what the fuck. I've been booted from Xbox Live twice in the last 10 minutes. Each time it loses connection it boots me out of Dark Souls.
It's not my internet - everything else works just fine.
YEAH, speaking of the wonder twins:
checked off the list tonight:
Killed the golden crystal golem, got the lady
Got the magic ember and gave to the blacksmith (didn't kill the mushroom dudes - WTF??)
Killed all the huge cats
Killed Gaping Dragon and got his tail
Killed Lautrec, because fuck that guy
Regarding the first and last spoilers:
you can return to the area where you rescued Dusk to get her armor drop, if you haven't yet. it has good Curse resistance. You can also summon her near the hydra location (where the Knight armor was lying) and she sells you spells.
By killing Lautrec early, you lost the chance to advance a quest line where you can kill him after he does something evil and acquire his armor. But the ring he dropped is pretty cool, although it breaks if you remove it.
It's better to do a separate character for magic or faith builds since you just end up spreading your stats too thin otherwise or not getting access to the best spells which require high investment in INT or Faith. Pyromancy on the other hand isn't tied to any stat (other than Attunement which increases how many spells you can "carry"), so any character build can use it, and very effective it is too. Rip through bosses with Power Within for example.I haven't cast a single spell in Dark Souls yet. I'm not sure but I think I need to level either intelligence or attunement? I need slots apparently, whatever that is. Been putting all of my levels into STR, END, and VIT.
what the fuck. I've been booted from Xbox Live twice in the last 10 minutes. Each time it loses connection it boots me out of Dark Souls.
It's not my internet - everything else works just fine.
It's better to do a separate character for magic or faith builds since you just end up spreading your stats too thin otherwise or not getting access to the best spells which require high investment in INT or Faith. Pyromancy on the other hand isn't tied to any stat (other than Attunement which increases how many spells you can "carry"), so any character build can use it, and very effective it is too. Rip through bosses with Power Within for example.
Regarding the first and last spoilers:
you can return to the area where you rescued Dusk to get her armor drop, if you haven't yet. it has good Curse resistance. You can also summon her near the hydra location (where the Knight armor was lying) and she sells you spells.
By killing Lautrec early, you lost the chance to advance a quest line where you can kill him after he does something evil and acquire his armor. But the ring he dropped is pretty cool, although it breaks if you remove it.
Sure, casting speed of all magic. Not damage output though, that was my point.Dex does help pyromancy.
I just watched a new player live stream where the player killed an NPC that was "mean" to her.....just for new player reference, Dark souls does not offer up any non-useful NPC's there RARELY is a use to killing them early unless you are doing a speed run etc. ALWAYS figure out a way to let even the most annoying NPC live as long as possible unless you know what yo are doing....there are usually perpetual rewards. Once they go hollow and attack you, then kill them. There is one notable exception:Petrus...buy his shit and kill him once you have what you need.
Man, fuck the white guys inside of the church in Anor Londo.
Oooh look at me flip all over the place while my buddies throw knives at you and back stab you.
Fucking bullshit mobs.
got this game last night on GOD for $20 and man is it difficult. I'm patient so I don't really mind the difficulty cause it's also a ton of fun, but I'm stuck at the skeletons at Lordren and I keep dying
time to watch some walkthroughs..![]()
Belfry gargoyles suck, I'm in full elite knight armor with a claymore 3+ and a grass crest shield. And they just slaughter me, I might get balder knight armor.
Do I need to talk to laurtec in firelink to summon him for the gargoyles fight?
My xp is going to str and sex should I put some in stamina and faith? (not that I know how to use miracles)
I just watched a new player live stream where the player killed an NPC that was "mean" to her.....just for new player reference, Dark souls does not offer up any non-useful NPC's there RARELY is a use to killing them early unless you are doing a speed run etc. ALWAYS figure out a way to let even the most annoying NPC live as long as possible unless you know what yo are doing....there are usually perpetual rewards. Once they go hollow and attack you, then kill them. There is one notable exception:Petrus...buy his shit and kill him once you have what you need.
I think the skeletons are a rite of passage for new players, heh.
Noooo, don't do it! I assume you're talking about the skeletons in the graveyard, if that's the case that's not where you should be.
I think the skeletons are a rite of passage for new players, heh.
I think the skeletons are a rite of passage for new players, heh.
Okay I'll do that, I've got no intention of going the cleric route. I started as a knight I aim to have a tank for fights. So solaire is that good then?you should dump a bunch into END (stamina). don't bother with faith unless you want to be a cleric. Sounds like with Elite Knight Armor you want to go more tank.
Summon Solaire. If you haven't recruited him yet, you should. He'll tank those gargoyles for you.
