Smiles and Cries
is there a way to pay for all the dlc one time?
$186 buy the 2 season passes
might still miss the pre-order dlc stuff
is there a way to pay for all the dlc one time?
kinda close to a cat-girl fighter you see in many games tho
could easily be a costume set of ears and tails
$186 buy the 2 season passes
might still miss the pre-order dlc stuff
holy crackers
Yes.So i have all these on the disc but are just locked until i fight enough to unlock them?
You can. It's everything released between Ultimate and Last Round, and you can't unlock them just by i DO NOT need to buy this https://store.sonyentertainmentnetw...615&et_rid=1549342&Linkid=PlusJanuaryInfamous
For costumes, any pack you like (that isn't on the list in the OP). Just see if it's worth it to get the Ultimate pack or just some packs for a specific theme (like for example, Halloween 2013 and Maids), or a specific character.So which do i need to buy from here?
Yeah it's hardly exclusive to DOA. Non-fighting games people will say the same sorta thing. No this, no that.
You can. It's everything released between Ultimate and Last Round, and you can't unlock them just by playing.
For costumes, any pack you like (that isn't on the list in the OP). Just see if it's worth it to get the Ultimate pack or just some packs for a specific theme (like for example, Halloween 2013 and Maids), or a specific character.
For example, Ayane is my main, if I don't care about the other characters, I'll buy the Ultimate Ayane Content pack for 18£. However, if I also want Tina and some other characters, it might be better to get the really big pack, to get more characters costumes for a lower price.
And as said before, the season pass is for upcoming content, including Ninja Clan 1 (already out). If you know you won't like this pack and the 2 others coming soon, but are interested by the Senran Kagura pack, it's better to skip the season pass and just buy a pack individually.
There's a lot of content, but if you take the time, it's simpler than it looks really.
Just don't buy the characters since they're for Core Fighters.
As a Mila main the amount of times I've been kicked from lobbies because I "grab too much" is a bit irritating. I mean, grabs aren't free, I have to earn them a majority of the time. I've seen a few Mila's online who don't even try for takedowns. When I ask why they say because that's cheap. I have to disagree. I mean, might as well tell Rig players they aren't allowed to kick.
I suppose I should clarify - it always seems like DOA has an upward battle just to begin with - for example EVO not featuring it. Kind of like throwing biased people more ammunition.
So i already have the following on the disc but just need to unlock?
DOA5LR Sexiest Costume Set
DOA5LR Fun Theme Set
DOA5LR Halloween Costume 2013 Set
DOA5LR Ultimate Halloween Set
DOA5LR Halloween Costume 2014 Set
Say i want to play with Ayane all the time & i want all the content for her, do i get DOA5LR Ultimate Ayane Content https://store.sonyentertainmentnetw...615&et_rid=1549342&Linkid=PlusJanuaryInfamous ? is that what i would have to buy?
Fuck it. Some of that art should be dlc. Make it happen Tecmo. I want Lady Kstoute's Daji and Zurhong's forms. Of and sell bustier Marie just for troll sake.
That minikini, Shin. That minikini is all she needs.
Made a PS4 lobby if anyone wants to join. Just look for my psn name same as gaf name.
If I already have the core fighters version fully downloaded and buy the full version, will I have to download everything again or it "uses" whats already installed in that version and unlocks whats missing?
It makes you download an entire separate 10GB file for the full version. It doesn't 'unlock' the rest of the Core Fighters file. Pisstake, I know. But your data will transfer over.
If anyone has a lobby going sometime this evening Im totally down. I need to take a break from these combo challenges. They are driving me mad. @_@
All the costumes you're listed aren't in the list of the free Last Round content, so no, you don't have those.
Ultimate Halloween is 2013+2014 in the same pack btw, so better get this alone.
And from what I'm reading, Fun (40£) + Sexiest (40£) + Ultimate Halloween (37£) = Ultimate content (74£). And Maid Uniform is in Fun and Sexiest...
That's why if you're interested in those packs, it's better to get Ultimate.
And yes for the last question. Ultimate Pack is every specific "Ultimate (character) Pack" in the same big pack.
So there again, it depends on what you want. If you think you'll want other character packs later, it may be better to save up for the big one instead of 18£ there for Ayane, 17£ there for Tina, 15£ for Marie-Rose, 10£ for Nyotengu, 6.5£ for Sarah, etc.
Do you you guys use fight sticks?
I use a pad ATM but thinking of buying a stick. With MKX and Tekken 7 coming down the pipeline investing in a stick seems like an OK idea finally.
If anyone has suggestions for PS4 sticks I'm open for suggestions.
I use a pad ATM but thinking of buying a stick. With MKX and Tekken 7 coming down the pipeline investing in a stick seems like an OK idea finally.
If anyone has suggestions for PS4 sticks I'm open for suggestions.
I might get one for Tekken 7, but for DoA and MKX a pad will be fine. NRS games are so pad friendly as is.
Do you you guys use fight sticks?
Yeah, I'm not super worried about MKX there is def some stuff in DOA (albeit pretty advanced stuff) that I can't seem to manage to pull off on a pad.
I feel like the moves that give me trouble on pad would give me trouble on stick, mainly just the odd motions.
Is there a cheat to unlock all unlockable costumes for PS4 version?
Sorry guys but i have a question.
I want the costume for
leifang , marie rose , pai & nyotengu from the halloween 2014 dlc , but only those 4
i don't care about the rest but on the webstore i only find the big pack.
Should i buy them on PS3 ( in order to unlock them on PS4 ? )
Does this work that way ?
Or is the content unavailable ?
I believe Team Ninja said you should buy them on PS3 to get them. But all I know right now (at least here in Europe), is that many costumes including those are not available to use on PS4 yet, even though I own them and have transferred my data. Gotta wait till they update or something. Don't know if it's like that in US.
Would like to enter. Whats your psn?
Edit: nvm i see you, but I cant enter because of connection![]()
My host works with people in Europe so if you want to try the lobby I can invite.
The DLC in this game......... Fuck that, may as well buy clothes for myself.
Ohhh Can I get an invite?
If you don't want any, yeah, don't buy any.