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CYBERPUNK 2077 |OT2| The Last Samurai [>56K Warning_]


I love this weapon and I love how broken is the weapon crafting. And don't bother with upgrading, it's better to craft the same weapon than upgrade.

The single shot counts as charged for the tech bonuses right? I remember it doing a fuckton of damage by the end then again everything i used at that point did.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Damn it's probably intended, but smart sniper rifles are pretty op... You can only shot once but since the gun takes care of the aim for you and the ai only knows Cover and Pop out, you really just need to sit down, wait for them to put their head out allowing the gun to lock in and shoot... Most things die in one hit, some in two.

I stopped using it since I couldn't reliably get headshots with it. I switched over to the "Overwatch" iconic rifle (Power), which comes with a built in silencer at no reduction to damage. I've since upgraded it to Legendary and it's pretty badass.

One of the fixers will offer it for you so you might have to advance the story a bit e.g. Mr. Hands

This is just really good game design and really bad gamey design - a whole world of weapons and armour is kept from you unless you upgrade Tech tree.

You either do that or make crafting feel useless and pointless compared to the loot you find like it is in most games. I feel like Cyberpunk strikes a fine balance. You still find kickass loot in the world and from doing missions, but you can really go OP with crafting.
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Null Persp

The single shot counts as charged for the tech bonuses right? I remember it doing a fuckton of damage by the end then again everything i used at that point did.
I don't think the tech bonuses work with this weapon, the charge doesn't work, I think it's bugged.
Do you remember this amazing concept art of a casino / club in North Oak?


Well, I found it. Here it is in all its real time next-gen graphics glory:

No, you can't access it...


Yo thats @#$% sad fo real. So much content being cut and recycled. That concept art looks gorgeous.

Its obvious that their planned ideas+open world material got cut short for whatever reasons we'll never know. Looks like CyberPunk should've been aimed at least a +10yr project counting form initial announcement in 2013, its still insane even a 8yr development time building this game.

I hope they saving those backdrop boroughs and this concept art for a juice DLC.
Yo thats @#$% sad fo real. So much content being cut and recycled. That concept art looks gorgeous.

Its obvious that their planned ideas+open world material got cut short for whatever reasons we'll never know. Looks like CyberPunk should've been aimed at least a +10yr project counting form initial announcement in 2013, its still insane even a 8yr development time building this game.

I hope they saving those backdrop boroughs and this concept art for a juice DLC.
Let's hope all of these unfinished areas like the Casino and the "Creepy School" are going to be in the expansions🤘


After some days of reflection and 50 crashes on PS5, I think I'm ready.

Here's my spoiler-free review of Cyberpunk 2077:

Imagine for a second that a third division team from England builds a massive, high-tech stadium. You'd expect that players like Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo would play there, but instead, only untalented and low quality players are using it. That's Cyberpunk 2077: a big, masterfully crafted, beautiful world, yet hollow and without substance. Night City is amazingly designed, but it is static, empty; you can't interact with most of the stuff, the city and its assets are just there for visual pleasure, it lacks interactivity for added immersion (which is essential for a game like that). You have no animations for eating, drinking, you can't just sit down and enjoy the city, there are no minor side activities to partake, there's nothing aside from the quests and excessive gang hideouts. This is actually very interesting, because a lot of the stuff that could make the game livelier are already in the main quests: you can drink during certain missions, you can also eat, there are dancing and sitting animations; couldn't they just add that to the open world as well?

Even if you ignore its dead world and game-breaking glitches, Cyberpunk is still a very flawed game, specially in a department that shouldn't have been flawed: the main quest. It is all too brief, some plot points that seem to be important are easily discarded and replaced by other stuff and then the game ends. No ending feels even remotely satisfying and your choices hardly matter in anything, CPDR could've just made a linear game without dialogue options and nothing of importance would truly be lost. Main characters are uninteresting and the overall plot is also lacking development, it feels like most of the effort was put in the secondary quests, which are probably better written and designed than the main content. If there's something that this game shines it is in its secondary quests, it is there that the best characters are shown, but I don't think that's a good idea; the game would heavily benefit from more time with characters in the main quest, and leaving the best of them to side content feels cheap and unsatisfying.

