Aquamomoa waves scene.There havent been a single thing of JL in wich I have said "yes this will be awesome"
I hope Im wrong but jesus christ it all looks fucking awfull.
Aquamomoa waves scene.There havent been a single thing of JL in wich I have said "yes this will be awesome"
I hope Im wrong but jesus christ it all looks fucking awfull.
Everything about this screams TV level costumes. From the awfully armored The Flash, why does he have armor when he can outrun a bullet? LOLOLOLOL
And Gal Gadot with that lifeless expression..the woman can't act, why didn't they go that MMA chick.
Cyborg looks like a damn this a Michael Bay joint? :S
The Batman suit is too dark and the batears are too short, they should be long, like you know a bat?
And then we have Aquaman, a bearded and longhaired majestic creature that can talk to fish...please...too unbelievable.
And lastly we have Superman? Why is he back? didn't he die in BvS? Also, why doesn't he have a black suit and long hair...that plastic looking suit is awful.
Whoever designs this shit should watch Marvel for some real costumes.
That's my two cents.
Everything about this screams TV level costumes. From the awfully armored The Flash, why does he have armor when he can outrun a bullet? LOLOLOLOL
And Gal Gadot with that lifeless expression..the woman can't act, why didn't they go that MMA chick.
Cyborg looks like a damn this a Michael Bay joint? :S
The Batman suit is too dark and the batears are too short, they should be long, like you know a bat?
And then we have Aquaman, a bearded and longhaired majestic creature that can talk to fish...please...too unbelievable.
And lastly we have Superman? Why is he back? didn't he die in BvS? Also, why doesn't he have a black suit and long hair...that plastic looking suit is awful.
Whoever designs this shit should watch Marvel for some real costumes.
That's my two cents.
I honestly don't know how anyone can say what they've show of JL is awful outside of projecting their problems with BvS onto it. There's so little to judge. But at the same time, I'm reading this thread about the Star Wars 8 title and apparently there's a lot to judge based off of three words. So people do what they do.
Aquamomoa waves scene.
I havent seen Aquamomoa stuff yet, just him standing there saying "WTF Im doing here" in that image that was released.
I honestly don't know how anyone can say what they've show of JL is awful outside of projecting their problems with BvS onto it. There's so little to judge. But at the same time, I'm reading this thread about the Star Wars 8 title and apparently there's a lot to judge based off of three words. So people do what they do.
So then you haven't seen the teaser? It's pretty much the only real footage we have of the movie
I'm not sure how much of this I should take seriously but you are legit triggering me
I'm not sure how much of this I should take seriously but you are legit triggering me
That image of him walking and all waves crash into him or something?
That can't be healthy..😏
JL is going to be awesome. Fuck. Just look at it.just chill and embrace the waves
Lol. Good
Stop your persecution complex!!!
Wilkinson did drop the ball with Flash.
I think it's reasonable to hold off on that statement until we see the final outfit.
Where does all the 2nd costume talk come from? I missed that.I think it's reasonable to hold off on that statement until we see the final outfit.
Where does all the 2nd costume talk come from? I missed that.
Zack Snyder said:Superman does play a big part in this movie. His presence, and lack of presence, are big story points...
Okay, sounds promising. Could explain why the suit is so geeky and jerry-rigged. Maybe it's supposed to be off... Doesn't look optimal for a speedster.From the set visit reports. Flash will have another suit that will become his main one designed by WayneTech (complete with small WayneTech logo).
Okay, sounds promising. Could explain why the suit is so geeky and jerry-rigged. Maybe it's supposed to be off... Doesn't look optimal for a speedster.
Bruce could give him something sleeker, hopefully fabric based like Batman and Superman's.
From the set visit reports. Flash will have another suit that will become his main one designed by WayneTech (complete with small WayneTech logo).
Yes.....yes, yes. That's the kind of shit I want to see.
From the set visit reports. Flash will have another suit that will become his main one designed by WayneTech (complete with small WayneTech logo).
I guess I really am the only one who really likes Flash's costume. Apart from the shoulder pads, everything looks great.
It's simple...Its whatever. Not good but not hilariously trash like cap in avengers or Magneto at the end of first class. I don't like it but it won't be all that distracting I think.
Seems like a hard costume to nail. Hopefully the final suit is better. If you ask me they should actually take a page from marvel on this aspect and give him a helmet with a chinstrap like cap
Are you absolutely sure. From the reports I read, it made it seem like he stole WayneTech to make the prototype suit.
Are you absolutely sure. From the reports I read, it made it seem like he stole WayneTech to make the prototype suit.
From what I understand, he steals NASA materials and 3D prints the panels which are held together with wires in order to make his current suit.
The suit he gets later in the movie is built with help from WayneTech.
I hope that it's elastic wires... and when he runs/turns all the pieces are disconnected from his body and dragged behind. When he stops, the pieces should be put back in place by the elastics, but it never works correctly and each time he stops he looks like a mess, elastics and pieces everywhere on his body.
2-3 scenes like this for comic relief with the whole team mocking him, and then Batman give him a new costume.
What?Suicide Squad was nominated for the Oscar.
You mean the Razzies?Suicide Squad was nominated for the Oscar.
For hair and makeup.You mean the Razzies?
No way. BvS deserved costumes and/or photography.For hair and makeup.
For hair and makeup.
lolSuicide Squad was nominated for the Oscar.
Would be amazing if it wins. The salt.
It actually deserves the nomination though because of Killer Croc.Oscar nominated Suicide Squad sounds really funny. Oscar Winner Suicide Squad? Oh the salt.
Oscar nominated Suicide Squad sounds really funny. Oscar Winner Suicide Squad? Oh the salt.