Yes. The weird creatures that flew you from Sen's Funhouse to Anor Londo can also fly you back. From there Sen's > Undead Parish > there a way back to firelink from Sen's/Anor other than getting the warping ability?
Yes. The weird creatures that flew you from Sen's Funhouse to Anor Londo can also fly you back. From there Sen's > Undead Parish > there a way back to firelink from Sen's/Anor other than getting the warping ability?
Cool, I'll take your word for it!Actually the heater shield refers to the shape of the shield. Similarly the term kite shield also refers to the shape of the shield.
Yeah it's a shape of shield, the balder shield is quite close to it in appearance but it's leaning more towards later flat topped varieties.Cool, I'll take your word for it!![]()
is there a way back to firelink from Sen's/Anor other than getting the warping ability?
Do you know the trick of taking out one side, then quiting reloading, it puts you at the fog gate but progress is kept.EURGH. Just got up to Bed Of Chaos. Its probably the most annoying boss in the game because it relies more on luck than skill.
Also, constantly walking through 500 mile of magma to get there grates on the nerves.
Yes. The weird creatures that flew you from Sen's Funhouse to Anor Londo can also fly you back. From there Sen's > Undead Parish > Firelink.
Do you know the trick of taking out one side, then quiting reloading, it puts you at the fog gate but progress is kept.
I usually use the Eagle Shield for BoC, sometimes two handing it (equip in right hand) if I don't have the stats for it. Block the swipes from the hand, then walk off the ledge on to the branch then run, you can jump on it but it's riskier than just walking/rolling off the edge.
1. From the stairs. run here quickly
2. He will breathe fire, just stay safe and wait until he lands
3. Attack his feet (or his head)
4a. If he flies to the other side of the bridge, run back to the stairs, wait until he's perched, repeat from step 1
4b. If he flies straight up to breath fire downwards, stand next to this pillar (exactly where the soul counter is in the screenshot). It is a weird safe spot. He will land, repeat from step 3.
It's a somewhat weird fight, his fire attacks are devastating and will often indeed get you stunlocked and therefore killed.
thanks. sorry, I meant a direct shortcut. I think I read I have to get a "cage key" to do a elevator shortcut out of Sen's.
Man I'm trying to beat him on NG++, even with all my maxed out gear and I think my soul level is 134, he still instakills me with his overhead fire, or just stunlocks me to death. So hard to kill this guy.
do you have the fireplate ring?
Anyway, I have a question myself. Is there an easy way to realistically compare weapon damage? I'm a dex user (currently 33 dex) with a Balder Side Sword+10 but I am able to upgrade it to a Lightning version. It has lower damage and loses the dex bonus, but, then deals lightning damage (obviously). I just don't really understand the way they show off the stats. It says 144 physical/144 lightning damage, does that mean it does lightning damage as physical or that it does both per swing? I also don't really understand how much of a damage bonus I am really getting from dex (+10 has a B in dex). I assume (but am unsure) that it would be a damage loss to upgrade it, but, I also assume there are lightning weak opponents out there where a lightning weapon could be useful so I've been considering turning one of my other weapons into it.
Dang, I hope it wasn't the NPC. I don't remember the name, as I was too busy fleeing in absolute terror. Either way, I missed it!If the invader's name wasthat is an NPC invader not another player. NPC invaders drop unique loot and a nice chunk of souls and they're all piss weak. Bad news is once you defeat the area boss you can no longer be invaded in that area - by NPCs or players.Knight Kirk
Finally beat Manus, next : Kalameet ! I hope it will be easier.
Finally beat Manus, next : Kalameet ! I hope it will be easier.
Did that sound like I knew what I was talking about? I don't. XD
I did the DLC on and off after beating O&S until right before Gwyn. That section of the game is probably the weakest so the DLC made up for that nicely.I bought the DLC a while back and started a new character for it but stopped after a while for whatever reason, but now I want to go back and play it before Dark Souls 2
When should I play the DLC content? I remember something about that.. I think you can't do it after if you defeat Gwyn? is that it?
I just found out that the Falchion is one of the best weapons in the game.
I'm making a DEX/FAITH build using the Falchion + Darkmoon Blade and most bosses can't even see what's happening before I kill them. I never beat O&S so easilly than with this build.
40 END, 40 DEX and 30 FAITH. FAP Ring and Havel's Ring, some heavy armors and spammimg R1 with the Falchion all day long.
Capra killed me in NG+ without me ever landing a blow.
Never change Capra, never change.
Sucks because I lost 8 humanities. What qualifies for a Vagrant? It'd be hilarious is a vagrant fucked someone over at Capra haha
How do I use miracles?
I just joined the Warrior of the Sunlight covenant and got the lighting spear. I have 25 faith and a talisman equipped but I can't use it.
What am I doing wrong?
Sorry, ignore me, I'm an idiot! I came in to edit. I never use magic, virgin here.Do you have the miracle attuned?
when people talking about Lightning Spear being easy mode, I assume they mean the magic, not the spear in Sen's? Because I just found that.
For some reasonor however you spell it, died when I went to visit him atSeigmeir. He seemed perfectly fine to me when I left him in that swamp area. He just fell asleep. Weird.Ash Lake
Its actually a miracle spell i think the sunbros have a more powerful lightning spear, Magic have the crystal spear nearly at the end.
Had you talked tobefore that event? because that sidequest have different outcomes.her daughter
Pyromancy?I started a second attempt at a SL1 run and have been completely stuck at smough and ornstein. I've beaten them before at SL1 and have no idea how I did it.
Yeah I think I did. She is at firelink after discovering her at the Crystal Cave, is she not? I spoke to her there and said "No" when she asked where her father was because I couldn't remember and I didn't want to look up a guide.
So I guess thats why he died.
First time I went in there he rolled right over me.So I can tell this Capra Demon fellow is gonna be a bit of a problem.
Yeah I didn't think that fight was very well designed to be honest, cause after you kill the dogs it's probably the easiest fight in the game I've done so far. It's just getting those dogs out of the way can be really annoying.
If you talked yesShe actually finds him and let him go to lost izalith then another outcome could appear there
I was just killed by a mushroom that was different, I was wandering around dark root garden and it just decked me.
I did meet him at Lost Izalith actually. I guess what I meant to say was. I killed all but two (leaving one severely injured. He jumps down and both die in literally seconds. Afterwards, I talk to him twice and he falls I leave him there and go about my merry way attempting to kill Bed Of Chaos. Next time I see him, he is dead inThe Swamp area in Lost Izalith filled with Chaos Eaters (?)and I get aAsh Lakefrom his daughter.Titanite Slab
From what I can gather from the Wiki is that, because he didn't die...I don't get that? That is kinda stupid.ring
You actually got the best outcome possible.Slabs are very valuable and the ring is awful. Plus this is the completion of the Siegmeyer questline, if you were able to do this without looking it up great job!