It's worth it I got my first when I went in undead parish. Balder gear is nice looking too.If he has my luck with drops it's best to not even try. I've never, ever, dropped a balder sword or a shield![]()
If you've gone in via the valley of the drakes you can take the shortcut to darkroot basin then go through the darkroot garden to the parish in about 5 minutes.Is backtrack the only way? That seems farIs there no shortcut further on?
If you've gone in via the valley of the drakes you can take the shortcut to darkroot basin then go through the darkroot garden to the parish in about 5 minutes.
Well back track it is unless you get to the drake entrance instead.I got to the Valley of the Drakes but I didn't go through it to Blighttown.
It's worth it I got my first when I went in undead parish. Balder gear is nice looking too.
@Oni Jazar
Don't you have a spare weapon? I had the same thing happen to me on my 1st playthrough in the same place and I managed to use another weapon (I think it was +1 or +2 at the time). It makes the whole thing a lot harder but it's doable and saves you a trip back. Just remeber to buy the boxes next time you visit Andre.
Like so?Starting a totally fresh character, what skill builds do you find to be most fun? Is there a good guide to a sword 'n' board/magic user hybrid type?
More than effective you plow on through with ease.This sounds fun! Is it good for PVE? I am not playing the game online due to GFWL fuckery.
Starting a totally fresh character, what skill builds do you find to be most fun? Is there a good guide to a sword 'n' board/magic user hybrid type?
if there's anyone willing to help me with O&S on NG+ (to kill Smough first) I'm at level 90ish on Xbox 360. Usually on 10P-2A CST![]()
Pretty much nothing stopping your from incorporating miracles though like the build I posted earlier to give some variety.In Demons Souls I felt the melee combat was the most unique part of the game, and therefore played mostly a melee player with some ranged support. Is this more or less the same way in Dark Souls?
In Demons Souls I felt the melee combat was the most unique part of the game, and therefore played mostly a melee player with some ranged support. Is this more or less the same way in Dark Souls?
Thanks guys, I went with a thief hope that will work out fine![]()
Really? I tried to slash a few times, but it did so little damage that i didnt care to fight it. How can you do that?
Got to say that its amazing to be back playing a game like this btw, hope this is as bleak as Demons Souls!
Dont spoil yourself right now, continue playing =)
You didn't light the third or open the main door to the hall? Both would cut your travel time.welp, anor londo has essentially broken me. just getting to the second bonfire was a feat all in its own, but the trek from that bonfire to O&S and the O&S fight itself have scarred me. i might have to throw in the towel for a few weeks.
You didn't light the third or open the main door to the hall? Both would cut your travel time.
Summon Solaire for help. The third bonfire is where Solaire flirts with you. It's in the first room to the left after the archers.i did, but it took me a few hours and now i'm stuck on O&S. i wanted to take out Smough first so i could get Ornstein's armor later. it's not working out.
wait third bonfire??
Summon Solaire for help. The third bonfire is where Solaire flirts with you. It's in the first room to the left after the archers.
Right at the bottom of the spiral elevator is where it is.yeah, i got that one. i missed a bonfire on the way then. crap.
Summon Solaire for help. The third bonfire is where Solaire flirts with you. It's in the first room to the left after the archers.
Really? It's the only bonfire you can't warp to in Anor londo I believe.Had to think about that. Second being Darkmoon Hall, right? I think a lot of people miss that one.
I beat Gaping Dragon last night, and so far I've beaten all the bosses on my first attempt this run. It feels pretty amazing to oneshot them when they took 5-6 attempts on my first playthrough 2 years ago.
It was late, so I decided to just get to the Blighttown bonfire and quit. It turns out the bonfire was further in than I remembered, though. I had also forgotten about that breakable floor trap. And I had doubly forgotten about the grabbing attack that the undead there like to do.
45k souls down the drain.
Well at least now you know that it's somewhere else you need to be. Did you actually hurt them at all?Have been fighting ghosts in new londo for the last few days.... then found out that I was supposed to fight the spider lady back at the bottom of blight town..... woo.
He gives you a key for you to do it.I didn't see that as an option.
He gives you a key for you to do it.
By give I mean you pry it from his cold dead hands of course...He only gives you that if you have obtained the. Or if youLordvesselI guess.murder him