Mechanical Snowman
You streaming, ShinMaruku?
oh, that's weird
just added to the doc
EDIT: lol as is probably obvious, I spend 99% of my time with Ayane. i guess unranked might be a good place to try some of the others![]()
I had to step out for a moment, but I'll probably be back on later tonight. I'll let you know :-DYup. That and Tag. Let me know if you need invite again
Alright so I bought a few of the costume sets but I did so from the referral in the game and not the PSN natively. I purchased the costume sets and they weren't added to my download list.
Quit the game, checked PSN, and when I searched for the sets manually, I see the "Purchased" tag but no option to download.
What do I do? /:I want my bikinis
No need to download them. Should already be in game.
Aside from the glitches this game when you play with people has gotten much better. Part of it is how easier psn is to work with.I had to step out for a moment, but I'll probably be back on later tonight. I'll let you know :-D
Surprised how well this whole invite system works
I need those Ninja 2015 costumes bad. Augh retailer-specific preorder bonuses.
Holy crap, Hitomi combo challenge was so easy it shouldn't even count towards the trophy
Go try Eliot's challenges. Complete 180 of emotions!
Tempted to have a look. His command training was bad enough.
Go try Eliot's challenges. Complete 180 of emotions!
His are the only ones I just gave up on. I hate that damn palm![]()
I put in 40 or so hours to the ps4 version with no problems but now its starting to hang during loading. =\
Just patched on XBO. Hope it helps.Team Ninja tweeted that the Xbox One patch should be out soon. They say today in their tweet in Japanese.
Just patched on XBO. Hope it helps.
Edit: Unlock codes work.
Edit 2: ranked matchmaking works!
Exactly.But Team Ninja is focusing on DLC and not the patches. How could this be?
auto unlock all non dlc costumes method only works on xbox one.
But Team Ninja is focusing on DLC and not the patches. How could this be?
You give them more credit than they deserve, I think.
I appreciate that their work is hard and that not doing DLC would not necessarily result in more patches, but honestly? Most of the criticisms posted here and in the two OTs prior are perfectly valid. There's no need for a snide, condescending, defensive post every time someone dares to make a comment that's not completely sucking them off.
I love the game; I criticize and complain because of that, because I want them to do better, and because I know they can.
I shall be fixing those textures on PC.
You can see pores on the faces. Impressive.
No AA and no AF tho...
Don't count on it.
and 3 Months for the online on Steam LOL
Wait til launch to actually see if its a mess or not.
I think its hard for DOA cause part of the fan base are indeed in for the fanbase and if they actually try to cut the fan service it would make the following divided since the change of look and to some the Itagaki fan base.
If you try to make the game more serious and remove part of the fan service some might complain and stop buying it and if they go full fanservice they will lose the ones who want to take the game more seriously. This is a struggle I feel they kinda wanted to fix with 5 but the fanservice bandwagon complaining about the lack of fanservice TK had to go full ham on the DLC to please that area of the fan base and ignoring the people giving gameplay feedback.
Lisa with gray hair looks awful.
I'm keeping my expectations low.
I feel like having a conversation about things I feel that need to be fixed which some might agree or not.
I'm thinking about the priority on the system more than the actual visual/animation going on. Example X character is doing a grapple animation and is about to grab or should have grabbed Y and Y at the last millisecond decides to punch or move a bit and the grapple misses. The animation itself looks like it should have done the grapple but is ignored making you clip with the opponent, to be punished with what was a late response. I understand its a rock, paper, scissor game but at the same time that is like time to show your choice and you just wait for the dude to show their hand and then you cheat and put the winning choice. I understand that value cant be exactly applied for the holds since the holds need to be immediate before hit but for the grapple it seems rather unfair to the grapple focused characters and technically speaking overall.
Another thing to touch on is on the tools some characters have against down opponents. Some characters have more tools than others some having grapples or short combos to do on down enemies which feels a bit unfair to the rest of the cast being limited to the basic punch or kick or jump attack while others can dish out more damage. A basic 3 hit combo to punish the downed enemy wouldn't be too unfair or adding grapples to characters that would make sense to have a downed grapple by their behavior. The downed enemy should focus on getting back on their feet and giving them a bit more pressure cant hurt them.
