Platform: Vita
Genre: Adventure/Visual Novel
Player: 1
Developer: Spike Chunsoft
Publisher: Spike Chunsoft
Release Date: October 10th, 2013

Naegi Makoto
Super High-School Level Good Luck (Bad Luck?)
Our protagonist. He was selected to enter Hope's Peak due to complete chance. Was that good luck... or bad luck?

Kyouko Kirigiri
Super High-School Level ???"My name is... Kyouko Kirigiri."
A mysterious girl who has amnesia regarding her talent and why she's there. She sticks to facts and keeps a cool head.

Chihiro Fujisaki
Super High-School Level Programmer"How do you do? My name is Chihiro Fujisaki."
Meek and timid, she is technical genius with computers and technology. She has many internet fans.

Ishimaru Kiyotaka
Super High-School Level Prefect"My name is Kiyotaka Ishimaru! My motto in life is Simplicity and Fortitude! Let's all work together and study hard!"
Fitting a prefect, Ishimaru is upright and righteous. He's a hard worker, believing one can do anything if they put their mind to it.

Leon Kuwata
Super High-School Level Baseball Player"Yo! My name is Leon Kuwata! Nice to meet you!"
Renown for playing both a batter and pitcher on his school's team, he is hot blooded and passionate.

Mondo Oowada
Super High-School Level Gang Boss"My name is Mondo Oowada. Nice to meet you."
Foul mouthed and generally a delinquent, Oowada is also known for being the leader of the Crazy Diamonds, Japan’s largest motorcycle gang.

Sayaka Maizono
Super High-School Level Idol"I'm Sayaka Maizono. Pleased to meet you!"
A member in a popular idol group. Went to middleschool with Naegi, where from they recognize eachother.

Sakura Oogami
Super High-School Level Fighter"I'm Sakura Oogami."
A fearsome woman who is a world renound fighter. Is sometimes mistaken for a man due to her muscular appearance, but is feminine besides that.

Aoi Asahina
Super High-School Level Swimmer"G'd morning! I'm Aoi Asahina! Nice t'meet you!"
An air-headed student who loves swimming, and donuts. Is overall athletic, and enjoys training with Sakura.

Junko Enoshima
Super High-School Level Fashion Gal"Yoohoo! My name's Junko Enoshima! Great to meet you!"
A popular and gorgeous girl, who has appeared on many magazine covers and photo shoots. Is she less pretty in real life?

Yasuhiro Hagakure
Super High-School Level Shaman"M’name is Yasuhiro Hagakure. Let’s take it easy, ‘right?"
Although being held back twice, Hagakure is known for his scarily accurate fortune tellings--they're only correct 30% of the time, however.

Touko Fukawa
Super High-School Level Author"...My name is Touko Fukawa."
A gloomy novel writer, who in turn also has a persecution complex. Her novel "Before the Sea's Scent Fades Away", was her biggest hit, and made fishermen popular with teenage girls.

Hifumi Yamada
Super High-School Level Doujinshi Author"My name is Hifumi Yamada. "The man who is the beginning and the end". You can call me either way, I don't mind."
An otaku who is also a popular doujinshi (fanzine) artist. Seems to be only interested in the "2D Realm".

Byakuya Togami
Super High-School Level Heir"I’m Byakuya Togami."
The successor of the Togami Conglomerate, a highly successful enterprise. Is very arrogant and rude due to this, and considers himself "perfection".

Celestia Ludenberg
Super High-School Level Gambler"Delighted to meet you. My name is Celestia Ludenberg."
Known as the "Queen of all Liars", Celestia (known as Celes) is a famous high roller who wears Gothic Lolita fashion. It's rumored her gigantic curls are fake, but nobody is quite sure...

The Principal"Upupu... It's Punishment Time!"
A devious teddy bear who seems to be behind the whole thing. With many spare bodies, he seems invincible, and he'll punish anyone who tries to disrespect him.

Hajime Hinata
Super High School Level ???
Always admiring Hope's Peak, he finally achieved his dream of attending. However, he has come down with amnesia, and has forgotten everything about his past, even his Super High School Level.

Nagito Komaeda
Super High School Level Good Luck"…Pleased to meet you. My name is Nagito Komaeda."
A boring and dull looking student who was only accepted into Hope's Peak due to the lottery. Is he really that lucky, though?

Kazuichi Souda
Super High-School Level Mechanic"Name’s Kazuichi Souda, “Super High-school Level Mechanic”. Atcha service!"
A genius with mechanics, being able to fix anything. Even with his intimidating appearance (and sharp teeth...), he's fairly timid.

