Finally, they took their sweet time to disable something that took another developer basically a couple of hours to fix. GG From
Can't wait.
Finally, they took their sweet time to disable something that took another developer basically a couple of hours to fix. GG From
I don't know where I should go, tried searching for a DS Fix thread but popped out with this. I've played the living hell out of DS on PS3 but now I want the DS Fix experience on PC and my laptop can run it pretty damn well, only issue is that I can't unlock the fps, the game keeps on crashing on start up and tried finding a solution and I'm too stupid to try reinstalling windows 8.1 on my laptop and fudge it up... Any suggestions?
May I introduce you to the whale force? Or the alternative classes (if you want a real challenge, try the Hobbit class). Or, the Westeros version if you're extra dorky. Feel free to adjust/make your own rules and limitations, of course.
My SL1 was Melisandre.![]()
Double cestus is still my favorite run. Do it with no shirt or chest armor for extra GUTS.
You're going to wear out that L1, though.
If you're going to do the dual caestus run upgrade one to a dragon bone fist if you want to. Or you could go the other direction and just go bare fisted with the dragon torso stone which raises you unarmed damage to about 400 AR give or take a smidge.Hehe, thanks. This'll keep me busy for a while.
A) Are you using the Steamworks beta?
B) Are you on DSFIX 2.3.1?
Not that I know where to get 2.3.1 because it was removed for a ToS violation despite the issue already being cleared in the past.
Edit: Scratch that, here:
so does PS3 offer the best PVP experience? I'm talking solely in terms of matches available and being able to fight without any failed connections and disappearing summon signs and all that bs, i dont give a shit about game performance, pc obviously wins but its useless if i can't fight more than one person over and over in the forest. i have it on xbox and pc and the PC version always masquerades like the next patch will make it awesome, but it's hit or miss and always has been. sometimes you'll get a ton of activity, sometimes even after 40 minutes you will only have one node, or none, its so unreliable i'm done with it until it's really patched, which since today didn't do that i doubt it ever will.
anyway on xbox i can get into fights almost instantly with a good variety of people. but is it even better on ps3? Less 'fog wall up but no one's invading'? all i care about is being able to get invaded again and again by as many people as possible, between pc and xbox xbox is the clear winner, but is ps3's worth buying it for? pc version seems to limit to 20 nodes by default, xbox has to be more, but i'm curious if ps3 is even better?
Invading the forest is great after the removal of the region lock/distance filtering. I came across a SL 711 turtle and Hornet ring parried and Shotel'd him to death for ~900000 souls! It was just enough to finish levelling this character too![]()
Note to self: enter offline mode before going into the forest. I intend to replay DS1 soon, but I'm sort of expecting to get my ass handed to me no matter where I go so I'll probably only go online when I need to summon people for bosses.
A bit lame, perhaps, but I've spent hundreds of hours with both DS1+2 so it's not like I haven't PvP'd in the past. This time I just want to enjoy the game with as little interruptions as possible.
Or just play in Hollow form the whole time. Unless you want to get as many NPC invasions as possible.
Ah, yeah. I'll probably go hollow as much as possible. Though, I'll make sure to help people as well after I've joined Warrior of Sunlight. I have several chars above SL 500 that I haven't touched in years so it'll be nice to replay from scratch again. Expecting a lot of death and despair.
I don't mean to disturb the Wa of this thread but I just needed to vent about BLOWDARTS GAHHHHHHHH
How can I find it in my heart to love Blighttown? There must be some small, tiny sliver of sunshine somewhere in there that needs to be seen. Maybe a lonely weed or something that's actually alive.
I also love the fact that the framerate is effectively the same as on console due to downsampling and other effects. I guess that's the only real charm of this hellhole from which I cannot escape.
My apologies.
If you love Dark Souls this guy's YT channel is worth checking out, some really interesting runs on there.
He just started playing DS1 again, but if you go back in his history or just search he has no heal/bonfire runs, runs where he only uses a weird weapon (Giant/Great/Dragon w/e Bow one is really good), modded runs, etc.
Once you unlock Logan you get access to better spells, and you should get Griggs and Dusk free asap if you haven't already for the bellowing ring and Dusk Crown respectively.Last time I played I went pyro and found it pretty effective against most enemies. This time I'm doing sorcery for ranged, and it seems like every enemy early on has a high magic resistance stat.
When/where is sorcery going to start to pay off?
Once you unlock Logan you get access to better spells, and you should get Griggs and Dusk free asap if you haven't already for the bellowing ring and Dusk Crown respectively.
I also reserve a slot just for Power Within - that with all the magic stacking stuff (and maybe RTSR?!) makes magic stupid powerful.
The dex will slightly increase all magic type casting speeds, but I'm not the one to ask about numbers really, I think it's something like 40 or 45 dex you want.This is a DWGR/Havel's Ring build, so no free slots. That being said, is Pyro the better way to go (also have 40 Dex for +15 Uchi)?
This is a DWGR/Havel's Ring build, so no free slots. That being said, is Pyro the better way to go (also have 40 Dex for +15 Uchi)?
How to survive Blighttown:
1) Grab a spider shield (100% poison, toxic block) - Location:, starter shield for the BanditVoD or the Depths
2) Farm 2 or 3 BLOOMING purple moss whilst in Darkroot Forest. (or buy from Female Undead Merchant)
3) If you get toxic'd, heal through it and kill the blowdart fucker that got you before using said blooming purple moss so he can't do it again. They don't respawn, so make them your priority.
4. ??? Profit
Don't think I've ever even wanted to do this in a game before, but I'm trying to make a (admittedly kinda vanilla) pvp character. Went with a soul level 15 for starters. The added challenge of defeating some of the bosses at that level is pretty awesome I must say.
Tell me about it, I had to get help from a stream viewer who gave me a +15 Bastard Sword just to take on 4 Kings at SL12. They make it really hard to get into Darkwraith at low SL. folks. Just found this thread.
I am on my first ever playthrough (PC) and just finished Ornstein & Smough
I am using a DS3 to play but the Xbox button prompts are still confusing me after 50hrs :/
Does anyone know a good way to replace button images with Playstation ones?
Oh sweet. Thanks!
That always happens when I set HUD resolution to a custom one in DSfix. Try a more "usual" resolution like 720p, 900p, 1080p."dark souls prepare to die has stopped working"
What do I do?
Argh! I uninstalled the game :/ (reinstalling right now).That always happens when I set HUD resolution to a custom one in DSfix. Try a more "usual" resolution like 720p, 900p, 1080p.
You could do a gravelord sword run if you want something powerful early on. You can get 4 demon titantite pretty early on enough to get it to +3. Although the four kings are immune to it's toxin aux effect it's still got the damage to deal with them might be a bit heavy for you though.Yeah, dreading that particular encounter as well.
If you really think a game "sucks balls" you wouldn't be playing it for the 15th time. Someone is in denial.