Beat Manus. Felt good. Playing an agile character with the ninja ring is so much more fun than playing a tank character. And my Uchi is awesome.
And Kalameet fell as well.
DLC was outstanding content.
Well it's an easy way to win. Well maybe but PvP is not exactly that balanced I think.Why do people cheat? Seriously... It's so pathetic it's borderline sad.
Is it known if there will be any anti-cheat measures in DS2?
Why do people cheat? Seriously... It's so pathetic it's borderline sad.
I just invaded 3 guys and the first 2 had infinite health while the 3rd dropped 6 Million souls upon defeat (the norm around this char level is between 2k to 10k). I dumped the souls when I got to my world but now I am so pissed I just can't stand the thought of playing again. This is not my first experience with cheaters in this game but these 3 in a row left a very bitter taste in my mouth...
Is it known if there will be any anti-cheat measures in DS2?
The game I ordered should arrive soon so I may as well as some question in preparation now.
I finished Demon's Souls but I never felt like I got much of a grasp on how the game worked and just blindly fumbled my way through it shooting that spell you get with the easy class. So any recommendations on what class I should start with. I do want to go for a classic sword and shield type run but I want to be a quick dodger and jump around a lot in fights rather than rely on tanking. So what should I be leveling? Strength and Dexterity? Does it even have the same things to level as Demon's?Will I have any idea on how to figure out what equipment I should be using for my build?
I understand this is a more natural open world rather than the hub world in Demon's so how is exploration? Will I find cool stuff or will I just die? Ok, I'm obviously going to die but is exploring rewarded quite well or are you always being pushed in a general direction?
Sorry, for the noob questions. Seeing as this is the fifth OT, you guys are probably sick of answering the same old shit.
If you take the Iaito jump, the bonfire is really close to the entrance. (For future reference!I beat Gaping Dragon last night, and so far I've beaten all the bosses on my first attempt this run. It feels pretty amazing to oneshot them when they took 5-6 attempts on my first playthrough 2 years ago.
It was late, so I decided to just get to the Blighttown bonfire and quit. It turns out the bonfire was further in than I remembered, though. I had also forgotten about that breakable floor trap. And I had doubly forgotten about the grabbing attack that the undead there like to do.
45k souls down the drain.
I saw this in the other thread but I knew you'd post it here in due course but for super Ornstein just spam pyromancy at him and he dies easily.I'm stuck on O&S on a SL1 run. I'm trying to fight Super Ornstein and while I can hit Smough for a lot, I can't do anything to SO. Any tips? They're mostly getting cheap hits on me, e.g. Ornstein always clipping through Smough and his stupid spastic dash attack.
Holy Hell! I did it!
Praise the sun.
I finally beat the game, after one aborted playthrough, 50 hours in, and another 80 hour, properly run, playthrough (130 hours total!), with a level 81, INT build Pyromancer, I did it!
After being thoroughly destroyed by Demon's Souls when I bought it at launch for $60, I swore to never play Dark Souls. I finally caved and bought it for $5 on XBLA this past xmas. Best $5 I ever spent. I can't wait to finally go on and give Demon's Souls a run for it's money, but firs Dark Souls 2? Which approach should I take?
I'm riding such a high right now. The only person I've had to exclaim this to is my g/f, who doesn't give a shit, and can you blame her? 130 hours in the last three months on one game. I hope you guys are proud. GAF made me do it.
Holy Hell! I did it!
Praise the sun.
I finally beat the game, after one aborted playthrough, 50 hours in, and another 80 hour, properly run, playthrough (130 hours total!), with a level 81, INT build Pyromancer, I did it!
After being thoroughly destroyed by Demon's Souls when I bought it at launch for $60, I swore to never play Dark Souls. I finally caved and bought it for $5 on XBLA this past xmas. Best $5 I ever spent. I can't wait to finally go on and give Demon's Souls a run for it's money, but firs Dark Souls 2? Which approach should I take?
