Yeah. Good loot too.Wait, his body is still in the garbage dump during later segments of the game?
That's wild. Will definately go looking for him tomorrow.Yeah. Good loot too.
I had a side quest that brought me there.That's wild. Will definately go looking for him tomorrow.
Just interesting what they focused on as opposed to what they promised.
I would have exchanged Johnny Silver hand and the Next Gen graphics for that immersive city with full on AI and some of the other systems they promised early on.
It comes down to talent, money, time or planning but somewhere a long the way everything they wanted to put in got cut.
I kind of agree with YoungRippa when he says that execs pushed Silverhand to the forefront of the game because they signed Keanu to big money. It would have made a much better side quest and still get that oh cool its Keanu without having to make it the main part of the quest. And then maybe there could of been more of the cut features and all that your decisions effect the game stuff they hyped so much.
I think this is BS, Keanu wanted a major role in the game including the side quests.
Who gives a shit about AI, its not like those npcs in RDR2 or GTAV have an actual life.
People keep comparing it or wanting it to be better than the open world games of a developer with 15+ years of experience creating open world games when its this devs only second open world game.
They may have been too ambitious but they always said everythinf was subject to change.
But ya overall if we just take it as it is its a solid 7 out of 10 game. Take out the game breaking bugs and all the hype and have this game done by a no name developer and its a 7. Decent enough game with an okay linear story and an open world with a bunch of busy work in it. The side missions are repetitive but since you have so many ways of doing them you can make your own fun and approach them all in different fashions.
Are we talking about AI or are we talking about how many npcs there are on the streets? Two different things.AI, and on base console its even worse since you don't see more than 2 cars on the street or 5 people walking around. Far cry from that first reveal where they boasted how its going to be the most immersvie city ever
Those of you wishing for more weather added in future DLC's, I wouldn't get my hopes up. Pretty sure it was a design choice. It's LA, which means nearly perfect, sunny weather year round.
Plenty of time when you load a save the roads will be wet, it might be by design, but then it makes no sense if we’re going to go with the LA is sunny all the time angle.
I love Jonny, and how he changes over time. To bad I didn't go to the rollercoaster. Where/when was that? Need to take notes for 2nd playthrough lol.Johnny was so fuckin' stoked to go on the coaster. Love the little moments in this game.
The coaster was just some random event that happened after I wandered through the mall. I'm supposed to bring Rouge $15K, but that won't happen for a while now that there's more side stuff to do.Is that a sidemission or later in the story?
Not nearly enough. It was a bad choice to have it be set in LA. At least Cyberpunk-wise.
CDPR just don't have the talent to pull it off. Rockstar yup they have 15 years and mulitple critically acclaimed games under their belt. UBI has AC/WD/FAR CRY under their belt. CDPR just doesn't have the same chops those other developers have to pull off their original intentions. They just laid it on everyone as a giant surprise when the game launched instead of coming clean.
This is totally one of William Gibson's rules for Cyberpunk too. No heroes. No saving the day or changing the world. Cyberpunk characters have selfish motivations, they want to survive, get ahead, get revenge.I think the reason people say the story and characters are "meh" is because the story and characters aren't what they expected or wanted it to be. V isn't Dovakhin/Michael/Shepard/The Chosen One. V is an underdog, unknown merc and V is dying. You can't change Night City.
It's impossible. You can only save yourself (as Mr. Pondsmith said himself). Your whole goal is to save your ass because you're in a thankless world and nobody cares about you at the start. Except the people you meet on the way. They care a whole lot and some of them will ride through the flames of hell for you. There is a lot of subtlety in Cyberpunk 2077 in many ways and unfortunately, gamers are usually completely terrible at recognizing that.
Rockstar's been making the same game for 20 years yet somehow shooting still feels like ass in every GTA and RDR game. They damn near perfected it in Max Payne 3 then regressed back to GTA3 levels in the next two games. CDPR topped them, Bethesds and Ubisoft in the combat department on their first go at guns and car design so yeah, they do have the chops.
Ubisoft, lol. Another studio making the same exact game repeatedly for two decades. I like the AC games for historical tourism in a giant open world but those games all reek of a massive vote by committee machine churning them out like processed junk food. From Origins on, I think they upped their player character writing for sure. My sword will always be ready for Valhalla simply because casting Cnut, from The Last Kingdom, was an especially inspired choice for male Eivor. The last interesting Far Cry game was Far Cry 2. Watch Dogs...nah lol.
Meanwhile, CDPR trumps both of them handily in character, story and quest writing and design. Like, not even close. CDPR has always talked about mature writing and some people dismissed that as "oh, blood and tits" when all along they've been iterating on mature topics in their stories, much like Rockstar and Ubisoft have and their game formula, and improving with each release. Cyberpunk is arguably the most mature AAA game out today, narrative and characterwise, and goes places their "competition" hasn't and probably never will.
I think the reason people say the story and characters are "meh" is because the story and characters aren't what they expected or wanted it to be. V isn't Dovakhin/Michael/Shepard/The Chosen One. V is an underdog, unknown merc and V is dying. You can't change Night City.
It's impossible. You can only save yourself (as Mr. Pondsmith said himself). Your whole goal is to save your ass because you're in a thankless world and nobody cares about you at the start. Except the people you meet on the way. They care a whole lot and some of them will ride through the flames of hell for you. There is a lot of subtlety in Cyberpunk 2077 in many ways and unfortunately, gamers are usually completely terrible at recognizing that.
