Thursday War
Have anyone of you guys killed Quelaag yet? just saw a video of someone using Quelaags Firesword and it looked awesome.
I did meet him at Lost Izalith actually. I guess what I meant to say was. I killed all but two (leaving one severely injured. He jumps down and both die in literally seconds. Afterwards, I talk to him twice and he falls I leave him there and go about my merry way attempting to kill Bed Of Chaos. Next time I see him, he is dead inThe Swamp area in Lost Izalith filled with Chaos Eaters (?)and I get aAsh Lakefrom his daughter.Titanite Slab
From what I can gather from the Wiki is that, because he didn't die...I don't get that? That is kinda stupid.ring
Have anyone of you guys killed Quelaag yet? just saw a video of someone using Quelaags Firesword and it looked awesome.
Quelaag's soul can be used to craft the Furysword (curved moveset) and the Chaos blade (katana).Dunno if you can get that sword but queelag soul sword is a katana i think
It sounds like the best way to get Siegemeyer to go home iskill the Chaos Eaters before talking to him.
But then you miss on the slab.It sounds like the best way to get Siegemeyer to go home is
did you attack with a vertical slice weapon? I find that works best on tails. Such as R1 on the Claymore 2H
just got to the bonfire in Sen's without dying, first try!
I started a new character that's gonna be a Jack of all trades type. I'm going for 20str and 16 dex for the obsidian greatsword, 16 int for grt.magicweapon and dark bead and 30 faith for sunlight blade, wotg, grt lightningspear and grt, magicbarrier.
At 30 faith and 16 int would i be better off with the darkmoon catalyst or oolicile ivory? I can always check once i've made it w/ Gwyndolins soul but I was just wondering if anyone knew.
Best to kill all but one, then take the last one down to a sliver of health and then trigger Seigmeyer by talking to him.It sounds like the best way to get Siegemeyer to go home iskill the Chaos Eaters before talking to him.
Best to kill all but one, then take the last one down to a sliver of health and then trigger Seigmeyer by talking to him.
Really? Maybe I've never spent enough time down there for the poison damage to make enough damage. I usually grab the goodies, slab, kill the other tentacle dude up top and I'm out of there on to Solaire of BoC. Good to know though.And after you kill the last one, speak with him and then quit your game or seigmeyer will take poison damage
It has a different style of usage both are decent if you've got the points to use it. I certainly prefer the speed and the ease of use with my claymore 5+ though.
I used mine for the Taurus demon it's amazing I'm going to upgrade it with titanite from Andre.Then I might kill the silver thing that I wandered passed to get into dark root garden.The Zweihander has hilarity on its side though.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I appear to have dropped my sword on you. Need a hand up?"
It's great vs thetoo.lightning gargoyles in Anor Londo and the big hollows in Blighttown
Have anyone of you guys killed Quelaag yet? just saw a video of someone using Quelaags Firesword and it looked awesome.
I've been using her Firesword for quite some time now, have it upgraded to +4 and I love it. Does really good damage, is a fast weapon, and looks great while doing it too.
I think the way it goes with Dark Souls bosses is that people all have different experiences. Some people will pull their hair out trying to beat bosses that others managed to beat on their first time. It kind of depends on what sort of skills you've picked up, what your build and weapons are like and your general style of she hard to defeat?
You're probably fine. Did you do the Dlc bosses yet? Pinwheel is known for being the easiest boss in the game.So I got to the Catacombs and killedin two hits. Granted I was double handing my Black Knight Sword AND had Power Within on...but still. I think I might be a bit overleveledPinwheel
for me the dogs were easy. One swipe with the Claymore and they're both toast.
edit: ok I returned to my game after the guy invaded and the front door to Anor Londo is now open.... maybe he opened it? Hmmm. Creepy.
is she hard to defeat?
is she hard to defeat?
I didn't have any real problem with her, only took me three attempts to figure her out and decisively kill her. Certainly not on the level of O&S, that's for sure.
I just need two more pieces of demon titanite to bring my Firesword to +5. For the longest time I actively avoided the Titanite Demons because I couldn't kill them. I was actually kind of scared of them. But I finally took another shot at the one outside of Andre the Blacksmith and I now seem capable of bringing these sons of bitches down! So last night I went Titanite Demon hunting. Killed the one in Undead Parish, killed the one down in the Catacombs, killed the one in Anar Londo in the small room. I know there are some at the bottom of Sen's, so tonight I'm going hunting down there. I've not explored down there yet because of them, so I'm looking forward to this.
I'm really early in the game (just past the first boss), so I haven't invested many stat points, but I'm not entirely sure what stats are considered to be useful. I'm playing a knight if that matters at all (and I've heard it doesn't) so what are the stats that I should start investing in at this point in the game?
Alright, I've got my "Twitch Plays Dark Souls" test up and running. (See my previous post for info.) If anybody would be able to jump in and help test it, that would be great:
EDIT: Something broke, back in a sec.
Strength, vitality, endurance and dexterity are the main thing to invest in.
why are points put towards res wasted? saw that somewhere...
Fuck pinwheels.
Fuck pinwheels.
You only seem to get 2x the amount of resistances that you get from raising other stats so I think it's because it hardly seems worth it value-wise to waste your level-up skill point on 1 more point to all resistances than spending that point elsewhere would get you. Especially in a damage stat or more hitpoints/endurance.
It's not "wasted" per say, but is simply one of the least beneficial places to put the point. If putting a piece of armor on grants you as much in resistance as 10 levels of resistance stat boosts, then the amount of investment required to grant you that level up skill point seems like it has minimal value in Resistance stat compared to other stats that don't magically get bigger just by equipping an item.
Nah, just plain old pinwheels, fuckers keep bum rushing me in packs! I'm in the Catacombs next to the blacksmith.the boss? dude is easy mode.
PS3 chief.You on 360, Ninj?
PS3 chief.
You're probably fine. Did you do the Dlc bosses yet? Pinwheel is known for being the easiest boss in the game.
Damn your baby blue eyes.
Haha, the Catacombs boss (the one that duplicates himself) was ridiculously easy. Five swipes with my Uchi +10, like a ninja!
Ooh, I like the look of that!
I have one, and I do fancy using another weapon, I've been using the Uchi for like 15 hours now.
Colour me intrigued Meat!
I would concentrate on vitality and endurance until you've found a weapon class you like and want to use, then look at what stat(s) that weapon scales with (the damage bonus, info found on the weapon stats page) then level up that stat too.I'm really early in the game (just past the first boss), so I haven't invested many stat points, but I'm not entirely sure what stats are considered to be useful. I'm playing a knight if that matters at all (and I've heard it doesn't) so what are the stats that I should start investing in at this point in the game?
I mean, it's essentially more of the same with a fraction less dmg (iirc), but finishing off a Black Knight with that R2 is an exquisite feeling, sir.
Good news first I was like this:
4 tries later it's dead with no phantoms to help me. Kirk thorns knight is also dead, off to blight town if I can find it.
Please tell me it's like being murdered by mushrooms but worse. I thought it was certainly easier than the others, it was making a mess on the floor with some vomit stuff as I killed it.I do not recommend going into blight town that way...... if you want another option let me know.