I'm riding such a high right now. The only person I've had to exclaim this to is my g/f, who doesn't give a shit, and can you blame her? 130 hours in the last three months on one game. I hope you guys are proud. GAF made me do it.
I saw this in the other thread but I knew you'd post it here in due course but for super Ornstein just spam pyromancy at him and he dies easily.
Use the pillars and Solaire to separate them for an easier fight.
No problem happy to help you. Don't hesitate if you've got anymore questions.Thanks. I went to blighttown and got combustion and great combustion. Managed to beat them today without taking a single hit from super Ornstein.
Wow. I'm really enjoying this game. And somewhat surprised by that fact. Picked this up a few weeks ago for $15. I no longer have much gaming time, so probably only 10 hours into the game so far, 7 hours with my current character (after a few false starts, so to speak).
The game is challenging, but fair. As someone who first got inot gaming with arcades in the '70s and the Atari 2600 at home, I appreciate the old school feel. Some trial and error. memorization. But I feel each time I play, I get better at the areas known to me, while pushing ahead into the unknown.
Like I said, not too many hours put into it, I'm currently playing around in the Undead Parish, just got the Fang Boar Helm. But I was kind of expecting that I'd get frustrated with the game after an hour or two, and abandon it - hence while I waited til it was dirt cheap.
Maybe the answer is obvious and I am missing it, but I do have a question. Just started using the Drake Sword. When I equip it, seems to be an icon that shows up underneath my health and stamina meters. Meaning? Thanks.
Dark Souls 2 next after NG+ is done.
Light sources available you just have to get them so you can see...Next is Tomb of Giants I guess... I got there before but left as the darkness is so shitty.
Have fun!But I want that Large Divine Ember so I guess in I go.
So many giant skeletons whylol, I still have nightmares about getting that.
Light sources available you just have to get them so you can see...
If you've got the lord vessel already then you can go get the sunlight maggot.You get the lantern down there I think right? And the sunlight maggot thing is later on, and my intelligence is only 8 so don't think the spell will do it for me. Sigh. I'll just watch a ton of video guides.
The last necromancer in the catacombs should be a guaranteed drop for the skull lantern.You get the lantern down there I think right? And the sunlight maggot thing is later on, and my intelligence is only 8 so don't think the spell will do it for me. Sigh. I'll just watch a ton of video guides.
If you've got the lord vessel already then you can go get the sunlight maggot.
The last necromancer in the catacombs should be a guaranteed drop for the skull lantern.
I like magic, so what really peeves me about that area is the low ceiling on the ledge where the stairs are, it almost always cancels out your spell or pyromancy. Pretty sure they did that on purpose so magic users couldn't get an easy ride!So many giant skeletons whyyou could have died in a more accessible place Andre's stone thingy.
Are you planning on doing PvP, because the generally agreed number is SL120 or thereabouts, so you're right on the cusp. I often take it to SL125 but no further really. If not doing PvP go as high as you like.I am a dex build, at sl 119 with the following stats.
What do I pump points into? I was thinking Int to help my GMW or start using Crystal Magic Weapon. Vit only gives 9 or so hp per point which seems minor, dex doesn't really give me any more damage on my Uchi, End just gives me more equip load at this point.
So in my mind the two choices are more vit and int. Thoughts?
I play a ninja rolling person holding the Grass Crest shield and wearing the mask of the child for lots of stamina regen, and using an Uchi, and some minor pyromancy.
I like magic, so what really peeves me about that area is the low ceiling on the ledge where the stairs are, it almost always cancels out your spell or pyromancy. Pretty sure they did that on purpose so magic users couldn't get an easy ride!
Are you planning on doing PvP, because the generally agreed number is SL120 or thereabouts, so you're right on the cusp. I often take it to SL125 but no further really. If not doing PvP go as high as you like.