In the gameplay department, Cyberpunk seems to not know what it wants. It wants to have a Borderlands-esque loot 'n shoot mechanics, but the weapon variety is laughable. It wants to incentivize crafting, but there are huge roadblocks for the best stuff. It wants to make hacking a viable option, but it is too weird to be really interesting, copying Watch Dogs 2 system would be better. The level design takes some notes from Deus Ex, but it's still not enough; those games had a huge amount of options during missions, and even if you didn't have a certain amount of skill points, you could still find alternate paths to reach the objective.

Overall, Cyberpunk is a game that shouldn't have been released this year, it wasn't ready and there are a lot of game flaws beyond bugs and performance. I didn't really enjoy my time with it. There are good stuff, like the sidequests, characters and some interactions, but it also lacks a lot of stuff. I really doubt updates will fix most of the problems I have with it, therefore, it is probably a game that I'll replay after the next gen upgrade and then forget about it.

If I had to give it a rate, it would be a 7/10. Very unimpressed with it. Even without the technical issues, I don't think it even surpasses previous CDPR games.
It's interesting how divisive this game is ( or open world games in general) when it comes to open world "having something to do", or "how interactive it is".
For some it means sitting on benches, eating/drinking, playing "mini-games"..."simulation elements". I personally find these to be almost a complete waste of time, plain boring and shallow next to actual Sims games. Something you try once and go "Why on earth did I think did was a good idea" ( Rockstar).
On the other hand, I find Cyberpunk utilizes the world far better in actual gameplay department: every gig has different routes, I can approach levels from different angles ( especially when you get different cyberware) some accessible only through your skillset, or you can discover them on your own. Only thing I agree is they should've never used Borderlands-like loot system.
You're dead wrong about everything else though: hacking is extremely flexible and surprisingly fun when it comes to sandbox experimentation ( hack a camera, than use that camera to hack another camera, then switch to it, then use distract to lure a guard to some object, then initiate request backup, then use sonic shock on third one ( so he doesn't notice anything), then use overload on that object while they're both next to it, and take them both out completely unnoticed. Or you can use it as direct combat supplement, or for strictly stealth. There are some ( big) balancing issues, but it's interesting and fun system to mess around with. That is meaningful interaction and imo, hell of a lot better than being able to pick up every spoon in environment or play pinball machines.
Level design is usually not on par with Deus Ex, but it's absolutely the best in the open world and rpg genre. ( especially impressive considering scale of the game and variety of locations)
And characters along with main story are absolutely phenomenal so far: they are multidimensional, you really get attached to them, and it is absolutely filled with as many blockbuster moments as well as quiet, introspective ones that reflect on themes in this setting. It almost has a tragic, "poetic vibe" to it: seeing these hardened people in this harsh setting, scarred under neath their "shell", in those "quiet moments".
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Yo thats @#$% sad fo real. So much content being cut and recycled. That concept art looks gorgeous.

Its obvious that their planned ideas+open world material got cut short for whatever reasons we'll never know. Looks like CyberPunk should've been aimed at least a +10yr project counting form initial announcement in 2013, its still insane even a 8yr development time building this game.

I hope they saving those backdrop boroughs and this concept art for a juice DLC.
I think it's safe to assume they didn't work all that much on Cyberpunk between 2012 and 2015 with full production only starting after all the Witcher bugfixes and DLC were finished - around 2016 I suspect.
Sure they could've had writers and concept artists do some stuff while they were wrapping up Witcher 3 but that's only a tiny fraction of what it takes to make a game and most of the work was done in the last 4 years.
Played for a good 100 hours so far, haven't had a single game or immersion breaking bug, story is a delight, game is so pretty, gameplay is fun and the driving was perfectly fine. Feels like this whole "Cyberpunk 2077 is a mess" is just nitpicking blown out of proportion
What are you playing it on?


pc version are pretty stable i didint had any crash at all , and bugs they are not game crashing or killing bugs, i duno they can be found on others games too. but its real pc versions at least mine dont crash like at all. so its good i didint started from ps4 pro version or even ps5 as they crash pretty often.
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Yo thats @#$% sad fo real. So much content being cut and recycled. That concept art looks gorgeous.

