Anybody interested in helping me test something tomorrow? So I'm sure a lot of you saw the "Twitch Plays Pokemon" thing today...
I woke up and saw that, and decided that we must have a Dark Souls version. Horrid idea, I know, but I got it working (I guess).
It's different then the Pokemon one, in that it queues up 10 actions at a time. Each action must get 10 votes before it goes on the queue. And each action executes for about 1.5 seconds (so, for example, if "FORWARD" is next in the queue, the character moves forward for 1.5 seconds). Requiring the votes should hopefully drive it towards some sort of group consensus about what to do. (It may increase above 10 votes per action, depending on how things go.)
Given the 20 or so second Twitch delay, this means that everybody has to sort of think ahead. The screen shows the queued actions, so hopefully that will lead to some sort of strategy.
I used Cheat Engine (yeah, I know, sorry) to get the character up to level 125 with some decent armor and weapons. In the hopes that, given the Twitch delay and the utter insanity of the idea, the character can run into some early game enemies and not worry about dying instantly.
Currently you can move forward, back, left, right, center the camera, R1, R2, use Estus, roll, run, shield, or interact.
I've tested it with just myself, and it seems to do what I'm expecting, but I'd like to see if anybody would be interested tomorrow in hopping onto my Twitch page and seeing how it goes. (Too tired to stay up later and do it tonight.) It's starting at Firelink, and if it can ever get to Undead Berg I will consider it a Huge Succeeded.