Soleil rouge
Love how the characters shit on you for asking stupid questions lol
Love how the characters shit on you for asking stupid questions lol
Isn't dynamic weather already in the game? Pretty sure i got changing weather from normal to rain to fog and stuff like that just from moving around the city doing stuff and not just changing depending on quests demands.My full list of hopeful additions:
I know that's a lot; but the game would literally be perfect with those additions - and I already love it
- Rideable NCART Monorail Transit System
- Playable Arcade machines & Pool tables
- Ripperdocs are interactive while you select upgrades/Cyberware and also show the procedure for installing all of them [like at the start of the game]
- Being able to buy items from all vendors
- Apartment and vehicle customization
- More mini-games [Gwent-like card game for all the cards you collect, bar sports, etc.]
- An expansion set in space on the Crystal Palace Space Station
- Barbershops, Bodysculpting centers and Tattoo Parlors
- A Synthwave radio station
- Better Police, Enemy and NPC A.I.
- Interactive Karaoke bars
- Real-time weather effects [not just quest driven] where storms slowly roll in - ala RDR2 - with varying levels of rain/thunder/lighting
- Being able to hack enemies with the Monowire
- Being able to purchase Aerodynes
- More apartments/housing
- Being able to select what color your car will be before you buy it
- Bring back the motorized shopping cart NPC:
- More destructibility in the environments
- Being able to analyze items in 3-dimensions in your inventory
- Having a way to do the "First Equip" animation on command
- Being able to shoot while you are driving
- Having different types of ammunition for your guns
- More Joytoys
- More customization options added to the character creation
- Spent shells stay on-screen for a while
- Better water physics [reacts to being shot, explosions and bodies]
- Better vehicle handling and physics [also being able to shoot tires and gastanks]
Basically restore all of the cut content![]()
Yes, it's already in the game.They should add other weather effects, though.Isn't dynamic weather already in the game? Pretty sure i got changing weather from normal to rain to fog and stuff like that just from moving around the city doing stuff and not just changing depending on quests demands.
Agreed. I was worried early on with some of the stuff we saw in trailers/gameplay vids but was really impressed. They nailed a wide range of dialogue, it was really preem.The dialogue in this game is really good and superbly acted. So much of it just feels incredibly natural even when they're using wacky lingo.
“I want my production to convey real, raw emotion,” he explains. “Take, for example, the feeling when you combine happiness with melancholy, or being calm with an underlying sense of anxiety.”
FYI there's a bug in the Regina quest "Monster Hunt" where you are tasked with killing a brothel dude. The keycard is bugged so you have to do the quest this way in order to get the loot in the locked room (or have enough body stat)
Haha awesome.Lol just to show how different I played this mission. I was double jumping on the rooftops being all Mirrors Edge when Regina called me for this quest. I jumped down unto the guy on the second floor balcony and in mid air knock him out due to my stealth upgrade. Hacked the camera and identifed the leader, shut down the turret and murdered him before his goons knew whats up. Jumped down to the outside of the bar and just walked out of the area.
Panam is the best video game relationship I've ever had and I'm not alone.
I actually went looking to see if any other chooms felt this way and yep, CDPR have made people fall head over heels and feel lovesick in a game.
This game has made me feel a wider and more nuanced and varied set of emotions than any other game I've ever played. The emotional IQ of the game is simply unmatched. And that is exactly what they were going for.
Hideo Kojima is in Cyberpunk 2077, and he’s insufferable
The Death Stranding creator appears in a bar scene and says things like "Do you know my work?"
50 hours in and i havent come across the mayor murder mystery sidequest. Fun fact: the mayor was there at Kanpeki plaza during the heist and died the day V did.
Finished it also recently : take note Bioware, this is how you do video game romance without that awkward teenage flirting.
What was awkward is when you wake up in the nomad camp, everyone approaches you ( "you're one of us, bro"), I said my goodbyes, looked back before heading to Night City, jumped on my bike...and realized I was butt naked the whole time. ( the game strips you of all of your gear )![]()
Rest in peace, Rutger Hauer
Nope, double jump doesn't change. Charged jump actually let's you jump higher, but you lose almost all parkour if you go that route.I'm a little over 30hrs in and finally met Takemura. Dropped some cash at the ripper doc at jig st. and got the double jump leg implants, Stephenson Mk. 2 cyberdeck, and some flame resistance implant I can't remember. Did the Skye clouds sequence with Oculus Quest 2(no true VR mode, just VR screen wrap). No head tracking or anything, but it was a nice taste of something that's sure to come in the future. Really enjoying Johnny, some nice sentimental convos going now.
I'm curious...does the double jump gain height as you do it more, or is there a way to upgrade?
Mandatory screenshot:
My guy is like a silly stuntman cop with 1970s futuristic aesthetic.
Rest in peace, Rutger Hauer🕊
Yeah that’s how I feel too, I just love this game with the bugs and all, it’s rapidly climbing my top list, when it’s good it’s better than anything I’ve ever played.It speaks to the quality of this game that I am willing to overlook the bugs and glitches because there is such a great game underneath it all.