Its obvious that their planned ideas+open world material got cut short for whatever reasons we'll never know. Looks like CyberPunk should've been aimed at least a +10yr project counting form initial announcement in 2013, its still insane even a 8yr development time building this game.

I hope they saving those backdrop boroughs and this concept art for a juice DLC.

i don't want to sound like a broken record but i think it's important for people to understand that the game wasn't in development for 8 years. i agree that it should've been delayed though.

people see the date of the announcement trailer and think oh 2020 - 2012 = 8 years of development but that's not how it happened. first of all think about what cdpr was when they announced cyberpunk. they were an indie developer of around 100 people and they had just launched the witcher 2. you can't possibly think a company like that can develop two games like the witcher 3 and cyberpunk at the same. they grew and made the witcher 3. and after that in late 2015-2016 they really started development on cyberpunk. working on many AAA games at the same time is possible for stablished and huge developers like activision or ubisoft that have like 10k or 20k employees but not for cdpr and especially not in 2012.
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Finally got around to playing this game, and so far I’m having a lot of fun. Granted I haven’t gotten very far, and the only annoying aspect so far is the inability of picking up some items. Hopefully that gets fixed. Hacking is a lot of fun, the shooting mechanics seem a bit iffy and it feels like V is on skates when he moves, but overall it’s been an enjoyable experience.

It’s running as well as one would expect as well on my Xbox One X. I would be very hesitant on picking it up if I had a base Xbox one/One S, I can’t attest to its performance outside of all of the YouTube videos but I can tell this would strain that poor console heavily.
This game gets better the more you play, the more abilities and perks you open up, the more cyberware you experiment with. I unlocked double jump and unlimited sprint and with my preference in walking over driving it has opened up so many new options for traversal, it’s amazing.


it is gets better i play it second time and for me its just better still not boring, i vouldnt play now gta V or even RDR2 as thats too slow pace. GTA V story was great but what year was it ? its old . this i like single player story open world thats is more open then others and more fun t odrive cars around , well it was i was looking for . and i have Division 2 more then 400 hrs on solo only play style so ..yh


Wow, Daniel Vávra is really fanboying over Cyberpunk.

i think a lot of that has to do with the fact that he got a ton of crap for kcd for kind of the same things. performance, bugs but also they called him racist sexist and all of the usual too so he probably feels sympathetic towards cdpr. but also they are both from eastern europe.
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Daniel Vavra is from Czech and Polish guys are like his bros, so its natural he will support them. Second his game Kingdom Come has some inspiration from the way CDPR created the Witcher. So again i think i can understand his position.
Also to add Vavra doesnt like some of the SJW people and it appears some of those people complained about Cyberpunk so thats number 3 reason why he would support it. Also Vavra's game KCD was buggy as hell on launch so he may be showing empathy that 4 reason. 5th reason would be is open world games like Cyberpunk are his type and he is willing to overlook bugs and performance issues.

I can find more reasons if i try lol.

Honestly Vavra seems like a cool guy.
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i think a lot of that has to do with the fact that he got a ton of crap for kcd for kind of the same things. performance, bugs but also they called him racist sexist and all of the usual too so he probably feels sympathetic towards cdpr. but also they are both from eastern europe.

Yeah, but usually he doesn't like anything, its kind of a meme in Czech Republic now that he actually hates games. Didn't even liked The Witcher 3 and at the time he even wrote article called "100 reasons why I hate Skyrim" 😂 .
So its kind of a nice to see him like something for a change.
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This may be an off-topic question but i dont want to create another Cyberpunk thread... I need some opinions, how does this game (PC) compare to Fallout 4? Like which game you would consider to be better overall?
This may be an off-topic question but i dont want to create another Cyberpunk thread... I need some opinions, how does this game (PC) compare to Fallout 4? Like which game you would consider to be better overall?
Cyberpunk. Better characters, better story(ies), better open-world, better character builds/progression, better loot.

