4 tries is crazy! It took me probably around 20-30 IIRC. And I had beaten Demon's first at that point.
Old Dragonslayer I also beat as the third boss in DS2, but I got him first try, because his attacks were ridiculosly easy to dodge or block.
Took me four tries as well

I managed to kill Ornstein on my first try, then, as per usual in Souls games, I followed up a decent run with two umiliating defeats before getting my act together and wiping out the both of them.
The infamous Anor Londo archers didn't really pose much of a threat either, I got past them on my second attempt, and my first death was because of their off-game fame in a way (I played the game some time after its release and by that time, by reading about it on GAF, I had a vague familiarity with the most notorious area and enemies - so, as I was climbing my way to the second part of Anor Londo, avoiding their arrows, it hit me that perhaps those guys were actually THE Anor Londo archers everyone had mentioned and I tried to switch to a better physical shield to better defend from their arrows, thinking I was safe hiding behind some column. Which I obviously wasn't).
Playing through the game for the first time was really some experience. I was aware it was going to be extremely challenging for me, due to both the reputation the game had and, well, the fact that it frustrated me into quitting as I first played it a few months earlier (made it past the Gargoyles, thought I was supposed to go down Darkroot Basin to find the second bell, just kept dying against the hydra until I called it a day) and every location I visited, especially the ones people like to talk about the most (Blighttown, Anor Londo) had some sort of further intimidating effect due to their reputation, the stories I had heard about them, the tears of gaffers venting their frustrations with them.
All of that contributed to make my first playthrough, especially the first part of the game, just so memorable. I think I actually reached my highest level as a Dark Souls player just in time to fully enjoy the best sequence of levels in perhaps all of gaming, Blightown-Sen's Fortress-Anor Londo, after going through the cathartic experience of beating Capra after probably more than 20 tries and one rage uninistalling of the game. At that point, I had completed my transition from clueless gamer clumsily stumbling across Lordran to actual semi-competent Dark Souls player, but I was still approaching it as if it were something other than a mere game, being super focused and on my toes all the time. The moment I beat Quelaag in one was the moment I realized I could actually beat the game, and in a way it was probably more rewarding than actually beating it, since, by the point I arrived to Gwyn, I was already confident I could pretty much take whatever the game had in store for me.
I would just love to be able to play this game again with a clean slate **
If I may ask what about Seethe did you find hard? He was definitely the 2nd easiest of the 4 greater soul bosses.
Well the first time you meet him is actually pretty hard :/
Also, what would the easiest great soul boss be? I think Seath trumps them all on that front. Thinking about it, they really kinda did an half-assed job with the bosses in the second half of the game (excluding the DLC and Gwyn), all of these supposedly uber powerful creatures the game had been hyping since the initial cutscene really should have been given more interesting boss fights.