Just finished kill every single npc and finished the game. Wow, what an experience.
Great game, great atmosphere, I loved how most bosses/enemies didn't 'talk'. They just got down and dirty. No exposition, not justifications, no nothing. The only ones that did talk at all were the optional ones iirc (priscilla and gwyndolin.).
The armor design is also great, I love how 'used' everything looks. Most of the areas look great as well, they all 'feel' unique and have their own atmosphere, really draws you in.
Going in blind (for the most part) was such a great decision though, exploring and finding out paths, items and areas and having no idea where the hell you are, then realising how interconnected most of the zones are. Just feels great.
People really really oversold he difficulty though, I died more from falling off shit than bosses/mobs by far, and I can count on 1 hand the bosses that took more than 2-3 tries to kill. And it's not that I'm a good player, because I died more on DMC3 on
easy than in this game by quite a bit I think, and I didn't even kindle any bonfires till Artorias (did dlc last b4 boss).
Still, a great game, but I don't have much motivation to play NG+ if it's just bigger health and damage numbers, but maybe the aggression mod might change that. DS2 is close anyways, and I really don't want to revisit tomb of giants.
For 2 I hope they:
- Fix the PC netcode, w/e it is it's horrible.
- More bosses like the DLC ones + gwyn/S+O.
- Balance Co-op so it doesn't make every single boss trivial (at least in NG). I played along a friend and did all my bosses solo (except centipede, did with solaire, did Gwyn /w solaire as well, but did again solo right after), and then he summoned me for his, and the it was a bit silly how much of a joke the game was Co-op.
Nitpicking side, it was a great experience and one of my favorite games of the generation. I really hope 2 can live up to it.
WTF, there are two endings?! My friend said there was another option at the end beside lighting the bonfire at the end. How was I supposed to know about the other ending?!
Ahah, I somehow didn't manage to see the bonfire at all my first kill and just walked out the (what I thought was empty) room and got that ending. When I went to go kill gwyn again solo (because doing it with solaire felt cheap) I found the bonfire.
Neither endings really made any sense to me though but w/e.