Sexy as all fuck.
Sexy as all fuck.
But The Flash doesn't have a director.
That we know of.
I hope the rumor of him being Wintergreen is true.John Cleese. Check the books. Seeming like he's in JL to be set for Batman.
I hope the rumor of him being Wintergreen is true.
I'm pretty much sure at this point both WW and JL would be hammered critically. There's just too many signs pointing to it. I didn't believe it for Suicide Squad but I can't ignore these reports anymore.
I really hope it's wrong though and they both turn out great.
Did you ignore the reports about Rogue One?
It's his way of trolling obsessive Batman fans.Ben is always so reticent about The Batman yet the cast keeps expanding
Ben is always so reticent about The Batman yet the cast keeps expanding
I didn't really give a crap about Rogue One as I'm not a Star Wars fan.
Well his point was that there was tons of negative news leading up to it, reshoots, "lighter" tone changes, etc etc, and it turned out great.
John Cleese. Check the books. Seeming like he's in JL to be set for Batman.
Ashhong Well his point was that there was tons of negative news leading up to it, reshoots, "lighter" tone changes, etc etc, and it turned out great.[/[/B
yeah..... I don't know about that. parts of it might be great, but character wise.... yipes.
story has problems too.
edit: anyone having any problems with the tags? the quote tags are a mess.
True..but Fan4stic tho..
Jokes aside, plenty of movies get reshoots and we never hear a damn thing about them. Absolutely foolish to compare one instance to another. It's gonna be alright. We need to pull back and just let the finished product speak for itself..
Or, you know..
While The Flash waits to find its new director, Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment have tapped Joby Harold to do a page one rewrite to the script, sources tell Variety.
The pic has been on hold since losing director Rick Famuyiwa and while it waits to find his replacement, the studio has decided to take script in different direction.
Hmmm, guess that's a good thing. Might as well start fresh and not have any carry over ideas from the previous directors/writers. Totally not getting Flash in 2018 now.The Flash is getting a new writer/script
Nah, something will get fast fracked.Flash must be a mess lol.
So is Aquaman their only film next year?
The Flash is getting a new writer/script
Nah, something will get fast fracked.
I'm seriously starting to wonder what the hell they are doing now... first you have a script, then a director... no, need another director... then you hire a director, then a bunch of actors are chosen... oops, not our director. Now we need a new script... huh?
It shouldn't be this hard to come up with a script for Flash. I pray it's only because they've re-shuffled the decks and they need to account for the Flash slotting in a different part of the DCEU timeline.
It's that kind of WB bs that led to 6 weeks for Suicide Squad. WB can't afford to dick around much more... I loved LOVED Man of Steel and BvS, but they can't afford more critical duds, they need a win soon.
Nobody in particular I can point out has been a terrible get. The only one that seemed kinda suspect was David Goyer, but maybe his co-writer can help him out.
Wonder Woman
>Danny Huston is playing Ares.
>, which drives Wonder Woman to abandon humanity for 100 years.Steve Trevor dies in the end
>Test-screenings for selected audiences have been generally positive.
>New trailer with Kong: Skull Island.
Justice League
>Geoff Johns performed last-minute revisions on Chris Terrio's script and Ben Affleck is helping Zack Snyder with the editing process.
>A rough cut has been shown to WB executives with positive results. The movie has much more action and humor than Batman V Superman.
>Superman returns halfway through.
>Darkseid makes an appearance.
>New trailer with The Lego Batman Movie.
The Batman
>Slated for April 6, 2018.
>Deathstroke, Black Mask and the Joker are the villains.
>John Gleese is playing Wintergreen, Deathstroke's associate.
>Armie Hammer is actually in talks for Black Mask.
>Zack Snyder is collaborating with the script alongside Ben Affleck and Geoff Johns.
Gotham City Sirens
>Slated for June 8, 2016.
>David Ayer is revising Christina Hodson's script.
>Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy will have the same age. Catwoman will be older.
>The Riddler is the main villain. Clayface will also appear.
>Batman and the Joker might not appear so as to not steal the spotlight from the Sirens.
>Slated for October 5, 2018.
>Ocean Master and Black Manta are the villains. Patrick Wilson is playing Ocean Master and Mahershala Ali is in negotiations for Black Manta.
>Willem Dafoe's character, Vulko, will be a pivotal character in the franchise and Dafoe has a three-picture contract.
The Flash
>Slated for April 5, 2019.
>Delayed from its original release date to accomodate for Gotham City Sirens and provide more time to find a new director.
>Ben Ripley is writing a new script. David F. Sandberg and Dan Trachtenberg are being considered to direct.
>The villains will be the Rogues (Captain Cold, Golden Glider, Mirror Master and Heatwave). There are plans to build up to the Reverse Flash in a prospective sequel.
Green Lantern Corps
>Slated for June 14, 2019.
>David Goyer and Justin Rhodes have begun writing the script, which is based on Lethal Weapon, with veteran Hal Jordan teaming up with rookie John Stewart. Sinestro is expected to be the villain.
>While WB has a shortlist of actors they're interested in for both roles, none of them have been officially approached.
Justice League 2
>Slated for November 1, 2019.
>Still might be delayed or scrapped entirely if the first movie is not successful.
>Zack Snyder is expected to return, but this also depends on the first movie's performance.
>Geoff Johns is writing the script which is expected to feature Darkseid.
Black Adam
>Slated for April 3, 2020.
>Brad Peyton will direct and his frequent collaborator Carlton Cuse is in talks to write the script.
>It's in early development, but the plan is to chronicle Black Adam's rise, fall and redemption and feature Isis and Osiris from the recent comics. The villain will probably be an original creation.
>Black Adam will be a major character going forward and Dwayne Johnson has a three-picture contract.
>Slated for July 24, 2020.
>Henry Gayden is writing the script. Shawn Levy is WB's top choice to direct for a while, but a formal offer hasn't been made yet.
>Casting for both Billy Batson and Captain Marvel will be done through extensive auditions. Jeff Bridges is in early talks for the Wizard, who is now expected to appear in Black Adam as well.
>Off the slate, with a prospective release date in November should the character prove himself with the audience in both Justice League and The Flash.
Man of Steel 2.
>Early development. Kurt Johnstad is writing the script based on an idea by Zack Snyder. Jordan Vogt-Roberts is in consideration to direct should Kong: Skull Island be successful.
Suicide Squad 2.
>Early development, no release date. David Ayer expected to return alongside the main cast of the first movie. WB has commissioned in-house writers to pitch ideas for the movie and select a prospective writer.
>Early development. Will Smith will return and also act as a producer. No writer or director yet.
>Early development due to the character's popularity and the positive reception so far. Joe Manganiello and John Gleese expected to return should it happen. No writer or director yet.
Booster Gold
>Early development. Greg Berlanti is still attached to write and direct.
>Early development. Oren Uziel is writing the script.
Flash must be a mess lol.
So is Aquaman their only film next year?
Gotham City Sirens coming out last year?
Well Flash just got debunked. And why would Ayer go back to Dodson scipt when Geneva Robertson-Dworet is writing the scipt?
I have zero faith in Batman, I'm also sick of Batman.
Just give me Man of Steel 2 already.
I think Chris Messina would be great for Black Mask.
I couldn't buy Armie as a tuff guy mafioso
Ayer usually works with his own material.
The dude wrote Fury and Training Day. I have faith.
So much hype, so beautifull movie, so badass Superman!