Bumble has been dumb and worthless. Most matches just never even start the chat. Come on? What are these people doing?
People have mentioned the # of bots/fakes/models that are front-loaded in the queue. It's true, and can tell with high-accuracy when somebody will have already swiped right on me based on them being a normal looking person in the sea of models that are "Program Managers" somewhere, whatever the fuck that means.
EDIT: 2 of 3 matches in the first 20 profiles of the day were the "obvious" ones. Pretty sure two more in there had already liked me, too.
Did we already talk about tinder having who has swiped on you next week.
Comedy show date on last friday.
Quick drinky date on Sunday.
Beach and booty call on Monday
Great Drink date on Wednesday
Sushi Date on friday coming up
Date with a girl i met in a bar on monday on Saturday. Im looking forward to that one. Actually i look forward to all my dates. Otherwise fuck it, why even go.
I I feel like I don't have that type of loaded schedule in me, but I should build up more of a tolerance and be more willing and relaxed when it comes to overloading my schedule. If it is with one or two people that are part of your life, then sure, it's easy. But if each one is with a different person, from a different neighborhood, with a different schedule, and different interests, it ends up becoming a logistical challenge.
There was a point last summer where I used a Kanban app to keep track of chats and scheduling. I'm very quickly reaching that point again. I have like... 3 in flight? 4? And trying to fit it around some family obligations/events/classes? Shit.