Did you not go to the depths then? But you could have got the right of kindling that's one of my first things to do in a new game +.I only barely found it after clearing most of the Catacombs by accident.
Did you not go to the depths then? But you could have got the right of kindling that's one of my first things to do in a new game +.I only barely found it after clearing most of the Catacombs by accident.
Did you not go to the depths then? But you could have got the right of kindling that's one of my first things to do in a new game +.
yeah good luck with that.
Playing through this for the first time. What do people mean when they talk about SL or SLVL? Soul Level? Is that just overall level?
I'm a level 25 pyromancer, with ~19 in both vitality and endurance. I've also put a fair amount into Dexterity. I'm using a knights shield, hand axe +2, and the rags that I entered the game with.
Took out the taurus demon, got my ass handed to me by the gargoyles and Halberd the Rock. I'm not really sure where I should be going, since I feel like I keep hitting walls.
I did take the master key, but didn't open up the area to Havel until I couldn't figure out where else to go/heard about it on the Bombcast. I actually haven't used the master key much at all, maybe on two doors.
I'm trying to stay away from the Drake sword. I might grab it and stow it, but it feels like the wrong approach to me.
The Gargoyles, well that's one bell down. One more to go - the Crestfallen Warrior at Firelink Shrine, the guy in chainmail tells you about the location of both bells. The merchant in Undead Burg also has something to say about the nasties that moved in around him. And you should've picked up a key along the way in the Parish that will let you know the next logical path - reading key descriptions and item descriptions in general is a good idea for clues on what to do, where to go and how the world pieces together in general.Playing through this for the first time. What do people mean when they talk about SL or SLVL? Soul Level? Is that just overall level?
I'm a level 25 pyromancer, with ~19 in both vitality and endurance. I've also put a fair amount into Dexterity. I'm using a knights shield, hand axe +2, and the rags that I entered the game with.
Took out the taurus demon, got my ass handed to me by the gargoyles and Havel the Rock. I'm not really sure where I should be going, since I feel like I keep hitting walls.
Did you not go to the depths then? But you could have got the right of kindling that's one of my first things to do in a new game +.
Master key pretty much makes you skip capra demon, the depths and Blightown which are great for newcomers players to be aware for the surroundings and be prepared for Sen fortress.
But you lose an ember and the shadow ninja set.
Don't think I'm gonna be able to play co-op, don't even have Gold left :/You'll get another 5,000 for every time you beat them in co-op. It's like 2 minutes work max, and the rewards only get bigger from here.
It sucks if you don't know about hitting NPCs, but we all learn the lesson the hard way, and at least you didn't kill him - there's been loads of people come in to the thread and say the had to kill an NPC because they aggro'd them not knowing there is a way to undo it - depending on your weapon choices Andre is arguably the most important NPC, so 17,500 is a bargain in a way!![]()
You should do Blighttown the first playthrough, the lack of visibility, confusion as to what you can and can't stand on, guaranteed-death grabs, toxic, and everything making you flinch make it a pretty awful area. It's not remotely fun to play through.
Fair enough then. I went toothe depths after the Capra then used the valley of the drakes short cut as I couldn't stand the standard way of going through blight town.No, I totally missed that door after I had the key for it. First thing I did after ringing the bell was returning to the shrine and going as far as I could from the two other paths there before being unable to progress much further. Then I went back to the Parish and explored the forest a little before being unable to progress there. I didn't think to look around the Burg until later.
I'd suppose you to go to Capra and Depths like I did :>Got the second gargoyle to come out, but I'm still getting slaughtered. Tried using my fireballs on the first one. I'm probably hitting under 50% of the time on those. Learned that I can block most of his attacks, but not sure what to do against fire.
Can you just do straight co-op in DS? I mean, after a boss is defeated it seems that the summoned player gets booted every time.
I need someone with all the weapons level 75-110 to help with Knight's Honor achievement. Xbox 360.
Guess who has spare boss souls lying around that she's not using ever and is on 360?I need someone with all the weapons level 75-110 to help with Knight's Honor achievement. Xbox 360.
Guess who has spare boss souls lying around that she's not using ever and is on 360?
You can always summon in anor londo I think.
I've got a sif soul, quelaag's and another one I think I've got Priscilla's dagger too. Well I can wake up earlier tomorrow as 6 am here is when you will still be on.wootOtherwise, I need Priscilla and Seath's tails, and fire/chaos maxed weapons. If you have them around. I can drop those back to you.
I'm usually on from 10P-2A Central...... let me know if that time span works for you.
No it's fine I don't care for the equipment they make and why on earth would I want a tiny dagger when I've got my claymore?i could use the Sif's soul for sure, and Priscilla's - but I don't want to put you out.
Got 'em! Gargoyles were much easier when I started blocking and stopped trying to use fireballs.
Ok, I just got cursed. What's the easiest way to go undo this so I can go and immediately get cursed again?
Go buy a purging stone. The dude in the Gargoyle's bell tower sells them for 3k souls a pop, but he has a limited stock.
Think about what you said thereThanks. I heard there was also a way to get cured in the New Londo Ruins but I don't have enough curses to get past the ghosts there yet.
Think about what you said there
I don't think you'll have to worry about curse items if you wanna go get cured there
Been trying to play DS2 and I gotta admit here and nowThe first two games play way better than this new one
this just in
Artorias is bullshit
or specifically
that damn "hit you on the ground a million times in a row so that one mistake costs you the entire battle no matter what your health is" attack is bullshit
ColonelT said:I want to become wildly overpowered, in the hopes of making my remaining time with DS1 as stress-free as possible.
Just run. Kill nothing. I made it to the bonfire while cursed. Of course, it took a few tries, and I lost my lovely 23k souls...Blightown is the pits.
I'm going to bed, I'll try again in the morning.
I could see the bonfire... T_T
Three questions: what is my most realistic future point at which I can remove curse? It is kind of a bitch!