A 7? Cmon you are being too harsh. Give me the rating of other open world action adventure RPGs please
Are we talking about AI or are we talking about how many npcs there are on the streets? Two different things.
Also, its very fucking immersive on pc, and indeed the most immersive open world to date.
You can already do it with a perk but need 16 tech.Yh that would be cool maybe in later patches though.
My V
I love the head bands for feamle V - - you can change the hairstyle from whatever you originally chose to pony tail by using the headband...they did add a hair change option....sort of.... LOL.
I went to this easter egg location and of course it had to be raining for the easter hasnt stopped raining for 4 in game hours and three quests later!! Ironically there was rainfall warning in my city yesterday as well.Those of you wishing for more weather added in future DLC's, I wouldn't get my hopes up. Pretty sure it was a design choice. It's LA, which means nearly perfect, sunny weather year round.
Just want to drop this in here. Really like this song:
Can't find it anywhere. Did CDProjekt have it made specifically for this game?
This one's not bad, either. Seems to play a lot in Afterlife:
Gives me those hard late 90s Matrix vibes.
Anyway, Vexelstrom is the best radio station.
I wouldnt say you are doing it wrong, and I cant figure out those who complain about map markers! You can turn off the map!!!!!! To answer your question, they only call when you are really close to a question mark or exclamation mark marker...its a very handy system because if you dont want to go driving around (although I get why most do) then you can take it and do allthe missions in an area, or leave it. Just because there are markers doesnt mean its Ubi open world...this open world is better and more detailed when you get to the areas they built. They built even unmarked loot stashes better than any I have experienced, and although I liked Fallout NV, it sucks in comparison to what I find at a location when I obviously wasnt supposed to be there and trying to break fact try to do that in any bethesda and you break the quests big time. Despite huge amounts of space you cant enter, (come on the city + badlands is f'n HUGE) they have more content in this map then NV and its more detailed once you get inside....especially unmarked areas like silk road market. No quests, no markers, just 4 hours of fire escapes, elevators and convoluted walkways connecting two sides of the street from floors 18-30. What other game has an open world sandbox that big in just one little area? The loot was incredible! I still wish I had more opportunity in this game to go out of bounds and still find dsomethign cool, but already I have found more than bethesda or Ubi which was zero.Regarding side quests, several showed up on my quest list simply by doing the main quest or driving around. Then at some point, they stopped coming in. So I started to head to the markers on the map and there are so many of them. The earlier side quests I did were great and varied. The ones I am doing now are steal, kill, or free someone. The locations can be varied, but the missions not so much. Not complaining, since it gives me an opportunity to mess around some more before wrapping the game up. Seems weird to hand out quests just by being near them, rather than having me grab them from the quest giver. Or maybe I am doing it wrong. Just about done with all available side quests per the map anyways. Then off to "the point of no return".
It's not the open world, the world is next level detailed, with amazing design and so many little points of interest.I didn't say the story was meh, the open world is meh.
There is still fun to be had with the game, but strip it of its hype and just look at the open world on its own. CDPR didn't have the talent + time +money to pull of all the open world systems they wanted to that they hyped up. They did a good job on the story and cinematic action set pieces and the gameplay is pretty fun.
But the open world and on last gen the graphics are just not up to snuff compared to the competition that has been going on since everyone and their mothers started copying GTA.
I think 7-8 is fair. The bugs and jank are still there. And outside the main quest the side stuff is pretty repetitive in nature. And then there is nothing else to do in the world outside of the markers which mainly all boil down to go to A, get B and either shoot or stealth. The driving isn't anything to write home about either. Add in missing all kinds of systems like customization, garages, apartments, economy (aside from selling your loot) etc...
Its still a fun but flawed game. I will say that it does have that 1 more mission appeal to it because of all the carrots it tangles.
I would say both. AI is pretty lame all around and then streets are just dead with not much going on.
And I am playing on last gen so I understand that on PC the graphics are way better and you have more density to at least give more of an impression the city is somewhat alive.
Overall the state of the game and how much more immersive it is on PC I really think CDPR should have scrapped the last gen version or at least waited to push it out but they had a financial decision to make. If it would have only launched on PC and not been as horrendous as it was on PS4/XBOX to the point of being pulled from the store I don't think the backlash would be as bad.
It's not the open world, the world is next level detailed, with amazing design and so many little points of interest.
What isn't there is the simulation. Like I think this game wants to be Deus Ex more than GTA but either way part of the appeal is the emergent stuff, the systems-based interactions that work regardless of if the developer has curated them.
That stuff is really not there in Cyberpunk. The AI for NPCs and cars is real dumb, even the animation system is pretty basic/old fashioned. There's not a lot of physics simulation, or destructibles, THAT is what I think is missing more than any flaw in the world or the fact that I can't go into every dildo store.
I got the cyber ware really early as it only requires one mod in each slot.... not full...maybe you already got it?That detective stuff with River Ward is awesome. Some achievements I'm not getting and can't tell why, like I've filled every Cyberware slot but haven't gotten full body conversion to pop for some reason. Also don't get how the Christmas Tree achievement works, I've done all 3 on a breach before
I got the cyber ware really early as it only requires one mod in each slot.... not full...maybe you already got it?
Was just about to post the same thing. Looks like they have decided to automatically issue partial refunds. Not complaining!So Microsoft just randomly sent me £10 as a refund, although I have not requested it. Sorry for the bugz lol?
Anyone else got this?