VIT isn't really worth it beyond what you have. I think CWM is 25 INT? I would go for that, probably best bang for your buck (souls) That would make you SL127 which should still be in the PvP sweetspot.
I like magic, so what really peeves me about that area is the low ceiling on the ledge where the stairs are, it almost always cancels out your spell or pyromancy. Pretty sure they did that on purpose so magic users couldn't get an easy ride!
It's around the level most people stop to PVP in (100-125), so you'll have the best level range to PVP with.I don't plan on PvP no. Why is there a cutoff for pvp?
Thanks for the tips. Yes, I know nothing about equipment upgrades. Haven't seen a way to upgrade, assume that's related to a blacksmith? Which I haven't found yet.Tip: Don't use the Drake Sword. It makes the early game easy but more importantly you don't learn the benefits of upgrading equipment (which you will need to know by the time the Drake Sword becomes useless). By the time you get to the mid-game areas, you won't have a strong enough weapon because you didn't upgrade anything else.
The icons underneath the health + stamina bars are status effects. The icon you probably see is a shield with an arrow pointing up, which means a defence buff. The Drake Sword gives you increased fire and magic defence.
Finally beat NG+. Four Kings is much, much, much more difficult on NG+, but Gwyn was actually easier. I feel like I covered every inch of the game, but I only have 720/1000 achievement points after two play throughs. I know I'm missing a few covenants and some spells. I have no idea how I anyone could get them all without a guide.
First time through: Level 91 and 61 hours.
NG+: Level 142 and 103 hours.
Two times is probably enough for me. I'll buy DS2 when it's on sale. Considering I got this game for $5, I'd say it's one of the best values I have ever had in gaming.
You can upgrade at a blacksmith, or buy a Weapon / Armor Smithbox to upgrade at a bonfire. You will still have to go to a blacksmith for certain upgrades though (like from +5 to +6, or to a different path).Thanks for the tips. Yes, I know nothing about equipment upgrades. Haven't seen a way to upgrade, assume that's related to a blacksmith? Which I haven't found yet.
I switched to Drake Sword from Battle Axe. Pretty much been trying to grind levels so I could wield the Black Knight Sword. Is that weapon upgradeable? I've previously gathered that the Drake Sword was bad because it doesn't scale with skills - so I never intended to use it long term.
Thanks for the tips. Yes, I know nothing about equipment upgrades. Haven't seen a way to upgrade, assume that's related to a blacksmith? Which I haven't found yet.
I switched to Drake Sword from Battle Axe. Pretty much been trying to grind levels so I could wield the Black Knight Sword. Is that weapon upgradeable? I've previously gathered that the Drake Sword was bad because it doesn't scale with skills - so I never intended to use it long term.
25 is fine maybe a tad low even for those places really. As for red titanite you get some as forest hunter rewards or from the great hollow pre lord vessel.Hey guys.
What would a good soul level to stop at if I want to help people with some early game bosses?
EX: Tower Gargoyles, Gaping Dragon, Quelaag.
I was thinking around SL25, but I don't know if that's too high or too low for some of these. (I'm SL19 right now)
Also, is there anywhere good to farm Red Titanite chunks before you get the Lordvessel?
I got the two chunks from the Black Knights in the asylum and got my Balder Side Sword up to +7 fire.
On an unrelated note, new Londo ruins is a bitch at lower levels. I've given up on trying to run down to get the very large ember for now.
25 is fine maybe a tad low even for those places really. As for red titanite you get some as forest hunter rewards or from the great hollow pre lord vessel.
Thanks. I'll shoot for around SL25 then, maybe even a tad higher. I had been holding off on leveling up since I wasn't quite sure where to stop. It'll be good to have more than 16 Vitality and some more endurance lol. The taurus demons in the demon ruins were one shotting me.On PS3 I used to get summoned for Gargoyles even at SL30.
Agree, SL25 is spot on I think for early co-op. You can trip around Blighttown, Depths, Parish, Forest etc and get summoned at all of them.