Focus on one at a time, don't get distracted. Use the pitch of the roof to your advantage; position yourself in such a way that the gargoyle you are attacking is above you. That way his horizontal attacks should go over your head and you only need to worry about his vertical ones.
Please tell me it's like being murdered by mushrooms but worse. I thought it was certainly easier than the others, it was making a mess on the floor with some vomit stuff as I killed it.
Maybe it's just me, but I think it's possibly the most " NOPE NOPE NOPE" area in the game, specially the first time in there.
People talk about blighttown and shit but man...tomb of the giants it's just so fucking creepy and just damn painful that it's always my most dreaded place to go during a playthrough. And those skeleton dogs...those goddamn skeleton dogs just give me the creeps and I find them hard as fuck to kill for some reason, specially when they get into rage mode and just start fucking shit up all around.
Please tell me it's like being murdered by mushrooms but worse. I thought it was certainly easier than the others, it was making a mess on the floor with some vomit stuff as I killed it.
run past/kill the knight, then get to the bonfire. then head forward to the elevator and that'll take you to the valley of drakes. run left past all the drakes and up the side of the mountain. Run past the huge dead dragon and keep going. You'll eventually hit a cave on the left. Run past or kill the huge club guys and get to the end of the platform, grabbing the key. Then head back out to the chasm and go across to the door that was locked. Open it and you'll have a shortcut now, from Firelink/New Londo. To go to blightown boss, head back down to the platform area and go down all the ladders/rotating wheel.
You're now really close to the boss and skipped almost all of blight town.
run past/kill the knight, then get to the bonfire. then head forward to the elevator and that'll take you to the valley of drakes. run left past all the drakes and up the side of the mountain. Run past the huge dead dragon and keep going. You'll eventually hit a cave on the left. Run past or kill the huge club guys and get to the end of the platform, grabbing the key. Then head back out to the chasm and go across to the door that was locked. Open it and you'll have a shortcut now, from Firelink/New Londo. To go to blightown boss, head back down to the platform area and go down all the ladders/rotating wheel.
You're now really close to the boss and skipped almost all of blight town.
While you can totally do this, I wouldn't recommend it on a first playthrough. Blighttown can be annoying and terrifying, but it's also an important part of the Dark Souls experience. It's a right of passage. There are things you can do to lessen the difficulty of the area, like kindling bonfires, and wearing poison resistant armor. But do yourself a favor and experience Blighttown at least once.
Also, there is a lot of really good loot that can be found only there. There are a few sets of armor to collect, as well as a few spells. One of the spells is actually something that can be useful on just about any build (though it has it's drawbacks), and since it's Pyromancy you don't have to level any stats to use it. Also...
run past/kill the knight, then get to the bonfire. then head forward to the elevator and that'll take you to the valley of drakes. run left past all the drakes and up the side of the mountain. Run past the huge dead dragon and keep going. You'll eventually hit a cave on the left. Run past or kill the huge club guys and get to the end of the platform, grabbing the key. Then head back out to the chasm and go across to the door that was locked. Open it and you'll have a shortcut now, from Firelink/New Londo. To go to blightown boss, head back down to the platform area and go down all the ladders/rotating wheel.
You're now really close to the boss and skipped almost all of blight town.
Depends on your playstyle and what you want from a weapon really. Claymore is powerful and has a huge reach, though it does have a bit of recovery time for all it's moves. Iaito is not quite as long reaching or strong (though still good in both respects), but it is much faster. Also Iaito's moveset is really cool. Here's a video if you are interested:
It's not for everyone though. It requires 20 Dex to use, and scales entirely with Dex, so it wouldn't make any sense to use on a character with a lot of STR. And if you prefer slow attacking, high damage weapons, this is not going to do it.
I beat the game! I'm so glad to have this off my pile of shame after this many years. And of course glad to have played through and conquered such a fantastic experience.
I slightly cheesed Gwyn by getting him caught up on pillars at points, but hey, if he's going to stab me in the face with lightning quick reactions anytime I try to heal he deserves it.
While you can totally do this, I wouldn't recommend it on a first playthrough. Blighttown can be annoying and terrifying, but it's also an important part of the Dark Souls experience. It's a right of passage. There are things you can do to lessen the difficulty of the area, like kindling bonfires, and wearing poison resistant armor. But do yourself a favor and experience Blighttown at least once.
Also, there is a lot of really good loot that can be found only there. There are a few sets of armor to collect, as well as a few spells. One of the spells is actually something that can be useful on just about any build (though it has it's drawbacks), and since it's Pyromancy you don't have to level any stats to use it. Also...
