new items instead. Am I wrong?
I have upgraded a lot but you run out of materials quickly and still end up short compared to any random clothes you find. Upgrading sometimes only adds a few points. I don’t think upgrading is worth it until you have higher level good looking gear. Better to craft new items instead. Am I wrong?
I was just trying to see if you found that location on your own without a quest guiding you or not. I started looking in the wrong area (like near the giant skyscraper "towers" on the border of Kabuki and China city.) I actully got up higher than expected but there was no loot obviously LOL. I had to study from your pictures and triangulate the general area worked and I got all loot. Spent two hours on the wrong area though LOL;P I tried to save scum as I thought I deserved better than EPic level stuff, but no dice. I really liked the eye gear though as its my favourite piece for the face previously and the loot there was the highest damage reduction so far....needs a mod slot for that peice though...will keep looking.I'm not sure if I understand your question.
Level 35 sounds really low...doesnt it go to 50 or is that just street cred? The stats for using things goes to 39 so it would at least be 40 for full leveling right? I wont be going there with anyting less than full stats, I just want to experience more of the game before finishing. I may be in trouble as a netacking sniper type, but usually when there is a will there is a way.Man, I am having a complete 180 on the game while playing the final mission. I went with theroute and the whole thing is just bad.Rogue/Johnny
I was expecting a run and gun with enemies on par or slightly harder than what I had encountered. Not at all the case. It forces me into stealth because the enemies all 1-shot me (I'm level 30, I think).
Then I got to theboss fight and it's just terrible. I get taken down quickly if he gets anywhere near me. So I run around like crazy for 10 mins, get maybe a few % off his health, repeat, then get destroyed. I've gotten him down to maybe 40%, but he constantly heals, making an infinite loop. What the hell am I missing? I try to exploit his weaknesses but I can't make a reasonable dent on the guy.Adam Smasher
I stopped playing at this point because of how bad the experience is. I might load up a different route and try that but I'm at the point where I can put the game down, never come back, and be satisfied. Such a damn shame the game goes this route.
What is your crit damage on the stats seems like the only stat that works, albeit I cant stack past 178 crit damage. I am torn between believing that the stats page is the only F'd system and that I really AM getting OP crit by stacking three or four mods, or whether the stats page is rigth and I am not actaully getting the bonus past what it says. I realize testing this is possible, especially as I am a sniper and could get some comparisons going, but I am likley too lazy. The highest total I got for a headshot so far stacking all my gear and taking a lot of cyberware and perks that raise critical and headshots is 64,000 damage LOL (I average anywhere from 25000 to 50000. I guess its overkill at this point anyway and should jsut use the armadillo and other mods more regardless. If I just hit their body I get only 1-2k, 800 if its just an arm LOL! Just got level 30, street cred 50. I am using only a rare SPT grad and its base max damage is about right at 1K. that siad Im saving up for that double mod and wil be buying it later today...My price for legendary was only 115K though, maybe you just saw it wrong? Mild dislexia? lol the shop is in watson just north of the apartement but before you jit the freeway to north watson. CLose to the megatower 10.Just spent the last hour or so just browsing the different shops. It's cool how they all have their own inventories and each one seems to get its own unique Legendary items.
Too bad (but understandable) that crit chance % and crit damage % mods do not stack. Seems like 15% for crit chance and 30% for crit damage is the max from clothing mods. I did find one Legendary mod that had both in one item, but it cost 150k!!!
My full list of hopeful additions:- hairdressers or something like that
- just remove the police wanted system. It would be an improvement if only nearby police that see you respond to your actions. Right now it just breaks immersion.
- rework leveling to let me combine higher level gear into the gear I have that looks cool. I am currently running around with short shorts, a bra, and a floppy hat because they are highest level.
- let me lock items I don't want to accidentally sell or disassemble.
- let me flag items and sell/disassemble ALL.
Good list. There are plenty of relatively ‘easy’ changes they could make in the coming months.My full list of hopeful additions:
I know that's a lot; but the game would literally be perfect with those additions - and I already love it
- Rideable NCART Monorail Transit System
- Playable Arcade machines & Pool tables
- Ripperdocs are interactive while you select upgrades/Cyberware and also show the procedure for installing all of them [like at the start of the game]
- Being able to buy items from all vendors
- Apartment and vehicle customization
- More mini-games [Gwent-like card game for all the cards you collect, bar sports, etc.]
- An expansion set in space on the Crystal Palace Space Station
- Barbershops, Bodysculpting centers and Tattoo Parlors
- A Synthwave radio station
- Better Police, Enemy and NPC A.I.
- Interactive Karaoke bars
- Real-time weather effects [not just quest driven] where storms slowly roll in - ala RDR2 - with varying levels of rain/thunder/lighting
- Being able to hack enemies with the Monowire
- Being able to purchase Aerodynes
- More apartments/housing
- Being able to select what color your car will be before you buy it
- Bring back the motorized shopping cart NPC:
- More destructibility in the environments
- Being able to analyze items in 3-dimensions in your inventory
- Having a way to do the "First Equip" animation on command
- Being able to shoot while you are driving
- Having different types of ammunition for your guns
- More Joytoys
- More customization options added to the character creation
- Spent shells stay on-screen for a while
- Better water physics [reacts to being shot, explosions and bodies]
- Better vehicle handling and physics [also being able to shoot tires and gastanks]
Basically restore all of the cut content![]()