I remember back when I first got Dark Souls, and before the game "clicked" for me, my first direction after reaching Firelink was the graveyard, and of course I died horribly every time I ventured in there. I'd play for an hour, then quit in frustration. A week later I'd try it again, and of course just get frustrated. I'd always heard how hard the game was, so I though I just wasn't good enough or something. Then one day I realized that there were other directions you can go from Firelink. Once I realized that I had been hitting my head against a brick wall and been too dumb to try another direction, well I felt like an idiot.
Then I made slow and tedious progress all the way to the Taurus Demon. That was my new brick wall, and he stumped me for two weeks of frustrated rage quits again.
Then I learned how to roll and dodge.
And then I learned how to manage my endurance while blocking.
And suddenly, the game opened up, and I've been loving every second of it since.
But yeah, those damn graveyard skeletons, lol.
haha yess. I'm in the exact same position as you were in. those damn skeletons
I still need to get used to the controls though. i keep hitting x and using my potions![]()
I think the skeletons are a rite of passage for new players, heh.
Okay I'll do that, I've got no intention of going the cleric route. I started as a knight I aim to have a tank for fights. So solaire is that good then?
I haven't cast a single spell in Dark Souls yet. I'm not sure but I think I need to level either intelligence or attunement? I need slots apparently, whatever that is. Been putting all of my levels into STR, END, and VIT.
So I made my way through the Duke's Archives now and I'm down in Crystal Caves. This place is strange, and those gold crystal guys are not fun. They've thrown me off the path to my death many times. I did kill one though and it looks like they don't respawn, so thats good.
I'm wondering if I'm in an area I shouldn't be yet. Maybe I'll head back to finish up Darkroot Garden instead, or explore New Londo, which I've barely set foot in yet.
Belfry gargoyles suck, I'm in full elite knight armor with a claymore 3+ and a grass crest shield. And they just slaughter me, I might get balder knight armor.
Do I need to talk to laurtec in firelink to summon him for the gargoyles fight?
My xp is going to str and sex should I put some in stamina and faith? (not that I know how to use miracles)
got this game last night on GOD for $20 and man is it difficult. I'm patient so I don't really mind the difficulty cause it's also a ton of fun, but I'm stuck at the skeletons at Lordren and I keep dying
time to watch some walkthroughs..![]()
For me it was wandering down into New Londo Ruins. I thought I was going the right way because it's all Hollows before you get there. I was so wrong!
Yeah I met him and he said I can summon him now. I need to be human to summon him so it's just making it to the summon marker with the one humanity I have.he's good - have you met him yet? he's near the opposite end of the dragon bridge, on the balcony.
Yeah I met him and he said I can summon him now. I need to be human to summon him so it's just making it to the summon marker with the one humanity I have.
I've got a kite shield and a knight shield are they both better than the grass crest one?
Yeah I met him and he said I can summon him now. I need to be human to summon him so it's just making it to the summon marker with the one humanity I have.
I've got a kite shield and a knight shield are they both better than the grass crest one?
I've got a kite shield and a knight shield are they both better than the grass crest one?
Man, fuck the white guys inside of the church in Anor Londo.
Oooh look at me flip all over the place while my buddies throw knives at you and back stab you.
Fucking bullshit mobs.
.Any tips on what to level up?
PS: Tips on new good gear would also help!
This guy is crazy. Everything before Gargoyles, in like 1 hour. All he did took me about 30 hours or so. And I really buffed myself up.
PT1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RB7RAOi55M
PT2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArdFdFkwUf4
well I feel stupid. I've been wearing my Elite Knight Armor this whole time but I've had the Stone Armor for awhile, and it's not much heavier, but so much more badass.
Looking badass should be the primary reason for wearing any armour really.
Which is why everyone should be wearing the Guardian set.
well I feel stupid. I've been wearing my Elite Knight Armor this whole time but I've had the Stone Armor for awhile, and it's not much heavier, but so much more badass.
are you talking about the whole set or just the cheat piece?
Looking badass should be the primary reason for wearing any armour really.
Which is why everyone should be wearing the Guardian set.
cheat piece? I've been wearing the elite knight except I did have the black knight helmet.
Seems like the stone armor is really good all around. Plus with Havel's I can still medium roll.
lol, meant chest piece.
and you said stone armor is not much heavier, but the full elite knight set weighs 26.8 and the stone set 45.2.
I found some awesome leather pants for my female character in the Lower Undead Burg and I have been wearing them ever since then. I have much more defensive and badass leg pieces but I'm never going to wear them because the idea of this chick running around the world of Dark Souls in leather pants slaying everything in her path is just too good.
Anyway I found my way to an area in Darkroot Garden that hasthat can literally three-shot me. I tried going back a few times and I can kill one or two of them but I always die eventually. I'm guessing this area is way too high level for me and I should go somewhere else?near-invisible enemies