But if you really want to play a modern Fallout, go for New Vegas. It's objectively better than Cyberpunk.
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Cyberpunk. Better characters, better story(ies), better open-world, better character builds/progression, better loot.

But if you really want to play a modern Fallout, go for New Vegas. It's objectively better than Cyberpunk.
No dont get me wrong, i played all of them LOL. I just want opinions.

New Vegas is on my 5/5 games list btw. Amazing game, probably 3rd or 2nd favorite game of this century.
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Daniel Vavra is from Czech and Polish guys are like his bros, so its natural he will support them. Second his game Kingdom Come has some inspiration from the way CDPR created the Witcher. So again i think i can understand his position.
Also to add Vavra doesnt like some of the SJW people and it appears some of those people complained about Cyberpunk so thats number 3 reason why he would support it. Also Vavra's game KCD was buggy as hell on launch so he may be showing empathy that 4 reason. 5th reason would be is open world games like Cyberpunk are his type and he is willing to overlook bugs and performance issues.

I can find more reasons if i try lol.

Honestly Vavra seems like a cool guy.

Well sometimes he is little full of himself, but he used to wrote for several gaming magazines and his articles were always really entertaining and interesting. He is kind of guy who is always saying what he thinks, HATES censorship (mostly because he lived under oppression) and is not afraid to call people on their bullshit and thats the reason why SJWs hate him so much.

btw part of his family died when Germany occupied Czech Republic so calling him nazi makes as much sense as call Ben Shapiro nazi. :pie_eyeroll:



Yeah, Cyperpunk is miles better than Fallout 4.
How you would say gunplay and combat compares? and what do you think about the open world itself?
I get Cyberpunk is better in story and characters and probably also better in visuals and soundtrack. What is left is the gameplay part and how the open world is structured?
How you would say gunplay and combat compares? and what do you think about the open world itself?
I get Cyberpunk is better in story and characters and probably also better in visuals and soundtrack. What is left is the gameplay part and how the open world is structured?
The open world itself is one of the best things about this game and shits on FO4. Not only is it stunning to look at, but it’s layered, very interesting to explore, loot all over the place, things to do all over the place. I think the combat and gunplay is also way better.
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The open world itself is one of the best things about this game and shits on FO4. Not only is it stunning to look at, but it’s layered, very interesting to explore, loot all over the place, things to do all over the place. I think the combat and gunplay is also way better.
Thanks for sharing your opinion, Appreciate it. :messenger_heart:


This may be an off-topic question but i dont want to create another Cyberpunk thread... I need some opinions, how does this game (PC) compare to Fallout 4? Like which game you would consider to be better overall?

i think cyberpunk is better by a lot. the quests. the side quest and the dialogue are better. the characters are better. the gameplay is not even close. the graphics and animations are of course better but those were already better in witcher 3.

other than that i think fallout 4 has different design choices. bethesda and cdpr build their worlds in a different way. for example i don't care if cities are mostly just a backdrop but they feel more like real cities in scale. and some people prefer how bethesda build cities that in lore are big cities or a province capital but then you enter and there are only 10 houses. but you can interact more with everything because the scale is smaller. more like a sandbox.

of course fallout 4 is still oblivion with guns and settlements. something i like about cpdr is that all of their games are different. i think bethesda needs to raise the bar and really innovate with their next rpg and i think they'll try to do that because they got destroyed by witcher 3 and i don't think todd howard liked that. if they release another broken and janky game that stays on top just because it has great mod support i would be bummed.

also after cyberpunk i don't think i want to see the static dialogue rpgs had in the past where the characters are just standing still talking to you.
How you would say gunplay and combat compares? and what do you think about the open world itself?
I get Cyberpunk is better in story and characters and probably also better in visuals and soundtrack. What is left is the gameplay part and how the open world is structured?
Gunplay is seriously impressive. They could easily copy/paste it into a looter shooter game and nobody would complain.