Talking about animation priority and down enemies I feel wake up kicks are just a block/hold or back away from them than try to attack and visually speaking you should be able to hit the opponent during the wake up kick start animation but that does not happen or rarely happens due to the priority given to the kick.
Sidestepping is still mostly useless but could be improved on for future games. (Balance more the tracking moves)
I would like the counter system going back to 3 point hold with a tighter hold window to make up for the easier reading by going back to 3 point hold.
Some characters considering their weight category and moves some feel like they need to be reconsidered. Main example would be Eliot which is super light weight and he moves rather slow for what should either be a speedier character or higher weight category and is mostly against all odds. That is not taking into consideration the frame data which I shall not bring to this conversation.
What are some of the things that you feel could be improved/changed gameplaywise on future DOA games?
I was playing in a lobby for about two hours and made friends with about 4 of the guys in the lobby. They go to a friends lobby who was not in that lobby and invite me. My first match in the new lobby is against the host. I main Lisa and am ok, I combo him into throws and he starts yelling no throws allowed. I go to strikes because I was hit only twice he had a huge lead, his friends stick up for me (i don't have a mic) he only responded with insults. I get to about half health and think screw this if he eats the throws its on him I stomp him then he backs out and waits for my streak to end to kick me. Are there any rules to the amount of throws online or something? I wasn't using the same throw over and over either.
I criticize the game too but I dont go over the top like some do.
Damn I'm sorry I'm new and am not sure on how to properly quote.
This is just my perspective, but of all the threads on GAF, the kind of complaints you find in a DOA thread are so much less overdone and dramatic than with most other games. That probably has to do with the average amount of people that regularly post being rather small, too.
So, I dunno. What do you consider to be "overdone"?
People saying the lag is terrible? In my experience, it is.
People saying they can't find matches? In my experience, I cant.
People saying they seem more focused on DLC than QA? They do.
When the game launched in the state it did (I'm not saying it's unplayable, but it could be better) but the DLC just keeps on rolling, it's kinda hard to argue otherwise. Yes, it does seem like, to some extent, they prioritize DLC rollout over QA.
I really don't think any of this stuff is overdone or overplayed and from what I can tell, these are the issues people most commonly have.
And the online issues are years old now. It's gotten slightly better over re-releases and patches, but for many, DOA5 has been a dissatisfactory online experience for quite a while; that's frustrating.
I would just consider that. Nobody is hating on the game just to do it, but this stuff piles up. Snide, sarcastic posts don't help when somebody's in that space. Especially when they do have a quite a few valid points to stand on.
No disrespect, just saying: Be considerate.
I thought so thanks for validating my choice to stomp him.
I mean like an unspoken rule in the community or something.
Damn I'm sorry I'm new and am not sure on how to properly quote.
Im not defending the lag of the game or the bugs that have been in the game. The DLC that was rolling out was DLC that was done already and after all the reports of bugs they did mention that they were going to prioritize fixing the Xbox One bugs and work on better stability for things. (Which be surprised they did issue the Xbox One version and even made a way for the people that lost their progress get everything unlocked which not many would bother doing for others)
As for overdone post like saying that "Team Ninja should choke on dicks and die" I think there is an overdone post which I believe it not yours and for most of the part Ive been pretty neutral until that post which as I mentioned was overdone. My comment might have been sarcastic and all but after a few hours of someone saying to a company shit like I quoted above it's rather funny and I will perhaps poke fun of the situation.
Im rather considerate if people properly voice their stuff without the need of going over the top posts like the golden nugget from earlier. If people have no manners and they make themselves a target I will use sarcasm or mock stuff. Everything with the proper wording without getting offensive can work well which was working just fine before.
And to make it clear that post wasnt aimed at you but if you took it as an offense to yourself there is nothing to be said than what I already said. Toodles!
I suppose that's fair enough, but I think you like being a smartass more than you admit. I don't think you simply reserve it for the posts that go too far. You're doing it now. Like, "Toodles!" What's that for? Just unecesarry passive aggression.
This might help you with your Lisa.I think I'm getting the hang of it.