I just had a minor panic attack. I was in Anor Londo, and I was constantly getting invaded. I must have gotten invaded 7 or 8 times in the time I was there, and I wasn't there for more than an hour or so. So I walked into the main hallway right outside the O&S boss room, and got the expected message that
I could invade Lautrec's world to reclaim the firekeeper's soul.
And I was invaded 2 seconds later. The invader was nice enough to wait by the boss fog and let me clear out the enemies before attacking, and then it was hilariously anticlimactic when I killed him with one cast of Crystal Homing Soul arrow that he didn't even try to dodge.
So anyway, I find myself right outside the O&S boss fog with full health, most of my spell uses still available, and 12 Estus flasks. I figured "What the hell, might as well fight now instead of healing up and coming right back," though I grabbed Solaire for good measure. We made quick work of Ornstein, though Smaugh took a while to take down, and manged to finish off Solaire before I finally killed him.
I'm feeling pretty good about myself, and then 10 minutes later "SHIT! I forgot to
invade Lautrec
!" I was absolutely positive I wouldn't be able to do it after beating the boss, but I went ahead and tried anyway. And sure enough, you can totally do it after beating the boss, so I was worried for nothing.
I beat the game! I'm so glad to have this off my pile of shame after this many years. And of course glad to have played through and conquered such a fantastic experience.
I slightly cheesed Gwyn by getting him caught up on pillars at points, but hey, if he's going to stab me in the face with lightning quick reactions anytime I try to heal he deserves it.
I know the feeling, I just beat the game the other day for the first time. Feels good. But now I'm trying for the platinum before Dark Souls 2 comes out.
And yeah, I pretty much had to abuse the pillars, because Gwyn would not give me a free moment to heal otherwise.
If you are skipping it on account of the framerate, I guess I can see that. Personally, its not enough to make me skip the area (though I don't spend more time there than I have to). But then I'm playing on the PS3, and I've heard its even worse on the 360. PC doesn't have performance issues at Blighttown does it?
beat the painted world, and I started making it through the catacombs (bumped by int to 14 so I can use the candle light spell.) I think i'm cruising to victory now.
You know the massive lady that you talk to at the end of The Painted World (sorry, I'm terrible with names in this game, I've paid no attention whatsoever to the story and lore of the world), can you attack her?
You know the massive lady that you talk to at the end of The Painted World (sorry, I'm terrible with names in this game, I've paid no attention whatsoever to the story and lore of the world), can you attack her?
Depends on your build. I only mentioned it because it's my favourite
Reposting the coolest move in the game:
I'm level 56 or so on the character I'm playing at the moment, so we might have a hard time hooking up. I'll stop levelling though, hopefully hook up with you a little later down the road.
You know the massive lady that you talk to at the end of The Painted World (sorry, I'm terrible with names in this game, I've paid no attention whatsoever to the story and lore of the world), can you attack her?
run past/kill the knight, then get to the bonfire. then head forward to the elevator and that'll take you to the valley of drakes. run left past all the drakes and up the side of the mountain. Run past the huge dead dragon and keep going. You'll eventually hit a cave on the left. Run past or kill the huge club guys and get to the end of the platform, grabbing the key. Then head back out to the chasm and go across to the door that was locked. Open it and you'll have a shortcut now, from Firelink/New Londo. To go to blightown boss, head back down to the platform area and go down all the ladders/rotating wheel.
You're now really close to the boss and skipped almost all of blight town.
I don't have the patience to deal with horrible frame rates in a game that's already very hard on its own without it. I don't care. I don't use spells, I have the weapon/shield/armor I want, and I can farm souls if I need to.
I don't have the patience to deal with horrible frame rates in a game that's already very hard on its own without it. I don't care. I don't use spells, I have the weapon/shield/armor I want, and I can farm souls if I need to.
I hardly have anything on vitality either, maybe 12 or something? It's all on dexterity, faith and endurance. I'm as weak as kitten in terms of health, but dammit I can kick ass with my katana and ninja skills!
I hardly have anything on vitality either, maybe 12 or something? It's all on dexterity, faith and endurance. I'm as weak as kitten in terms of health, but dammit I can kick ass with my katana and ninja skills!
Yeah, I love to be able to run around and stuff, I'm not sure how much fun I'd have with a tank build.
As for the Dark Grain Wood Ring, I don't think so. But I have so many rings that I haven't even experimented with yet! I've picked up loads in the last few days.