I got 216 hours of gameplay according to GOG. I'm playing for the 4th time and every time it feels like a completely different game. I played as stealthy hacker, maniac with katana, run and gun type of character and now I'm playing as silent assassin with a pistol + silencer. Outside of hundreds of markers on your map there are many hidden secrets and locations. Visual story telling, little notes that uncover what happened in that spot, hidden quests - things like that. The world is stunting so it's never boring to just explore and ignore the main story. If you like this kind of thing, getting lost in the world and finding cool stuff then you will definitely enjoy Cyberpunk.


i think cyberpunk is better by a lot. the quests. the side quest and the dialogue are better. the characters are better. the gameplay is not even close. the graphics and animations are of course better but those were already better in witcher 3.

other than that i think fallout 4 has different design choices. bethesda and cdpr build their worlds in a different way. for example i don't care if cities are mostly just a backdrop but they feel more like real cities in scale. and some people prefer how bethesda build cities that in lore are big cities or a province capital but then you enter and there are only 10 houses. but you can interact more with everything because the scale is smaller. more like a sandbox.

of course fallout 4 is still oblivion with guns and settlements. something i like about cpdr is that all of their games are different. i think bethesda needs to raise the bar and really innovate with their next rpg and i think they'll try to do that because they got destroyed by witcher 3 and i don't think todd howard liked that. if they release another broken and janky game that stays on top just because it has great mod support i would be bummed.

also after cyberpunk i don't think i want to see the static dialogue rpgs had in the past where the characters are just standing still talking to you.
Did you just roast Todd Howard?
I think you need to buy Skyrim 5 times now to repent.


How you would say gunplay and combat compares? and what do you think about the open world itself?
I get Cyberpunk is better in story and characters and probably also better in visuals and soundtrack. What is left is the gameplay part and how the open world is structured?
I think Fallout 4 does better exploration, overall. That's one thing that I hope CDPR takes after Bethesda...that "feeling" when you see something in the distance and you want to check it out. And you don't start the game with everything checked "?" on the world map. You just set off in whatever direction and try to discover things on your own.
I would've loved if exploration in Night City is more:
- visit one of the nightclubs/bars ( like Afterlife), talk to some npcs, get tips from bartenders on available quest in the area ( shows up on world map)
- go to the area, and on the way, get sidetracked, discover some abandoned warehouse with a mystery, story of it's own
- then you get a call from fixer who informs you of job in vicinity
- finish that, then proceed on original quest
- go back to the bar, some random events, get a drink, info on a new quest..
And crafting/itemization is imo better in Bethesda games.
And their games have more "simulation elements", given smaller scale of the game ( crime/theft system, object physics, etc).
But everything else, it really isn't close.
i don't want to sound like a broken record but i think it's important for people to understand that the game wasn't in development for 8 years. i agree that it should've been delayed though.

people see the date of the announcement trailer and think oh 2020 - 2012 = 8 years of development but that's not how it happened. first of all think about what cdpr was when they announced cyberpunk. they were an indie developer of around 100 people and they had just launched the witcher 2. you can't possibly think a company like that can develop two games like the witcher 3 and cyberpunk at the same. they grew and made the witcher 3. and after that in late 2015-2016 they really started development on cyberpunk. working on many AAA games at the same time is possible for stablished and huge developers like activision or ubisoft that have like 10k or 20k employees but not for cdpr and especially not in 2012.

Well said. People also forget almost 14 years ago CDPR released their first game ever. Many if not all of the devs who worked on The Witcher had never even worked on a game before. A pretty remarkable rise in a relatively short amount of time.
i don't want to sound like a broken record but i think it's important for people to understand that the game wasn't in development for 8 years. i agree that it should've been delayed though.

people see the date of the announcement trailer and think oh 2020 - 2012 = 8 years of development but that's not how it happened. first of all think about what cdpr was when they announced cyberpunk. they were an indie developer of around 100 people and they had just launched the witcher 2. you can't possibly think a company like that can develop two games like the witcher 3 and cyberpunk at the same. they grew and made the witcher 3. and after that in late 2015-2016 they really started development on cyberpunk. working on many AAA games at the same time is possible for stablished and huge developers like activision or ubisoft that have like 10k or 20k employees but not for cdpr and especially not in 2012.

I hear you, that definitely makes sense. So about roughly +4yrs 😔 of dev time.

