rasberryjam said:Oh man, I had the banana hammock and servbot mask equipped when my friend joined me for some Co-op. That thing kills friendships. :lol
It's like an art form.CronosBlade said:Haha I found out last night that when in co-op whichever Chuck initiates the cutscene is the one in the scene. My friend was getting irritated because he had to stare at that in every cutscene because I had more speed upgrades than him and could initiate them first.
disappeared said:Any tips for thebattle? I keep getting hit without doing any damage. :/TK chopper/crane
I tried doing the same thing a while back and unless I missed something or it has changed, the wireless xbox 360 controllers with plug and play for usb, are not intended to work on PCs. You either need the special Microsoft wireless receiver for the controller or an actual wired controller.Naeblish said:I spent 2.5 hours last night trying to get my wireless xbox 360 controller with play and charge kit to work under windows 7, the hardware was installed but the device never got recognized under gaming controllers. No wonder Apple is winning so much terrain, i hate that shit. Thank god i didn't buy the pc version yet, gonna go for the 360 one now.
Not at all. I actually spent a few hours last night just gambling around Fortune City and making a ton of money for my next run through.dskillzhtown said:I just started the game yesterday, but is there any downside to grinding in multiplayer for an obscene amount of money for singple player?
dskillzhtown said:I just started the game yesterday, but is there any downside to grinding in multiplayer for an obscene amount of money for singple player?
Darkshier said:Not at all. I actually spent a few hours last night just gambling around Fortune City and making a ton of money for my next run through.
wayward archer said:It seems like you almost have to in order to afford some of the stuff for sale in the pawn shops.
theMrCravens said:I still need to trade my PS3 "Ninja Suit" code for a 360 one, if anyone is interested.
Naeblish said:I spent 2.5 hours last night trying to get my wireless xbox 360 controller with play and charge kit to work under windows 7, the hardware was installed but the device never got recognized under gaming controllers. No wonder Apple is winning so much terrain, i hate that shit. Thank god i didn't buy the pc version yet, gonna go for the 360 one now.
Naeblish said:I spent 2.5 hours last night trying to get my wireless xbox 360 controller with play and charge kit to work under windows 7, the hardware was installed but the device never got recognized under gaming controllers. No wonder Apple is winning so much terrain, i hate that shit. Thank god i didn't buy the pc version yet, gonna go for the 360 one now.
ToddG15 is correct, the play and charge can only charge your controller, you cannot use it on a PC without a wireless receiver. And it works great (though Dead Rising 2 had some weird issues with it, after you jump through a few hoops it works great).ToddG15 said:I tried doing the same thing a while back and unless I missed something or it has changed, the wireless xbox 360 controllers with plug and play for usb, are not intended to work on PCs. You either need the special Microsoft wireless receiver for the controller or an actual wired controller.
Ikuu said:Anyone up for some co-op on the PC version sometime? Steam and GFWL name is Ikuu, been trying to find games but can never get into anything.
Naeblish said:I spent 2.5 hours last night trying to get my wireless xbox 360 controller with play and charge kit to work under windows 7, the hardware was installed but the device never got recognized under gaming controllers. No wonder Apple is winning so much terrain, i hate that shit. Thank god i didn't buy the pc version yet, gonna go for the 360 one now.
Naeblish said:I spent 2.5 hours last night trying to get my wireless xbox 360 controller with play and charge kit to work under windows 7, the hardware was installed but the device never got recognized under gaming controllers. No wonder Apple is winning so much terrain, i hate that shit. Thank god i didn't buy the pc version yet, gonna go for the 360 one now.
Mistouze said:Though, I'm kinda stuck in the fight againstAny particular advice to ace this particular fight?the two girls working with TK, the ones with katanas in a bar/club. Went there with a lightsaber, nailed bat and the big ass machine gun with 100 ammo but I only do little damage. Even though I kinda have their patern down with my small inventory I always end up dead >_<
Haha, same. First time I saw mannequins I was like OH SHIT, GAME ON MOTHERFUCKERS. Busted it up and tried the torso, then I was very sad. The little barbells are still quite effective like they were in DR1, though.Chao said:Game is awesome so far, but I'm disappointed they nerfed the mannequin torsos. I grabbed one and thought I was going to kick some ass DR1 style and then I realized they were useless. On the other hand, there are like hundreds of new weapons.
DSmalls84 said:Does anyone know if the Gamestop Ninja Suit has any kind of effect on stats or if it's just cosmetic?
i HATE that!Ikuu said:Oh fuck, hadn't saved for a bit and what I thought was going to be a survivor turned out to be a psychopath and I got owned![]()
I don't see why anyone would ever pick 480p over 720p.Zerokku said:Quick question that will determine whether or not I pick this up for 360 or PC.
Is the text still unreadable on an SDTV? Seems like the kind of game I'd rather play on the 360, but if its anything like the first and I can't even read the text then I'll go for the PC version which I can do in 720p
Also, any impressions on how well the PC version runs?
DSmalls84 said:Does anyone know if the Gamestop Ninja Suit has any kind of effect on stats or if it's just cosmetic?
Zerokku said:Quick question that will determine whether or not I pick this up for 360 or PC.
Is the text still unreadable on an SDTV? Seems like the kind of game I'd rather play on the 360, but if its anything like the first and I can't even read the text then I'll go for the PC version which I can do in 720p
Also, any impressions on how well the PC version runs?
Ikuu said:Oh fuck, hadn't saved for a bit and what I thought was going to be a survivor turned out to be a psychopath and I got owned![]()
Himuro said:Antoine is close.
There's no crazy cop lady yet either![]()
There's a bunch of impressions in the last few pages. There are some minor issues, most have workarounds. If you have a wired controller or a wireless receiver to use a 360 gamepad on the pc, definitely go for it. Its also $20 cheaper.Zerokku said:Quick question that will determine whether or not I pick this up for 360 or PC.
Is the text still unreadable on an SDTV? Seems like the kind of game I'd rather play on the 360, but if its anything like the first and I can't even read the text then I'll go for the PC version which I can do in 720p
Also, any impressions on how well the PC version runs?
slasher_thrasher21 said:Asking though I saw it earlier in the thread.... I can't find it.
How the FUCK... do you beat theChef.
Me and a buddy tried to do this three times and would get oh so close and then FUCKED!!! lol
slasher_thrasher21 said:Asking though I saw it earlier in the thread.... I can't find it.
How the FUCK... do you beat theChef.
Me and a buddy tried to do this three times and would get oh so close and then FUCKED!!! lol
slasher_thrasher21 said:Asking though I saw it earlier in the thread.... I can't find it.
How the FUCK... do you beat theChef.
Me and a buddy tried to do this three times and would get oh so close and then FUCKED!!! lol
duckroll said:It wasn't hard at all for me. I just combo'ed him with a melee weapon and then got out of the way when he countered. Then he runs to refill his health with food, leaving him open to more attacks. Repeat over and over. It helps to have a good weapon, but otherwise it's not a hard fight at all.
Lots of different ways. Last run, i brought along 5 survivors with guns and used an lmg. He didnt land a single hit on me.slasher_thrasher21 said:Asking though I saw it earlier in the thread.... I can't find it.
How the FUCK... do you beat theChef.
Me and a buddy tried to do this three times and would get oh so close and then FUCKED!!! lol
duckroll said:The CURE dude is the hardest psycho fight I've experienced so far. His timing is really tight, he's fast, and he actually does A LOT of damage. It was a pretty grueling battle.
sdornan said:I don't see why anyone would ever pick 480p over 720p.