My character has had the same load out for the last 10+ hours, ninja suit (called the thief suit maybe?), green crest shield, Uchi and Pharis bow. I just recently joined the warrior sunlight covenant so I've been messing with lightning spear as well.
Damn it, one hour until I go home and get my arse kicked again! I'll have a fiddle with my build first off though, I must be missing some opportunities for badassery by this point!
Yeah, I love to be able to run around and stuff, I'm not sure how much fun I'd have with a tank build.
As for the Dark Grain Wood Ring, I don't think so. But I have so many rings that I haven't even experimented with yet! I've picked up loads in the last few days.
My character has had the same load out for the last 10+ hours, ninja suit (called the thief suit maybe?), green crest shield, Uchi and Pharis bow. I just recently joined the warrior sunlight covenant so I've been messing with lightning spear as well.
Man, that's almost exactly the set-up I had, except I was rocking the Iaito instead of the Uchi. Great minds etc.
The Dark Grain Wood Ring let's you do ninja flips if you have a low enough equip load. It's a little obscure to find and I openly admit that I used a guide to find it after a few PvPers came in back-flipping all up in my face. It's super sweet.
Damn it, one hour until I go home and get my arse kicked again! I'll have a fiddle with my build first off though, I must be missing some opportunities for badassery by this point!
I'm itching to get back in myself. I started a new character last week and been trying out a fast-moving strength build. Been one shot killing mugs all the way to Anor Londo with this fully upgraded monstrosity:
Mate, Dark Souls wiki is my constant companion with this game! I ain't even mad.
Me and my housemate will sit for hours passing the pad and co-driving for each other. For a game with such a lonely, oppressive atmosphere, it certainly engenders communal play in my experience.
Stone has a TON of resistance. Only one that has more, I think, is Havel's Set (for heavy armor). Claymore is much faster than the Zwei, but it doesn't have knockback. It's great for wide swipes to hit many enemies at once, and it's the longest sword in the game I think - which means the R2 stab thrusts can hit enemies that can't hit you. I love it.
You should be able to just make a run for it almost, if you have opened the shortcut in the forest. I replaced my leveled Elite Knight armor with it (you can't level Stone but it's still better even so). Balder Shield is supposed to be one of the best mid shields. I use the Tower Kite +10 or my Grass Crest shield, but I thought about leveling the Balder that I found.
LOL. nope, I have Havel's and Wolf Rings, and 33 END. <50%
Stone has a TON of resistance. Only one that has more, I think, is Havel's Set (for heavy armor). Claymore is much faster than the Zwei, but it doesn't have knockback. It's great for wide swipes to hit many enemies at once, and it's the longest sword in the game I think - which means the R2 stab thrusts can hit enemies that can't hit you. I love it.
Mate, Dark Souls wiki is my constant companion with this game! I ain't even mad.
Me and my housemate will sit for hours passing the pad and co-driving for each other. For a game with such a lonely, oppressive atmosphere, it certainly engenders communal play in my experience.
I think that it's because of the oppressiveness that it has such a strong community. Everyone online seems happy to help everyone out, the messages in game are more often than not helpful, loads of Sunbros and phantoms eager to help and point out stuff; I love it.
You should be able to just make a run for it almost, if you have opened the shortcut in the forest. I replaced my leveled Elite Knight armor with it (you can't level Stone but it's still better even so). Balder Shield is supposed to be one of the best mid shields. I use the Tower Kite +10 or my Grass Crest shield, but I thought about leveling the Balder that I found.
I was under the impression it's the longest sword in DS. Correct me if I'm wrong. It's still definitely one of the best:
#3 The Claymore
In spite of the slight nerf in the latest patch, the Claymore is still one of the best weapons in the game. It is available only once per playthrough but can be had in early game. As soon as they reach Lordran, most players make a beeline to the bridge guarded by the Hellkite Drake to pick up this greatsword. It is viable for all builds due to its low required wield stats. It scales with both STR and DEX and has an attack rating of 460 at 25 STR and 25 DEX. The moveset has a thrusting 1H strong attack that can be buffed with the Leo Ring. The running attacks sweep out a large arc in front of the character. The 2H normal attack is fast and can stun. It is deadly when used in a combo along with high poise when you are trading blows with an enemy. Alternates to the Claymore are the Bastard Sword and the Greatlord Greatsword. They might be slightly stronger but they lack the reach and the thrust damage of the superior Claymore. The Claymore is the best sword in Dark Souls.