Imagine working on this project from 2013, probably we would've been looking at a fully fledged, included all bells and whistles product...what a waste of potential, these type of games do not come around too often...@##% that!!! ONLY ONE in this case. Was gonna say 1 in 20yrs, you wish.
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It's interesting how divisive this game is ( or open world games in general) when it comes to open world "having something to do", or "how interactive it is".
For some it means sitting on benches, eating/drinking, playing "mini-games"..."simulation elements". I personally find these to be almost a complete waste of time, plain boring and shallow next to actual Sims games. Something you try once and go "Why on earth did I think did was a good idea" ( Rockstar).
On the other hand, I find Cyberpunk utilizes the world far better in actual gameplay department: every gig has different routes, I can approach levels from different angles ( especially when you get different cyberware) some accessible only through your skillset, or you can discover them on your own. Only thing I agree is they should've never used Borderlands-like loot system.
You're dead wrong about everything else though: hacking is extremely flexible and surprisingly fun when it comes to sandbox experimentation ( hack a camera, than use that camera to hack another camera, then switch to it, then use distract to lure a guard to some object, then initiate request backup, then use sonic shock on third one ( so he doesn't notice anything), then use overload on that object while they're both next to it, and take them both out completely unnoticed. Or you can use it as direct combat supplement, or for strictly stealth. There are some ( big) balancing issues, but it's interesting and fun system to mess around with. That is meaningful interaction and imo, hell of a lot better than being able to pick up every spoon in environment or play pinball machines.
Level design is usually not on par with Deus Ex, but it's absolutely the best in the open world and rpg genre. ( especially impressive considering scale of the game and variety of locations)
And characters along with main story are absolutely phenomenal so far: they are multidimensional, you really get attached to them, and it is absolutely filled with as many blockbuster moments as well as quiet, introspective ones that reflect on themes in this setting. It almost has a tragic, "poetic vibe" to it: seeing these hardened people in this harsh setting, scarred under neath their "shell", in those "quiet moments".
Very divisive game indeed.

Well, I don’t really agree with your points about hacking and the main story, but I guess that’s it, different perspectives on a game that was never going to please everyone.

But I’m glad people are enjoying it though.

Cyberpunk may be as divisive of a game as Death Stranding or The Last Jedi were


I hear you, that definitely makes sense. So about roughly +4yrs 😔 of dev time.

Imagine working on this project from 2013, probably we would've been looking at a fully fledged, included all bells and whistles product...what a waste of potential, these type of games do not come around too often...@##% that!!! ONLY ONE in this case. Was gonna say 1 in 20yrs, you wish.

yeah not a lot. i still don't know how they made the witcher 3 in so little time. well i guess i do know. crunching like there is no tomorrow.
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You know, for the first 20 hours or so I really was into the game, but somewhere along the way it just got kinda boring. I dont really care about any of the characters, the story is just meh. Im just a bit past the point of no return and barely feel motivated to finish. I think they created an amazing game environment, decent gameplay, but the story and characters including V just didnt do it for me.


yeah not a lot. i still don't know how they made the witcher 3 in so little time. well i guess i do know. crunching like there is no tomorrow.

That, and the fact that a lot of the engine-related work that went into laying the groundwork for Witcher 3 actually happened during the production of the Enhanced Edition of The Witcher 2.


Been playing a lot lately after putting an SSD on my PS4, and the game is so awesome now

Havent experienced any bugs since. Sometimes framerate suffers, but that's alright.

Got my first 2 crashes after 30h playing it. Funny enough, its probably due to the game being rendered correctly now, with more NPCs and assets in general.

Just met Panam. Found my bae. She is awesome.

Null Persp

Did some quests with Panam, the piece of music after the mission during the storm is so beautiful and moving.

This is an alternate version of "Outsiders no more"



The Pickup mission (spider bot early spoilers)

Does anyone know what type of weapons/stuff you miss out on?

So killing Royce you get the Chaos weapon and you gotta kill Dum Dum. Does Dum Dum/Royce give you a weapon later on in a different quest if he lives? Brick also can live or die, does he give you anything. Meredith Stout can you give you a sex scene and a funny dildo weapon. Anything else does she do?
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