Just beat the game for reals for reals:
What a fuckin ride. Loved every minute of it, even with it's many quirks. The scare at the end got me. :lol
MMaRsu said:There is, but you have to unlock it ( dodge roll ). He is one of the few survivors you can leave in the bathroom while you go out and pick up food and weapons and he'll still be there when you get back. Not so hard at all, some of you are overthinking this game too much. You have so much freedom in this game it's crazy really.
Tkawsome said:Damnit. After leveling up a bunch, stocking up on some great weapons and healing items, I still couldn't beat that first psychopath.
That C.U.R.E. guy is a cheap as hell. Even after getting the dodge skill, it's still too slow to avoid his attacks consistently. What am I supposed to do here? Hitting the guy doesn't stun him, so if I attack I'm going to get stabbed even with my really fast weapons. You would think a beginning boss would be a little easier.
There's no healing anywhere near the boss and I'm worried if I move too far away he'll heal.
Tkawsome said:There's no healing anywhere near the boss and I'm worried if I move too far away he'll heal.
MMaRsu said:No food items anywhere? Did you check garbage bins? Just throw them and sometimes food will come out. Don't eat spoiled food, because that will make chuck throw up. But the tactic I used was hit him twice, dodgeroll. What level are you? What's your attack stat at?
Conceited said:He won't, you're able to go as far away as you want and he won't heal.
Tkawsome said:Damnit. After leveling up a bunch, stocking up on some great weapons and healing items, I still couldn't beat that first psychopath.
That C.U.R.E. guy is a cheap as hell. Even after getting the dodge skill, it's still too slow to avoid his attacks consistently. What am I supposed to do here? Hitting the guy doesn't stun him, so if I attack I'm going to get stabbed even with my really fast weapons. You would think a beginning boss would be a little easier.
There's no healing anywhere near the boss and I'm worried if I move too far away he'll heal.
Zeitgeister said:Blitzkrieg.
dooropening. Drive forwards, drive backwards.
Waste the motherfucker.
Bring additional survivors with guns to a knife fight.
chew bubblegum
duckroll said:The CURE dude is the hardest psycho fight I've experienced so far. His timing is really tight, he's fast, and he actually does A LOT of damage. It was a pretty grueling battle.
disappeared said:That's strange. I had no problem with that dude, and yet I've died on the chef four times now. :lol I'm dreading going back there, but that was when I was around level 20... so maybe I stand a chance now.
Tkawsome said:How about the electric wheel chair? Would he just get hit when he dives at me, or will the game somehow let the hit still connect? There's a room to build it nearby and I have no clue where a light machine gun is.
Revolutionary said:Just beat the game for reals for reals:
What a fuckin ride. Loved every minute of it, even with it's many quirks. The scare at the end got me. :lol
Himuro said:ahahahahaha
the mailman and slappy feel straight out of DR1 :lol
The mailman :lol
Some Weaklin said:Is the online already dead? I wanted to try out Terror is Reality and I've never found more than 2 people. (360)
Huggy said:I like using the dropkick on psychopaths. You hit them for a decent amount of damage, and they're open for another attack after they miss their attack when you're laying down.
ChackanKun said:So now that lot's of people played it, is it a YEY or NAY?
ChackanKun said:So now that lot's of people played it, is it a YEY or NAY?
see5harp said:Not sure but I'm trying it out tonight if you wanna give it a shot.
Yey. 10/10. Beat it earlier this morning and its amazing.ChackanKun said:So now that lot's of people played it, is it a YEY or NAY?
FUCKING YEYChackanKun said:So now that lot's of people played it, is it a YEY or NAY?
ChackanKun said:So now that lot's of people played it, is it a YEY or NAY?
Diablos said:Man, whatever engine Blue Castle put together must not be very optimized. This isn't exactly Crysis-level graphics we're talking about here, even if maxed out. :lol
PSGames said:Just picked this up today and waiting for it to install at the moment. Question: do we get all the PP from our Case Zero saves? Or what exactly gets transferred?
ChackanKun said:So now that lot's of people played it, is it a YEY or NAY?
friskykillface said:kjsdkjdffjskkjsf i can rarely play Terror is Realityit either keeps disconnecting or not enough people join in to start.
I played 1 complete match out of 13 tries:/
also :lol wtf i need some help on this bossSullivan is a real bitch, am i suppose to fight him hand to hand? I tried throwing a flare at him and that worked once but i keep dying a lot, i might just go around him shooting blindly uncharted style :lol
this game gets a big YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY , really loving it, just need TIR to work more and it will be even better
After having lots of trouble I ended up killing him with a single lance from the medieval fast food place across the way. Stick & move!ezekial45 said:Antoine kicked my ass. I had to run away when all my weapons broke and i couldn't find anything to fight back with. I think i'm gonna have to let him go.
Does the survivor give you anything useful?
DR1 for me was a 7.5/10. It had some huge problems but it was so fun that I could keep playing. DR2 is easily a 9/10 imo. Definitely a yey!ChackanKun said:So now that lot's of people played it, is it a YEY or NAY?
elrechazao said:so i'm level 19 and I have 6.5 million dollars
3 gambling books + giant slot machine = win
ooh no, where is that?Conceited said:Did you play the $100,000 entry fee poker game yet?
elrechazao said:ooh no, where is that?
Ferrio said:Psychopath fights can go to hell. So fucking cheap.