Gundam Tanaka
Super High-School Level Animal Breeder"Before you stands Gundam Tanaka. Do not forget that name… When I rule the world, to do so will be to invite death."
A eccentric and odd person who is thought to be able to talk to animals. Believes in the dark arts, and the "Four Dark Gods of Destruction", his four hamsters.

Mikan Tsumiki
Super High-School Level Nurse"M… My name is Mikan Tsumiki. Um… I… I’m very pleased to meet you!"
A clumsy, but talented nurse who is adept in treating any injury. She is shy and reserved, and finds it hard to stay in a conversation without starting to sob and apologizing profusely.

Ibuki Mioda
Super High-School Level Light Music Club Member"“Ibu” from Ibuki Mioda! “Ki” from Ibuki Mioda! “Mio” from Ibuki Mioda! “Da” from Ibuki Mioda! That’s me - Ibuki Mioda!"
A member of an all-girls High School who played guitar in the Light Music Club, whose hit single sold over a million copies. She left the band due to directional differences.

Nidai Nekomaru
Super High-School Level Coach"The legendary “Super High-school Level Coach”, NEKOMARU NIDAIIIIII!!"
A very good coach with a talent for taking horrible teams and turning them into the very best. Very passionate, even more so when it comes to bodily functions.

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
Super High-School Level Gangster"I’m Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu… But make no mistake. We will not be friends."
Babyfaced, but dangerous, Fuyuhiko is the successor to the Kuzuryuu family, the largest Yazuka enterprise in Japan. Very small in stature, but has a horrible temper.

Mahiru Koizumi
Super High-School Level Photographer"Um… My name is Mahiru Koizumi. Nice to meet you, I guess."
Having won many awards for her portrait photographs, Mahiru is a promising girl. She can be critical of people, but she's very level headed and nice.

Chiaki Nanami
Super High-School Level Gamer"My name is Chiaki Nanami. I’m a Super High-school Level Gamer. My hobby is playing games. I’m pretty good with all genres."
A sleepy, absent-minded girl who loves every video game ever made, even Kusoge. She would rather play than hold a conversation, and has a habit of taking a long time to speak her mind.

Peko Pekoyama
Super High-School Level Swordswoman"I am called Peko Pekoyama. It’s an honor to meet you too."
An amazing swordswoman and kendo champion, whose skill is greater than that of adult fighters. However, Peko is a stern and polite woman.

Teruteru Hanamura
Super High-School Level Cook"My name is Teruteru Hanamura. They’ve been calling me a “Super High-school Level Cook”, but… prefer “Super High-school Level Chef” myself. It has a much more… sophisticated air, don’t you think?"
A culinary master, Teruteru prefers to be called the "Super High-School Level Chef". He has a passion for cooking, and romance, no matter the gender.

Sonia Nevermind
Super High-School Level Princess"My name is Sonia Nevermind."
A royal princess from the small European country of Novoselic. She came to Hope's Peak to be an exchange student, due to her interest in Japanese culture. She's really interested in it. Reeally.

Akane Owari
Super High-School Level Gymnast"Right! I’m Akane Owari! Nice t’meet ya!"
An amazing athlete with a large appetite. Is known for inventing her own moves, and her brash nature.

Hiyoko Saionji
Super High-School Level Traditional Dancer"You wanna know my name? It’s Hiyoko Saionji!"
A graceful, youthful young woman with a knack for dancing. Despite this, she has a nasty and offensive personality and enjoys insulting others.

Byakuya Togami
Super High-School Level Heir"My name is Byakuya Togami."
You know him well, the Super High-School Level Heir is back and... bigger than ever? True, Togami has gained some weight, but he keeps his cold personality. Maybe there's something different about that, too?

The Class Teacher“My name is Usami… Magical Girl Miwacle ★ Usami! I’m a tiny sweet milky girl!!”
A Stuffed "wabbit" who is responsible for the student's class trip. Is a lot nicer than Monokuma, but gets the same amount of slack as him from the students.

- Both games on one Vita cartridges at a high definition
- A second "School Mode" for the first game, allowing you to date and grow your relationships with your fellow classmates.
- Fully voice acted trial segements
- 60+ hours of dialogue and story

- Credit to Onenronen at Somethingawful forums for providing the translated introductions for the characters. 超高校級 being translated as "Super High-School Level" is also credited to him.
- Thanks to the fanbase for making this series so popular! Part one of this game is coming out in English early 2014 due to the overwhelming popularity.
- Please keep spoilers of any kind under spoiler tags! There's nothing worse about games of this type than getting spoiled about a crucial plot point!