Thanks for that, needed my mind cleared up on this dilemma.
Pointless you coming in and bitching about something you never intended to buy, then, wasn't it?
Thanks for that, needed my mind cleared up on this dilemma.
But the Waifu'sThe DLC in this game......... Fuck that, may as well buy clothes for myself.
Pointless you coming in and bitching about something you never intended to buy, then, wasn't it?
Pointless you coming in and bitching about something you never intended to buy, then, wasn't it?
I'm assuming he or she wanted them but not at that price? People can bitch about it if they like. I guess I'm the same except I already accepted the fact I'll never be rich enough to buy them, lol.
No mention of price. Came across to me as bitching about the amount of it. If it is price, sure, he can bitch all he wants.
I'd think it would be common sense to assume that people wouldn't be bitching at the amount of it if you could by the Ultimate Content Set and season pass super cheap... even if someone explicitly says "holy shit! have you seen the amount of DLC this game has? it's a piss take!!", they're almost certainly saying that as a result of how much it'd cost to own it all.
Pros and Cons
You'd be surprised. People like to bitch about DLC without looking at its function, particularly in this game. Like I say, I agree people can bitch about the price.
4. The price. I realise they want to make money, but 2 euros for a single costume is insane, either taken on it's own or considering there are so many costumes now. Even factoring in packs, I believe it would have cost about 550 euros to get all the DLC for Ultimate at one stage. There's a point where things get ridiculous and they clearly passed it. There's also a point where you have so much product to sell that you need to reduce price and try to sell a higher volume. Right now the costumes are just silly expensive, and as such I refuse to buy them.
Is the price really insane? I mean, I think it's quite reasonable. Look at the price for cosmetic DLC à la skins for games like League of Legends. They can cost like $20. The recent game, EVOLVE or whatever, is $5 per skin.
As someone who hates spending money, I'm ecstatic at the price.
I think for DOAX3 they should price new bikinis as $.99 and watch sales rise. Hopefully with DOAX3 they can go ham with the dlc thing and ease off on the other things. Although prices for the outfits are not terrible.
It depends what you're comparing it to I guess. On one hand you can point at Evolve (which sounds like a horrible pricing model for DLC), and on the other hand you can see it as they've just released a bunch of Ninja outfits costing nearly the same price as a full Killer Instinct season.
A better example, though still not the best one, would be something like Train Simulator. That game has over 200 pieces of DLC all priced very expensively. The point is you aren't suppose to buy it all. It is a-la-carte, you only buy the things you really want.
It's only for Xbox One/360, because people had their save data erased.
The DLC in this game......... Fuck that, may as well buy clothes for myself.
WTF that's about the dumbest thing I've heard of!![]()
A better example, though still not the best one, would be something like Train Simulator. That game has over 200 pieces of DLC all priced very expensively. The point is you aren't suppose to buy it all. It is a-la-carte, you only buy the things you really want. You don't need any costumes, let alone all of them and this is coming from someone who does buy them. They have released costumes I'd never use, so why am I going to buy them? There are characters I will never use, so why am I going to buy costumes for them?
Some people may play all the characters, some people may want all the costumes. If they can afford it, or feel it is worth it, they can buy all the costumes they want till their heart is content. But there is no way TN is going to give you a season pass for $15 when the costumes cost $2 buy themselves. They will also never go below $1 individually.
The a la carte option is only really much use if you basically like one or two characters tops.
Lost my data on PS4 due to the training mode bug - they better patch in the all costume unlock cheat!
Lost my data on PS4 due to the training mode bug - they better patch in the all costume unlock cheat!
WARNING (1/3): DOA5 Last Round (All platforms). Pls DO NOT play Tutorial Mode Lesson 40.8 and 40.9 #DOA5LR
Full tweets
WARNING (1/3): DOA5 Last Round (All platforms). Pls DO NOT play Tutorial Mode Lesson 40.8 and 40.9 #DOA5LR
WARNING (2/3) with German, Spanish, French, Italian. We confirmed that the game freezes & makes your save data corrupted. #DOA5LR (Continue)
WARNING (3/3): We can't apologize enough for this and try to fix it ASAP. Our sincere Apology. #DOA5LR
Did the Xbox One version get that patched or not? If yes where the hell is the other versions patches?
Hope they say something soon about it.
[quote="Nori Chan, post: 154113638"][s]The tweets you are linking to are from last week...
Unless you're quoting for others to see[/s]
Sorry, didn't see someone suffered the glitch[/QUOTE]
Quoting them to remind people. I havent heard yet if that has been fixed on Xbox One version since that one got a patch. PS4 still seems to get the glitch. I didnt get the glitch but I use English subs so there shouldnt be issues with that.
This game needs a demo. All games do.
Having grown up on Tekken mainly I really want to try it before commiting to buying it on steam.
Whatever happened to games having demos...
This game needs a demo. All games do.
Having grown up on Tekken mainly I really want to try it before commiting to buying it on steam.
Whatever happened to games having demos...
Full tweets
WARNING (1/3): DOA5 Last Round (All platforms). Pls DO NOT play Tutorial Mode Lesson 40.8 and 40.9 #DOA5LR
WARNING (2/3) with German, Spanish, French, Italian. We confirmed that the game freezes & makes your save data corrupted. #DOA5LR (Continue)
WARNING (3/3): We can't apologize enough for this and try to fix it ASAP. Our sincere Apology. #DOA5LR
And on reflection, fuck companies trying to engage with customers via Twitter, this should be in their website FAQ by now in the 'known issues' section.
Is there a season pass for new content on the PS4? All i've found on the net relates to the Xbox versions.
It's only for Xbox One/360, because people had their save data erased.
Download the F2P version DOA5 Core Fighters when it comes out and play it.
Really enjoyed the fights last night even if it was mostly me being slapped around. Watching this match back I can't believe some of the dumb mistakes I made that cost me a potential win here. Still,fun match! Gonna keep working on improving with Marie.
And on reflection, fuck companies trying to engage with customers via Twitter, this should be in their website FAQ by now in the 'known issues' section.
Anyone link me to a guide (or any help really) on reversals? I'm not very good at the game (playing on normal) and when someone gets a combo going, despite sometimes pressing the correct reversal buttons very rarely does it come off.
Is it mostly guesswork, as punches/kicks come so fast and frequently it seems nigh on impossible to predict whats level of attack is coming next.
Also, can you reverse throws/grabs?