You need better gear. I was level 28 and I just ran around katana slicing everyone because they could barely scratch me, including the boss, who I took down in like 29 seconds.Man, I am having a complete 180 on the game while playing the final mission. I went with theroute and the whole thing is just bad.Rogue/Johnny
I was expecting a run and gun with enemies on par or slightly harder than what I had encountered. Not at all the case. It forces me into stealth because the enemies all 1-shot me (I'm level 30, I think).
Then I got to theboss fight and it's just terrible. I get taken down quickly if he gets anywhere near me. So I run around like crazy for 10 mins, get maybe a few % off his health, repeat, then get destroyed. I've gotten him down to maybe 40%, but he constantly heals, making an infinite loop. What the hell am I missing? I try to exploit his weaknesses but I can't make a reasonable dent on the guy.Adam Smasher
I stopped playing at this point because of how bad the experience is. I might load up a different route and try that but I'm at the point where I can put the game down, never come back, and be satisfied. Such a damn shame the game goes this route.
Yo wtf is up with that one dude just casually nailing him to the cross? Shit's fucked up
I have the same feeling almost. For some reason I'm not fully into the game ( even though I really like it ). I have that feeling that I'm playing some inferior version on PS5. Like I want to experience this game with all the bells and whistles. Maybe not 3080 level, but what I'd expect from a PS5.Welp, I've been waffling for a few weeks now on whether or not I should drop the game and wait for the next gen patch (I'm on ps5 right now). Not necessarily because I'm having technical issues, things have been running well for me. A few visual glitches (gun floating in the air), but no broken quests or any major ones like that.
I have around 20 hours with the game and I have really enjoyed the story and characters, but I'm feeling like I'm reaching the point of no return. If I keep playing through this game I may not want to return to it later when it is in better shape cause of the been there done that factor. Basically I'm enjoying it so much that I feel like I'm just playing a gimped version right now, I like it enough that I want to experience it in full PS5 glory. And by then one would assume all the stupid shit wrong with the game will be corrected.
See you on the other side Cyberpunk people.
Do you guys know if there are any missable side quests?
I've been doing all that I can find before doing any story missions in fear that I would loose them for ever
Can I rush through the campaign and then do all the side quests latter?
Ok I made a quick video on how to find the easter egg and also how to get on the train tracks. I didnt spoil to much about the view on top and along the tracks but the developers obviously wanted people to go on the tracks and be like a bird up there and "see things you people wouldnt believe"...i.e. many of the billboards are intelligently generated and cant possibly be there by coincidence (See below.)Rest in peace, Rutger Hauer🕊
Later in the game if you get your tech high enough (20?) I think you can finally replace mods without losing the old one. By the time you get your stat high enough whats the point though? Seems like a raw deal LOL.Also is there a way to remove mods from weapons, clothes etc?
You can miss quests depending on your decisions. Game is definitely designed for multiple playthroughs.Do you guys know if there are any missable side quests?
I've been doing all that I can find before doing any story missions in fear that I would loose them for ever
Can I rush through the campaign and then do all the side quests latter?
You can't remove mods. There's a perk called "Waste not want no" in Technical Ability / Crafting skill tree that unlocks ability to keep mods when you disassemble an item. You need level 18 Tech to be able to unlock it.Also is there a way to remove mods from weapons, clothes etc?
ah ok so I can't, say, remove a mod from a weapon to move it to a different one?Later in the game if you get your tech high enough (20?) I think you can finally replace mods without losing the old one. By the time you get your stat high enough whats the point though? Seems like a raw deal LOL.
BUt I see that wasnt your question...LOL....YES, you can remove the mods, more like you just select the new one to replace the old will prompt you if you want to lose the old one and I begruginly say YES.
You madmanI decided to do it myselfWhat a crazy mission.
Panam is the best video game relationship I've ever had and I'm not alone.
I actually went looking to see if any other chooms felt this way and yep, CDPR have made people fall head over heels and feel lovesick in a game.
This game has made me feel a wider and more nuanced and varied set of emotions than any other game I've ever played. The emotional IQ of the game is simply unmatched. And that is exactly what they were going for.
Hideo Kojima is in Cyberpunk 2077, and he’s insufferable
The Death Stranding creator appears in a bar scene and says things like "Do you know my work?"
Fucking this.Hacking is so awesome, now that I have invested in it. I can go into an area and without firing a shot, wipe out all enemies by shocking them, or having them shoot each other or themselves. It is nothing like the usual shoot them up or stealth games.
And without paying for a car, I have so many cars from quests.
Played tonight for around 5 hours and crashed for me 3 times on PS4 Pro.These crashes are starting to really piss me off. I’m thinking about shelving this game for a couple weeks, by then they should be less frequent I’m hoping. But I really want to keep playing because I’m absolutely loving it otherwise (for the most part).
It’s immersion breaking, like fucking crazy. I hate that it’s souring my experience.